52 research outputs found

    GraspGPT: Leveraging Semantic Knowledge from a Large Language Model for Task-Oriented Grasping

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    Task-oriented grasping (TOG) refers to the problem of predicting grasps on an object that enable subsequent manipulation tasks. To model the complex relationships between objects, tasks, and grasps, existing methods incorporate semantic knowledge as priors into TOG pipelines. However, the existing semantic knowledge is typically constructed based on closed-world concept sets, restraining the generalization to novel concepts out of the pre-defined sets. To address this issue, we propose GraspGPT, a large language model (LLM) based TOG framework that leverages the open-end semantic knowledge from an LLM to achieve zero-shot generalization to novel concepts. We conduct experiments on Language Augmented TaskGrasp (LA-TaskGrasp) dataset and demonstrate that GraspGPT outperforms existing TOG methods on different held-out settings when generalizing to novel concepts out of the training set. The effectiveness of GraspGPT is further validated in real-robot experiments. Our code, data, appendix, and video are publicly available at https://sites.google.com/view/graspgpt/.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Cached Transformers: Improving Transformers with Differentiable Memory Cache

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    This work introduces a new Transformer model called Cached Transformer, which uses Gated Recurrent Cached (GRC) attention to extend the self-attention mechanism with a differentiable memory cache of tokens. GRC attention enables attending to both past and current tokens, increasing the receptive field of attention and allowing for exploring long-range dependencies. By utilizing a recurrent gating unit to continuously update the cache, our model achieves significant advancements in \textbf{six} language and vision tasks, including language modeling, machine translation, ListOPs, image classification, object detection, and instance segmentation. Furthermore, our approach surpasses previous memory-based techniques in tasks such as language modeling and displays the ability to be applied to a broader range of situations.Comment: AAAI 202

    A Roughness Study of Ytterbium-Doped Potassium Yttrium Tungstate (YB: KYW) Thin-Disk Femtosecond Ablated Dentin

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphological changes and quantitatively assess the roughness of dentin after the ablation with a Ytterbium-Doped Potassium Yttrium Tungstate (YB: KYW) thin-disk femtosecond pulsed laser of different fluences, scanning speeds and scanning distances.Method: Twelve extracted human premolars were sectioned into crowns and roots along the cementum-enamel junction, and then the crowns were cut longitudinally into sheets about 1.5 mm thick with a cutting machine. The dentin samples were fixed on a stage at focus plane. The laser beam was irradiated onto the samples through a galvanometric scanning system, so rectangular movement could be achieved. After ablation, the samples were examined with a scanning electron microscope and laser three-dimensional profile measurement microscope for morphology and roughness study.With increasing laser fluence, dentin samples exhibited more melting and resolidification of dentin as well as debris-like structure and occluded parts of dentinal tubules.Results: When at the scanning speed of 2400mm/s and scanning distance of 24μm, the surface roughness of dentin ablated with femtosecond pulsed laser decreased significantly and varied between values of dentin surface roughness grinded with two kinds of diamond burs with different grits. When at the scanning speed of 1200mm/s and scanning distance of 12μm, the surface roughness decreased slightly, and the surface roughness of dentin ablated with femtosecond pulsed laser was almost equal to that grinded with a low grit diamond bur.Conclusion: This study showed that increased laser influence may lead to more collateral damage and lower dentin surface roughness, while scanning speed and scanning distance were also negatively correlated with surface roughness. Adequate parameters should be chosen to achieve therapeutic benefits, and different parameters can result in diverse ablation results

    Not All Models Are Equal: Predicting Model Transferability in a Self-challenging Fisher Space

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    This paper addresses an important problem of ranking the pre-trained deep neural networks and screening the most transferable ones for downstream tasks. It is challenging because the ground-truth model ranking for each task can only be generated by fine-tuning the pre-trained models on the target dataset, which is brute-force and computationally expensive. Recent advanced methods proposed several lightweight transferability metrics to predict the fine-tuning results. However, these approaches only capture static representations but neglect the fine-tuning dynamics. To this end, this paper proposes a new transferability metric, called \textbf{S}elf-challenging \textbf{F}isher \textbf{D}iscriminant \textbf{A}nalysis (\textbf{SFDA}), which has many appealing benefits that existing works do not have. First, SFDA can embed the static features into a Fisher space and refine them for better separability between classes. Second, SFDA uses a self-challenging mechanism to encourage different pre-trained models to differentiate on hard examples. Third, SFDA can easily select multiple pre-trained models for the model ensemble. Extensive experiments on 3333 pre-trained models of 1111 downstream tasks show that SFDA is efficient, effective, and robust when measuring the transferability of pre-trained models. For instance, compared with the state-of-the-art method NLEEP, SFDA demonstrates an average of 59.159.1\% gain while bringing 22.522.5x speedup in wall-clock time. The code will be available at \url{https://github.com/TencentARC/SFDA}.Comment: ECCV 2022 camera ready. 24 pages, 11 tables, 5 figure

    Overexpression of ERBB-2 was more frequently detected in malignant than benign pheochromocytomas by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and immunohistochemistry

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    To analyze the genetic alterations of pheochromocytomas and evaluate the difference among malignant, extra-adrenal, and benign pheochromocytomas. Forty-three tumor samples were tested for genetic changes using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Among them, 39 samples were available for protein expression analysis by immunohistochemistry (IHC). All 43 patients (24 women and 19 men; mean age 44.6±13.6 years; range 18–75 years; 9 with malignant, 7 extra-adrenal, and 27 benign) showed multiple copy number losses or gains. The average copy number change was 13.10 in malignant, 13.93 in benign, and 13.47 in paraganglioma patients. There is no significant difference among the three groups of pheochromocytomas. However, we discovered that in the malignant pheochromocytomas, 6 of the 9 patients (67%) showed erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2 (ERBB-2) oncogene gain, whereas only 12 of the 34 (35%) identified change in the benign and extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas. Further, IHC confirmed that ERBB-2-positive staining was more frequent and stronger in malignant pheochromocytomas than in benign and extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas. Our study illustrates the chromosomal changes of the whole genome of Chinese pheochromocytoma patients. The results suggest that there may be certain progression of genetic events that involves chromosomes 1p, 3p, 6p, 11q, 12q, 17q, and 19q in the development of pheochromocytomas, and the activation of ERBB-2 located on chromosome 17q is an important and early event in the malignancy development of these tumor types. The overexpression of ERBB-2 identified by IHC suggested that this oncogene could be associated with the malignancy of pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas

    Analysis of the residual flux influence on inrush current and electromagnetic force in large power transformer

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    The power transformer is the major electrical equipment in the power system and should be able to resist the damage that caused by the abnormal conditions, like the influence of the inrush current and the electromagnetic force. However, the residual flux, which is the most common influence factor of the inrush, can result in large current magnitude. This paper is to analyse inrush current and the electromagnetic force that as the result of inrush current for the impact of the safe operation of the large power transformer. The research of the inrush current under various factors has practical significance. In order to study the electromechanical forces influenced by the residual flux, the inrush current was analysed by Jiles-Atherton (J-A) hysteresis model. During transient switching process, electromechanical forces under the different residual fluxes were calculated, using the finite-element method coupled to the external circuit. The studies presented in this paper would be used in the design of the power transformer and power network protection

    Low Expression of Mfn2 Is Associated with Mitochondrial Damage and Apoptosis of Ovarian Tissues in the Premature Ovarian Failure Model.

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    This study aimed to construct a working model for detecting the mitochondrial damage and expression of Mfn2. It furthermore explored the pathogenesis of premature ovarian failure (POF) induced by cisplatin.Forty young female mice were divided randomly into two groups. The first was the treatment group intraperitoneally administered cisplatin (1.5mg/kg). The untreated control group was likewise injected with physiological saline for 10 days. One month later, we observed the ovarian weight and morphological changes, particularly the development of follicles and concentration of sex hormones. Immunohistochemistry and western blotting were used to measure the two groups. We later evaluated ovarian cell apoptosis with TUNEL and analyzed Bcl-2 and Bax levels. We used transmission electron microscopy in order to observe the ultrastructure of ovarian cells. The phosphomolybdic acid colorimetric method was used to measure the ATP content in the ovarian tissue. Finally, the mitochondrial membrane potential of ovarian cells was detected with JC-1 dye.The cisplatin resulted in a decline of body weight, reduced ovarian weight significantly, and resulted in disorders of the extrous cycle. The follicles' number decreased within the tissue's stromal hyperplasia. Moreover, E2 levels were reduced, and elevated gonadotropin levels were observed. However, Mfn2 was present in the cell's cytoplasm in both groups. Nevertheless, the Mfn2 levels and the expression of Bcl-2 were significantly decreased (p<0.05), but the expression of Bax and the apoptosis index (AI) was increased. In addition, the ATP levels (35.2 ± 5.7 μmol/g) of the control group were significantly higher (13.5 ± 3.8 μmol/g). Lastly, an obvious impairment of mitochondrial function and structure was observed.The intreperitoneal injection of cisplatin, when administered for 10 days, establishes a POF model. Thus, the above results suggest that lower expression of Mfn2 may be involved in the mechanism of premature ovarian failure by affecting both the mitochondria's energy metabolism and its apoptosis. This decides the termination of the follicles' development

    Analysis of the Electromechanical Characteristics of Power Transformer under Different Residual Fluxes

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    When the electromagnetic transients occur in a power transformer, an inrush current is generated in its winding. The inrush current not only affects the performance of the transformer windings, but also affects the lifetime of the transformer. Many factors affect the inrush current, the most influential ones among which are the closing phase angle and the residual flux. In this paper, a dry-type transformer simulation model is built to analyze the influence of the inrush current on the performance of transformer windings during no-load reclosing conditions. Firstly, the inrush current was generated in the transformer windings during the no-load reclosing operation under different residual fluxes. Secondly, the field-circuit coupling 3d finite element method is used to analyze the electromagnetic force at different locations of the transformer windings under the influence of different inrush currents. The results of winding structural parameter variations are obtained through electromagnetic-structural coupling simulation, and the electromagnetic forces are used as the input parameter for the structural analysis. Finally, the residual flux is generated by controlling the opening and closing angle of the transformer through the phase-controlled switch, and the winding electromechanical characteristics are tested under different residual fluxes. Finally, comparisons of the test and simulation results are drawn to verify the impact of the closing angle and residual flux on inrush current and the winding deformation during the no-load reclosing conditions

    Analysis of the Electromechanical Characteristics of Power Transformer under Different Residual Fluxes

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    When the electromagnetic transients occur in a power transformer, an inrush current is generated in its winding. The inrush current not only affects the performance of the transformer windings, but also affects the lifetime of the transformer. Many factors affect the inrush current, the most influential ones among which are the closing phase angle and the residual flux. In this paper, a dry-type transformer simulation model is built to analyze the influence of the inrush current on the performance of transformer windings during no-load reclosing conditions. Firstly, the inrush current was generated in the transformer windings during the no-load reclosing operation under different residual fluxes. Secondly, the field-circuit coupling 3d finite element method is used to analyze the electromagnetic force at different locations of the transformer windings under the influence of different inrush currents. The results of winding structural parameter variations are obtained through electromagnetic-structural coupling simulation, and the electromagnetic forces are used as the input parameter for the structural analysis. Finally, the residual flux is generated by controlling the opening and closing angle of the transformer through the phase-controlled switch, and the winding electromechanical characteristics are tested under different residual fluxes. Finally, comparisons of the test and simulation results are drawn to verify the impact of the closing angle and residual flux on inrush current and the winding deformation during the no-load reclosing conditions

    Quantitative Assessment of Flow Regime Alteration Using a Revised Range of Variability Methods

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    The Ecological Limits of Hydrologic Alteration (ELOHA) framework, which can be used to determine and implement environmental flows at regional scales, requires accurate flow regime alteration assessment. The widely used range of variability approach (RVA) evaluates flow regime alteration by comparing the distribution of 32 Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA). However, the traditional RVA method is not comprehensive, because it neglects both the human-induced inner characteristics of one hydrological year (ICOHY) and the positional information of 32 IHA, which are the main factors behind ecosystem alteration. To address these limitations, we propose a revised RVA method that uses the Tanimoto similarity (TS) coefficient to reflect the ICOHY and a first-order connectivity index to reflect the IHA positional information. The yearly Tanimoto alteration (TA) index is measured using the revised RVA method, and the individual alteration (IA) values of each of 32 IHA are calculated using the traditional RVA method. Then, a new index, the overall degree of flow regime alteration (OA), is derived from the TA and IA values. The effectiveness of the revised RVA method is tested in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and the results suggest that the revised RVA ameliorates the limitations of the traditional RVA, and therefore, is preferable for use in the ELOHA framework