483 research outputs found

    Mathematical Properties of a New Levin-Type Sequence Transformation Introduced by \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek, Zamastil, and Sk\'{a}la. I. Algebraic Theory

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    \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek, Zamastil, and Sk\'{a}la [J. Math. Phys. \textbf{44}, 962 - 968 (2003)] introduced in connection with the summation of the divergent perturbation expansion of the hydrogen atom in an external magnetic field a new sequence transformation which uses as input data not only the elements of a sequence {sn}n=0\{s_n \}_{n=0}^{\infty} of partial sums, but also explicit estimates {ωn}n=0\{\omega_n \}_{n=0}^{\infty} for the truncation errors. The explicit incorporation of the information contained in the truncation error estimates makes this and related transformations potentially much more powerful than for instance Pad\'{e} approximants. Special cases of the new transformation are sequence transformations introduced by Levin [Int. J. Comput. Math. B \textbf{3}, 371 - 388 (1973)] and Weniger [Comput. Phys. Rep. \textbf{10}, 189 - 371 (1989), Sections 7 -9; Numer. Algor. \textbf{3}, 477 - 486 (1992)] and also a variant of Richardson extrapolation [Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London A \textbf{226}, 299 - 349 (1927)]. The algebraic theory of these transformations - explicit expressions, recurrence formulas, explicit expressions in the case of special remainder estimates, and asymptotic order estimates satisfied by rational approximants to power series - is formulated in terms of hitherto unknown mathematical properties of the new transformation introduced by \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek, Zamastil, and Sk\'{a}la. This leads to a considerable formal simplification and unification.Comment: 41 + ii pages, LaTeX2e, 0 figures. Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Resummation of QED Perturbation Series by Sequence Transformations and the Prediction of Perturbative Coefficients

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    We propose a method for the resummation of divergent perturbative expansions in quantum electrodynamics and related field theories. The method is based on a nonlinear sequence transformation and uses as input data only the numerical values of a finite number of perturbative coefficients. The results obtained in this way are for alternating series superior to those obtained using Padé approximants. The nonlinear sequence transformation fulfills an accuracy-through-order relation and can be used to predict perturbative coefficients. In many cases, these predictions are closer to available analytic results than predictions obtained using the Padé method

    Representation of a complex Green function on a real basis: I. General Theory

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    When the Hamiltonian of a system is represented by a finite matrix, constructed from a discrete basis, the matrix representation of the resolvent covers only one branch. We show how all branches can be specified by the phase of a complex unit of time. This permits the Hamiltonian matrix to be constructed on a real basis; the only duty of the basis is to span the dynamical region of space, without regard for the particular asymptotic boundary conditions that pertain to the problem of interest.Comment: about 40 pages with 5 eps-figure

    Lamm, Valluri, Jentschura and Weniger comment on "A Convergent Series for the QED Effective Action" by Cho and Pak [Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 86, pp. 1947-1950 (2001)]

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    Complete results were obtained by us in [Can. J. Phys. 71, 389 (1993)] for convergent series representations of both the real and the imaginary part of the QED effective action; these derivations were based on correct intermediate steps. In this comment, we argue that the physical significance of the "logarithmic correction term" found by Cho and Pak in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1947 (2001)] in comparison to the usual expression for the QED effective action remains to be demonstrated. Further information on related subjects can be found in Appendix A of hep-ph/0308223 and in hep-th/0210240.Comment: 1 page, RevTeX; only "meta-data" update

    Asymptotic Improvement of Resummation and Perturbative Predictions in Quantum Field Theory

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    The improvement of resummation algorithms for divergent perturbative expansions in quantum field theory by asymptotic information about perturbative coefficients is investigated. Various asymptotically optimized resummation prescriptions are considered. The improvement of perturbative predictions beyond the reexpansion of rational approximants is discussed.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, 3 tables; title shortened; typographical errors corrected; minor changes of style; 2 references adde

    On the instantaneous Bethe-Salpeter equation

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    We present a systematic algebraic and numerical investigation of the instantaneous Bethe-Salpeter equation. Emphasis is placed on confining interaction kernels of the Lorentz scalar, time component vector, and full vector types. We explore stability of the solutions and Regge behavior for each of these interactions, and conclude that only time component vector confinement leads to normal Regge structure and stable solutions.Comment: Latex (uses epsf macro), 26 pages of text, 12 postscript figures included

    Converting a series in \lambda to a series in \lambda^{-1}

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    We introduce a transformation for converting a series in a parameter, \lambda, to a series in the inverse of the parameter \lambda^{-1}. By applying the transform on simple examples, it becomes apparent that there exist relations between convergent and divergent series, and also between large- and small-coupling expansions. The method is also applied to the divergent series expansion of Euler-Heisenberg-Schwinger result for the one-loop effective action for constant background magnetic (or electric) field. The transform may help us gain some insight about the nature of both divergent (Borel or non-Borel summable series) and convergent series and their relationship, and how both could be used for analytical and numerical calculations.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, 3 figures; Typos corrected. To appear in Journal of Physics A: Math and Ge

    Calculation of the Electron Self Energy for Low Nuclear Charge

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    We present a nonperturbative numerical evaluation of the one-photon electron self energy for hydrogenlike ions with low nuclear charge numbers Z=1 to 5. Our calculation for the 1S state has a numerical uncertainty of 0.8 Hz for hydrogen and 13 Hz for singly-ionized helium. Resummation and convergence acceleration techniques that reduce the computer time by about three orders of magnitude were employed in the calculation. The numerical results are compared to results based on known terms in the expansion of the self energy in powers of (Z alpha).Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, 2 figure

    Decay constants of P and D-wave heavy-light mesons

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    We investigate decay constants of P and D-wave heavy-light mesons within the mock-meson approach. Numerical estimates are obtained using the relativistic quark model. We also comment on recent calculations of heavy-light pseudo-scalar and vector decay constants.Comment: REVTeX, 22 pages, uses epsf macro, 8 postscript figures include