3,339 research outputs found

    The excitation of near-infrared H2 emission in NGC 253

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    Because of its large angular size and proximity to the Milky Way, NGC 253, an archetypal starburst galaxy, provides an excellent laboratory to study the intricacies of this intense episode of star formation. We aim to characterize the excitation mechanisms driving the emission in NGC 253. Specifically we aim to distinguish between shock excitation and UV excitation as the dominant driving mechanism, using Br\gamma, H_2 and [FeII] as diagnostic emission line tracers. Using SINFONI observations, we create linemaps of Br\gamma, [FeII]_{1.64}, and all detected H_2 transitions. By using symmetry arguments of the gas and stellar gas velocity field, we find a kinematic center in agreement with previous determinations. The ratio of the 2-1 S(1) to 1-0 S(1) H_2 transitions can be used as a diagnostic to discriminate between shock and fluorescent excitation. Using the 1-0 S(1)/2-1 S(1) line ratio as well as several other H_2 line ratios and the morphological comparison between H_2 and Br\gamma and [FeII], we find that excitation from UV photons is the dominant excitation mechanisms throughout NGC 253. We employ a diagnostic energy level diagram to quantitatively differentiate between mechanisms. We compare the observed energy level diagrams to PDR and shock models and find that in most regions and over the galaxy as a whole, fluorescent excitation is the dominant mechanism exciting the H_2 gas. We also place an upper limit of the percentage of shock excited H_2 at 29%. We find that UV radiation is the dominant excitation mechanism for the H_2 emission. The H_2 emission does not correlate well with Br\gamma but closely traces the PAH emission, showing that not only is H_2 fluorescently excited, but it is predominately excited by slightly lower mass stars than O stars which excite Br\gamma, such as B stars

    Neutral carbon and CO in 76 (U)LIRGs and starburst galaxy centers A method to determine molecular gas properties in luminous galaxies

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    We present fluxes in both neutral carbon [CI] lines at the centers of 76 galaxies with FIR luminosities between 10^{9} and 10^{12} L(o) obtained with Herschel-SPIRE and with ground-based facilities, along with the J=7-6, J=4-3, J=2-1 12CO and J=2-1 13CO line fluxes. We investigate whether these lines can be used to characterize the molecular ISM of the parent galaxies in simple ways and how the molecular gas properties define the model results. In most starburst galaxies, the [CI]/13CO flux ratio is much higher than in Galactic star-forming regions, and it is correlated to the total FIR luminosity. The [CI](1-0)/CO(4-3), the [CI](2-1) (2-1)/CO(7-6), and the [CI] (2-1)/(1-0) flux ratios are also correlated, and trace the excitation of the molecular gas. In the most luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs), the ISM is fully dominated by dense and moderately warm gas clouds that appear to have low [C]/[CO] and [13CO]/[12CO] abundances. In less luminous galaxies, emission from gas clouds at lower densities becomes progressively more important, and a multiple-phase analysis is required to determine consistent physical characteristics. Neither the CO nor the [CI] velocity-integrated line fluxes are good predictors of H2 column densities in individual galaxies, and X(CI) conversion factors are not superior to X(CO) factors. The methods and diagnostic diagrams outlined in this paper also provide a new and relatively straightforward means of deriving the physical characteristics of molecular gas in high-redshift galaxies up to z=5, which are otherwise hard to determine

    On measuring the Tully-Fisher relation at z>1z > 1

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    The evolution of the line width - luminosity relation for spiral galaxies, the Tully-Fisher relation, strongly constrains galaxy formation and evolution models. At this moment, the kinematics of z>1 spiral galaxies can only be measured using rest frame optical emission lines associated with star formation, such as Halpha and [OIII]5007/4959 and [OII]3727. This method has intrinsic difficulties and uncertainties. Moreover, observations of these lines are challenging for present day telescopes and techniques. Here, we present an overview of the intrinsic and observational challenges and some ways way to circumvent them. We illustrate our results with the HST/NICMOS grism sample data of z ~ 1.5 starburst galaxies. The number of galaxies we can use in the final Tully-Fisher analysis is only three. We find a ~2 mag offset from the local rest frame B and R band Tully-Fisher relation for this sample. This offset is partially explained by sample selection effects and sample specifics. Uncertainties in inclination and extinction and the effects of star formation on the luminosity can be accounted for. The largest remaining uncertainty is the line width / rotation curve velocity measurement. We show that high resolution, excellent seeing integral field spectroscopy will improve the situation. However, we note that no flat rotation curves have been observed for galaxies with z>1. This could be due to the described instrumental and observational limitations, but it might also mean that galaxies at z>1 have not reached the organised motions of the present day.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, A&A accepte

    Molecular gas heating in Arp 299

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    Understanding the heating and cooling mechanisms in nearby (Ultra) luminous infrared galaxies can give us insight into the driving mechanisms in their more distant counterparts. Molecular emission lines play a crucial role in cooling excited gas, and recently, with Herschel Space Observatory we have been able to observe the rich molecular spectrum. CO is the most abundant and one of the brightest molecules in the Herschel wavelength range. CO transitions are observed with Herschel, and together, these lines trace the excitation of CO. We study Arp 299, a colliding galaxy group, with one component harboring an AGN and two more undergoing intense star formation. For Arp 299 A, we present PACS spectrometer observations of high-J CO lines up to J=20-19 and JCMT observations of 13^{13}CO and HCN to discern between UV heating and alternative heating mechanisms. There is an immediately noticeable difference in the spectra of Arp 299 A and Arp 299 B+C, with source A having brighter high-J CO transitions. This is reflected in their respective spectral energy line distributions. We find that photon-dominated regions (PDRs) are unlikely to heat all the gas since a very extreme PDR is necessary to fit the high-J CO lines. In addition, this extreme PDR does not fit the HCN observations, and the dust spectral energy distribution shows that there is not enough hot dust to match the amount expected from such an extreme PDR. Therefore, we determine that the high-J CO and HCN transitions are heated by an additional mechanism, namely cosmic ray heating, mechanical heating, or X-ray heating. We find that mechanical heating, in combination with UV heating, is the only mechanism that fits all molecular transitions. We also constrain the molecular gas mass of Arp 299 A to 3e9 Msun and find that we need 4% of the total heating to be mechanical heating, with the rest UV heating

    The Elusive Active Nucleus of NGC 4945

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    We present new HST NICMOS observations of NGC 4945, a starburst galaxy hosting a highly obscured active nucleus that is one of the brightest extragalactic sources at 100 keV. The HST data are complemented with ground based [FeII] line and mid--IR observations. A 100pc-scale starburst ring is detected in Pa alpha, while H_2 traces the walls of a super bubble opened by supernova-driven winds. The conically shaped cavity is particularly prominent in Pa alpha equivalent width and in the Pa alpha/H_2 ratio. Continuum images are heavily affected by dust extinction and the nucleus of the galaxy is located in a highly reddened region with an elongated, disk-like morphology. No manifestation of the active nucleus is found, neither a strong point source nor dilution in CO stellar features, which are expected tracers of AGN activity. Even if no AGN traces are detected in the near-IR, with the currently available data it is still not possible to establish whether the bolometric luminosity of the object is powered by the AGN or by the starburst: we demonstrate that the two scenarios constitute equally viable alternatives. However, the absence of any signature other than in the hard X-rays implies that, in both scenarios, the AGN is non-standard: if it dominates, it must be obscured in all directions, conversely, if the starburst dominates, the AGN must lack UV photons with respect to X-rays. An important conclusion is that powerful AGNs can be hidden even at mid-infrared wavelengths and, therefore, the nature of luminous dusty galaxies cannot be always characterized by long-wavelength data alone but must be complemented with sensitive hard X-ray observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, high quality color pictures available at http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~marconi/colpic.htm

    The spatial distribution of excited H_2 in T Tau: a molecular outflow in a young binary system

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    Strong extended emission from molecular hydrogen in the v = 1 → 0 S(l) transition is mapped around T Tau. In addition, the v = 2 → 1 S(l) line is detected close to the star. The ratio of the two transitions is consistent with an excitation process in which both fluorescence by stellar ultraviolet radiation and collisions in a warm, dense medium play a role. The morphology is interpreted as emission from a molecular outflow which appears to wiggle as a result of the fact that T Tau is a binary system seen almost pole-on. It is shown that an outflow with a small opening angle can reproduce the observed extended emission. From comparison with previous studies it is argued that the molecular outflow originates from T Tau S, the infrared component. The presented model constrains the orientation and geometry of the system

    Radiative and mechanical feedback into the molecular gas of NGC 253

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    Starburst galaxies are undergoing intense periods of star formation. Understanding the heating and cooling mechanisms in these galaxies can give us insight to the driving mechanisms that fuel the starburst. Molecular emission lines play a crucial role in the cooling of the excited gas. With SPIRE on the Herschel Space Observatory we have observed the rich molecular spectrum towards the central region of NGC 253. CO transitions from J=4-3 to 13-12 are observed and together with low-J line fluxes from ground based observations, these lines trace the excitation of CO. By studying the CO excitation ladder and comparing the intensities to models, we investigate whether the gas is excited by UV radiation, X-rays, cosmic rays, or turbulent heating. Comparing the 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO observations to large velocity gradient models and PDR models we find three main ISM phases. We estimate the density, temperature,and masses of these ISM phases. By adding 13^{13}CO, HCN, and HNC line intensities, we are able to constrain these degeneracies and determine the heating sources. The first ISM phase responsible for the low-J CO lines is excited by PDRs, but the second and third phases, responsible for the mid to high-J CO transitions, require an additional heating source. We find three possible combinations of models that can reproduce our observed molecular emission. Although we cannot determine which of these are preferable, we can conclude that mechanical heating is necessary to reproduce the observed molecular emission and cosmic ray heating is a negligible heating source. We then estimate the mass of each ISM phase; 6×1076\times 10^7 M⊙_\odot for phase 1 (low-J CO lines), 3×1073\times 10^7 M⊙_\odot for phase 2 (mid-J CO lines), and 9×1069\times 10^6 M⊙_\odot for phase 3 (high-J CO lines) for a total system mass of 1×1081\times10^{8} M⊙_\odot

    Carbon recombination lines in the Orion Bar

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    We have carried out VLA D-array observations of the C91alpha carbon recombination line as well as Effelsberg 100-m observations of the C65alpha line in a 5 arcmin square region centered between the Bar and the Trapezium stars in the Orion Nebula with spatial resolutions of 10 arcsec and 40 arcsec, respectively. The results show the ionized carbon in the PDR associated with the Orion Bar to be in a thin, clumpy layer sandwiched between the ionization front and the molecular gas. From the observed line widths we get an upper limit on the temperature in the C+ layer of 1500 K and from the line intensity a hydrogen density between 5 10^4 and 2.5 10^5 cm-3 for a homogeneous medium. The observed carbon level population is not consistent with predictions of hydrogenic recombination theory but could be explained by dielectronic recombination. The layer of ionized carbon seen in C91alpha is found to be essentially coincident with emission in the v=1-0 S(1) line of vibrationally excited molecular hydrogen. This is surprising in the light of current PDR models and some possible explanations of the discrepancy are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses aaspp4 and psfig, To Appear in ApJ Letters (accepted Jul. 24, 1997

    Uniqueness and Non-uniqueness in the Einstein Constraints

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    The conformal thin sandwich (CTS) equations are a set of four of the Einstein equations, which generalize the Laplace-Poisson equation of Newton's theory. We examine numerically solutions of the CTS equations describing perturbed Minkowski space, and find only one solution. However, we find {\em two} distinct solutions, one even containing a black hole, when the lapse is determined by a fifth elliptic equation through specification of the mean curvature. While the relationship of the two systems and their solutions is a fundamental property of general relativity, this fairly simple example of an elliptic system with non-unique solutions is also of broader interest.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; abstract and introduction rewritte
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