24 research outputs found

    Adaptive QoS control of DSRC vehicle networks for collaborative vehicle safety applications.

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    Road traffic safety has been a subject of worldwide concern. Dedicated short range communications (DSRC) is widely regarded as a promising enabling technology for collaborative safety applications (CSA), which can provide robust communication and affordable performance to build large scale CSA system. The main focus of this thesis is to develop solutions for DSRC QoS control in order to provide robust QoS support for CSA. The first design objective is to ensure robust and reliable message delivery services for safety applications from the DSRC networks. As the spectrum resources allocated to DSRC network are expected to be shared by both safety and non-safety applications, the second design objective is to make QoS control schemes bandwidth-efficient in order to leave as much as possible bandwidth for non-safety applications. The first part of the thesis investigates QoS control in infrastructure based DSRC networks, where roadside access points (AP) are available to control QoS control at road intersections. After analyse DSRC network capabilities on QoS provisioning without congestion control, we propose a two-phases adaptive QoS control method for DSRC vehicle networks. In the first phase an offline simulation based approach is used to and out the best possible system configurations (e.g. message rate and transmit power) with given numbers of vehicles and QoS requirements. It is noted that with different utility functions the values of optimal parameters proposed by the two phases centralized QoS control scheme will be different. The conclusions obtained with the proposed scheme are dependent on the chosen utility functions. But the proposed two phases centralized QoS control scheme is general and is applicable to different utility functions. In the second phase, these configurations are used online by roadside AP adaptively according to dynamic traffic loads. The second part of the thesis is focused on distributed QoS control for DSRC networks. A framework of collaborative QoS control is proposed, following which we utilize the local channel busy time as the indicator of network congestion and adaptively adjust safety message rate by a modified additive increase and multiplicative decrease (AIMD) method in a distributed way. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed QoS control schemes

    Investigation of uncoordinated coexisting IEEE 802.15.4 networks with sleep mode for machine-to-machine communications

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    The low-energy consumption of IEEE 802.15.4 networks makes it a strong candidate for machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. As multiple M2M applications with 802.15.4 networks may be deployed closely and independently in residential or enterprise areas, supporting reliable and timely M2M communications can be a big challenge especially when potential hidden terminals appear. In this paper, we investigate two scenarios of 802.15.4 network-based M2M communication. An analytic model is proposed to understand the performance of uncoordinated coexisting 802.15.4 networks. Sleep mode operations of the networks are taken into account. Simulations verified the analytic model. It is observed that reducing sleep time and overlap ratio can increase the performance of M2M communications. When the networks are uncoordinated, reducing the overlap ratio can effectively improve the network performance

    A Resource Allocation Scheme for Packet Delay Minimization in Multi-Tier Cellular-Based IoT Networks

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    With advances in Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, billions of devices are becoming connected, which can result in the unprecedented sensing and control of the physical environments. IoT devices have diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements, including data rate, latency, reliability, and energy consumption. Meeting the diverse QoS requirements presents great challenges to existing fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks, especially in unprecedented scenarios in 5G networks, such as connected vehicle networks, where strict data packet latency may be required. The IoT devices with these scenarios have higher requirements on the packet latency in networking, which is essential to the utilization of 5G networks. In this paper, we propose a multi-tier cellular-based IoT network to address this challenge, with a particular focus on meeting application latency requirements. In the multi-tier network, access points (APs) can relay and forward packets from IoT devices or other APs, which can support higher data rates with multi-hops between IoT devices and cellular base stations. However, as multiple-hop relaying may cause additional delay, which is crucial to delay-sensitive applications, we develop new schemes to mitigate the adverse impact. Firstly, we design a traffic-prioritization scheduling scheme to classify packets with different priorities in each AP based on the age of information (AoI). Then, we design different channel-access protocols for the transmission of packets according to their priorities to ensure the QoS in networking and the effective utilization of the limited network resources. A queuing-theory-based theoretical model is proposed to analyze the packet delay for each type of packet at each tier of the multi-tier IoT networks. An optimal algorithm for the distribution of spectrum and power resources is developed to reduce the overall packet delay in a multi-tier way. The numerical results achieved in a two-tier cellular-based IoT network show that the target packet delay for delay-sensitive applications can be achieved without a large cost in terms of traffic fairness

    Adaptive message rate control of infrastructured DSRC vehicle networks for coexisting road safety and non-safety applications

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    Intelligent transport system (ITS) has large potentials on road safety applications as well as nonsafety applications. One of the big challenges for ITS is on the reliable and cost-effective vehicle communications due to the large quantity of vehicles, high mobility, and bursty traffic from the safety and non-safety applications. In this paper, we investigate the use of dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) for coexisting safety and non-safety applications over infrastructured vehicle networks. The main objective of this work is to improve the scalability of communications for vehicles networks, ensure QoS for safety applications, and leave as much as possible bandwidth for non-safety applications. A two-level adaptive control scheme is proposed to find appropriate message rate and control channel interval for safety applications. Simulation results demonstrated that this adaptive method outperforms the fixed control method under varying number of vehicles

    Multiple Beam Selection for Combing M2M Communication Networks and Cellular Networks with Limited Feedback

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    We study the scenario in which a large number of machine-type communication devices (MTCDs) communicate with each other by utilizing the help of the base station (BS) through some MTCD gateways. We consider an overlay mode of an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) based cellular system using orthogonal beamforming to provide broadband wireless access for the MTCD gateways. In order to avoid the interference with mobile users, the beamforming vectors to the MTCD gateways have to be orthogonal to the channel vectors of mobile users, which become a beamforming constraint for the MTCD gateways. However, with limited feedback of channel state information (CSI) at a BS, the orthogonal beamforming constraints may not be achieved. In such a practical case, conventional feedback schemes are feasible but not efficient due to the orthogonality constraints. In this paper, we propose a novel multiple beam selection (MBS) approach with limited feedback for MTCD gateways by taking into account the previous orthogonality constraints. Simulation results show that the performance improvement of the proposed approach over the conventional ones is generally about 10% when a BS is equipped with an array of 6 elements

    Optimization of User Service Rate with Image Compression in Edge Computing-Based Vehicular Networks

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    The prevalence of intelligent transportation systems in alleviating traffic congestion and reducing the number of traffic accidents has risen in recent years owing to the rapid advancement of information and communication technology (ICT). Nevertheless, the increase in Internet of Vehicles (IoV) users has led to massive data transmission, resulting in significant delays and network instability during vehicle operation due to limited bandwidth resources. This poses serious security risks to the traffic system and endangers the safety of IoV users. To alleviate the computational load on the core network and provide more timely, effective, and secure data services to proximate users, this paper proposes the deployment of edge servers utilizing edge computing technologies. The massive image data of users are processed using an image compression algorithm, revealing a positive correlation between the compression quality factor and the image’s spatial occupancy. A performance analysis model for the ADHOC MAC (ADHOC Medium Access Control) protocol is established, elucidating a positive correlation between the frame length and the number of service users, and a negative correlation between the service user rate and the compression quality factor. The optimal service user rate, within the constraints of compression that does not compromise detection accuracy, is determined by using the target detection result as a criterion for effective compression. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme satisfies the object detection accuracy requirements in the IoV context. It enables the number of successfully connected users to approach the total user count, and increases the service rate by up to 34%, thereby enhancing driving safety, stability, and efficiency

    A Preemptive-Resume Priority MAC Protocol for Efficient BSM Transmission in UAV-Assisted VANETs

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    With the development and popularization of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) have attracted extensive attention as a key technology. In order to achieve real-time monitoring, VANET technology enables vehicles to collect real-time traffic updates through information collection devices and transmit this information to Roadside Units (RSUs), which are processed and integrated by an information processing center. However, high vehicle density leads to a conflict between minimizing the interval for vehicles to send Basic Safety Messages (BSMs) to RSUs and the limited communication resources of VANETs. To address this issue, we propose a MAC protocol based on the 802.11 CSMA/CA mechanism with the Preemptive-Resume Priority scheme. The arbitration device provides preemptive service to data packets with higher priority levels, thereby reducing data transmission delay. Moreover, queuing theory is employed to calculate the total delay for vehicles to send BSMs to a drone receiver, minimizing the BSM transmission interval and achieving minimal delay to meet safety driving requirements. The effectiveness and superiority of this mechanism and algorithm are demonstrated through simulation experiments

    Theoretic analysis of IEEE 802.11 rate adaptation algorithm sampleRate

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