10 research outputs found

    Direct Observation of Beamed Raman Scattering

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    Appropriately designed surface plasmon nanostructures enable the emission patterns of surface-enhanced Raman scattering to be modified to facilitate efficient collection, an effect sometimes termed “beamed Raman scattering”. Here, we demonstrate the direct and unambiguous observation of this phenomenon by separating the Raman emission pattern from the luminescent background using energy momentum spectroscopy. We observe beamed Raman scattering from two types of optical antennas: the first are Yagi–Uda optical antennas, and the second are optical dimer antennas formed above a plasmonic substrate consisting of a gold film integrated with a one-dimensional array of gold stripes. For both antenna types, the emission patterns from different Raman lines are simultaneously measured. For the second antenna type, the emission patterns show signatures stemming from the bandstructure of the plasmonic substrate

    Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering with Ag Nanoparticles Optically Trapped by a Photonic Crystal Cavity

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    We demonstrate a reusable and reconfigurable surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) platform by optically trapping Ag nanoparticles with a photonic crystal cavity integrated with a microfluidic chip. High-performance SERS is performed in a very reproducible manner, owing to the fact that Ag aggregates are produced by optical trapping in a controllable process that is monitored in real-time by the cavity resonance shift that occurs with the trapping of each additional nanoparticle

    Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering with Ag Nanoparticles Optically Trapped by a Photonic Crystal Cavity

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    We demonstrate a reusable and reconfigurable surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) platform by optically trapping Ag nanoparticles with a photonic crystal cavity integrated with a microfluidic chip. High-performance SERS is performed in a very reproducible manner, owing to the fact that Ag aggregates are produced by optical trapping in a controllable process that is monitored in real-time by the cavity resonance shift that occurs with the trapping of each additional nanoparticle

    Directional Raman Scattering from Single Molecules in the Feed Gaps of Optical Antennas

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    Controlling light from single emitters is an overarching theme of nano-optics. Antennas are routinely used to modify the angular emission patterns of radio wave sources. “Optical antennas” translate these principles to visible and infrared wavelengths and have been recently used to modify fluorescence from single quantum dots and single molecules. Understanding the properties of single molecules, however, would be advanced were one able to observe their vibrational spectra through Raman scattering in a very reproducible manner but it is a hugely challenging task, as Raman scattering cross sections are very weak. Here we measure for the first time the highly directional emission patterns of Raman scattering from single molecules in the feed gaps of optical antennas fabricated on a chip. More than a thousand single molecule events are observed, revealing that an unprecedented near-unity fraction of optical antennas have single molecule sensitivity

    Generation of Perfect Electron Vortex Beam with a Customized Beam Size Independent of Orbital Angular Momentum

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    The electron vortex beam (EVB)-carrying quantized orbital angular momentum (OAM) plays an essential role in a series of fundamental research. However, the radius of the transverse intensity profile of a doughnut-shaped EVB strongly depends on the topological charge of the OAM, impeding its wide applications in electron microscopy. Inspired by the perfect vortex in optics, herein, we demonstrate a perfect electron vortex beam (PEVB), which completely unlocks the constraint between the beam size and the beam’s OAM. We design nanoscale holograms to generate PEVBs carrying different quanta of OAM but exhibiting almost the same beam size. Furthermore, we show that the beam size of the PEVB can be readily controlled by only modifying the design parameters of the hologram. The generation of PEVB with a customized beam size independent of the OAM can promote various in situ applications of free electrons carrying OAM in electron microscopy

    Si Microwire Solar Cells: Improved Efficiency with a Conformal SiO<sub>2</sub> Layer

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    Silicon microwire arrays have attracted considerable attention recently due to the opportunity they present as highly efficient and cost-effective solar cells. In this study, we report on efficient Si microwire array solar cells with areas of 1 cm<sup>2</sup> and Air Mass 1.5 Global conversion efficiencies of up to 10.6%. These solar cells show an open-circuit voltage of 0.56 V, a short-circuit current density of 25.2 mA/cm<sup>2</sup>, and a fill factor of 75.2%, with a silicon absorption region that is only 25 ÎĽm thick. In particular, the maximum overall efficiency of the champion device is improved from 8.71% to 10.6% by conformally coating the wires with a 200 nm thick SiO<sub>2</sub> layer. Optical measurements reveal that the layer reduces reflection significantly over the entire visible range

    Subradiant Dipolar Interactions in Plasmonic Nanoring Resonator Array for Integrated Label-Free Biosensing

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    With the development of advanced nanofabrication technologies over the past decade, plasmonic nanostructures have attracted wide attention for their potential in label-free biosensing applications. However, the sensing performance of nanostructured plasmonic sensors is primarily limited by the broad-line-width features with low peak-to-dip signal ratio in the extinction spectra that result from strong radiative damping. Here, we propose and systematically investigate the in-plane and out-of-plane dipolar interactions in an array of plasmonic nanoring resonators that are from the spatial combination of classic nanohole and nanodisk structures. Originating from the strong coupling of the dipolar modes from parent nanohole and nanodisk structures, the subradiant lattice plasmon resonance in the nanoring resonator array exhibits narrow-line width spectral features with high peak-to-dip signal ratio and strong near-field electromagnetic enhancement, making it an ideal platform for high-sensitivity chemical and biomedical sensing. We experimentally demonstrate that the plasmonic nanoring resonator array can be used for high-sensitivity refractive index sensing and real-time monitoring of biomolecular specific binding interactions at nanomolar concentration. Moreover, due to its simple normal incident illumination scheme and polarization independent optical response, we further transfer the plasmonic nanoring resonator array onto the optical fiber tip to demonstrate an integrated and miniaturized platform for label-free remote biosensing, which implies that the plasmonic nanoring resonator array may be a potential candidate for developing high performance and highly integrated photonic biosensing systems

    Robust Extraction of Hyperbolic Metamaterial Permittivity Using Total Internal Reflection Ellipsometry

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    Hyperbolic metamaterials are optical materials characterized by highly anisotropic effective permittivity tensor components having opposite signs along orthogonal directions. The techniques currently employed for characterizing the optical properties of hyperbolic metamaterials are limited in their capability for robust extraction of the complex permittivity tensor. Here we demonstrate how an ellipsometry technique based on total internal reflection can be leveraged to extract the permittivity of hyperbolic metamaterials with improved robustness and accuracy. By enhancing the interaction of light with the metamaterial stacks, improved ellipsometric sensitivity for subsequent permittivity extraction is obtained. The technique does not require any modification of the hyperbolic metamaterial sample or sophisticated ellipsometry setup and could therefore serve as a reliable and easy-to-adopt technique for characterization of a broad class of anisotropic metamaterials

    Three-dimensional, multi-wavelength beam formation with integrated metasurface optics for Sr laser cooling

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    We demonstrate the formation of a complex, multi-wavelength, three-dimensional laser beam configuration with integrated metasurface optics. Our experiments support the development of a compact Sr optical-lattice clock, which leverages magneto-optical trapping on atomic transitions at 461 nm and 689 nm without bulk free-space optics. We integrate six, mm-scale metasurface optics on a fused-silica substrate and illuminate them with light from optical fibers. The metasurface optics provide full control of beam pointing, divergence, and polarization to create the laser configuration for a magneto-optical trap. We report the efficiency and integration of the three-dimensional visible laser beam configuration, demonstrating the suitability of metasurface optics for atomic laser cooling