6 research outputs found

    Renoval Charge Technic Applied To A Bifacial Solar Cell Under Constant Magnetic Field

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    An n+-p-p+ bifacial solar cell under constant magnetic field is placed in a fast-switch-interrupted circuit and submitted to a constant multi-spectral illumination. The transient decay occurs between two steady states throughoperating points depending on two variable resistors; this allows us to obtain a transient decay at any operating point of the I-V curve of the solar cell, from the short circuit to the open one. The influence of magnetic field on the transient photocurrent has been studied using Matlab Simulink simulations.These simulations lead to an equivalent circuit of the bifacial cell in transient state assuming that the photocurrent is the diffused

    Influence d’une co-construction de rationnement amélioré sur les performances d’embouche ovine paysanne dans la commune rurale de Korsimoro au Burkina Faso

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    L’étude vise l’amélioration des performances d’embouche ovine dans la commune rurale de Korsimoro. Quatre vingt douze (92) béliers de 22 femmes et de 24 hommes de cette commune ont été étudiés. L’équipe de recherche a défini quatre (4) formules de ration sur la base d’un seul profil nutritionnel apportant 98 g MAD (matières azotées digestibles) et 0,80 UF/kg MS. Les producteurs ont analysé ces formules et ont porté leur choix sur celle composée de 15% de tourteau de coton, 6% de son de blé, 31% de graines de coton et 48% de gousses de Piliostigma reticulatum. Cette ration a été distribuée à deux lots d’animaux en comparaison avec les pratiques locales : lot1=aliment composé introduit+fourrages locaux et lot2=aliment composé introduit+fourrages locaux+bloc multinutritionnel. Les GMQ des animaux du lot 2 ont été significativement (P< 0,05) plus élevés que ceux des animaux du lot 1. La croissance des animaux soumis sous rationnement amélioré (75 g/j) a été très significativement (P< 0,01) plus élevée que celle enregistrée des pratiques paysannes (environ 46 g/j). Une marge bénéficiaire moyenne de 9 173 F CFA a été dégagée par ovin embouché. Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent la nécessité d’améliorer le dispositif organisationnel des emboucheurs.Mots clés : Embouche ovine, gain moyen quotidien, Burkina Faso, bloc multinutritionnel, plateforme d’innovation

    New approach of both junction and back surface recombination velocities in a 3D modelling study of a polycrystalline silicon solar cell

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    A 3D modelling is used to obtain the expression of excess minority carrier density in base region of a polycrystalline silicon solar cell. The concept of the junction recombination velocity Sf is used to quantify how excess carrier flow through the junction in actual operating conditions. The plot of the photocurrent density allowed study the influence of the grain boundary recombination velocity and grain size on both, the junction recombination velocity and on the back surface recombination velocity of an n+-p-p+ solar cell. This study pointed out the importance of the losses at the back side of solar cell. It's also show that the junction recombination velocity is more important for small grain size with large values of grain boundary recombination velocity

    Rôle et place de la chèvre dans les ménages du Sahel burkinabé

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    Role and Position of the Goat in Households of the Burkinabian Sahel. A formal household survey was carried out in Burkina Faso with 150 Sahelian farms in order to appreciate the role and the position of goat breeding in the life and the functioning of these family units. The results of the investigation show that the Burkinabe Sahelian stockbreeders first start usually by raising a goat, because of its high prolificacy, but with the view to acquire more or less rapidly other species of ruminants, in particular cattle. Although the generation of income of goat rearing remains low compared to other ruminants (bovine, ovine); their non-monetary role in poverty alleviation is highlighted. That is shown through the large proportion of the population (91% of the target-group) implied in goat breeding, the first position of goats in the non-commercial (social) transaction, and their position in terms of risk prevention against the climatic hazards for livestock farmers. Despite its critical role, the goat remains the least favored ruminant species in regarding health protection and food supplementation