1,883 research outputs found
Influence of Enhanced Bioretention Media and Tropical Shrub on Nutrient Removal for Urban Runoff In Mixed Development Area
Input nutrien daripada aliran air bandar terutamanya nitrogen (N) dan fosforus (P),
merupakan masalah utama dalam perlindungan ekosistem akuatik. Kajian makmal ini
bertujuan menyiasat penambahbaikan sistem bioretention untuk mengetahui prestasi
dan mengoptimumkan komposisi bahan tambahan dalam media bioretention bagi
menyingkirkan nutrien, dan menyiasat potensi fitopemulihan Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
(bunga raya) dalam sistem bioretention melalui kajian tanah dan tumbuhan. Kajian ini
dijalankan dalam dua peringkat. Pada Peringkat 1, kajian dilakukan dengan
mengubahsuai media bioretention dengan 10% (mengikut isi padu) bahan tambahan
dari pelbagai bahan-bahan buangan (kulit kerang, akhbar, kertas bercetak, sabut
kelapa, dan remah tayar) dan ditanam dengan Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Hasilnya, media
yang diubahsuai dengan hirisan akhbar (NP) menunjukkan jumlah penyingkiran
pepejal terampai (TSS) tertinggi (98.4%), berbanding dengan media bioretention
standard (STD, 85.4%), dan menunjukkan peningkatan yang ketara dalam
penyingkiran jumlah nitrogen (TN, 80.4%), berbanding dengan STD (57.5%) apabila
disiram dengan air larian sebenar. Medium yang diubahsuai dengan hancuran kulit
kerang (CS) menunjukkan jumlah penyingkiran fosforus (TP) yang paling tinggi
(93.3%), berbanding dengan STD (84.8%), dan media ini juga menunjukkan
pertumbuhan pokok yang lebih baik, berbanding dengan media lain. Oleh itu, NP dan
CS telah dipilih untuk kajian di Peringkat 2, dan tiga jenis komposisi media (komposit
jenis media A, B dan C, CS sebagai lapisan atas dan NP sebagai lapisan bawah, dengan
kedalaman yang berbeza) telah direka. Hasilnya, media komposit mencatatkan
penyingkiran TSS, TN dan TP sehingga 99.4%, 87.6% dan 96.8%, menandakan
bahawa CS dengan ketebalan minimum 300mm dari lapisan atas tanah menggalakkan
pertumbuhan pokok dan NP dengan ketebalan minimum 300mm dari lapisan bawah
tanah menyediakan zon anaerobik (dibentuk oleh poket mikro daripada akhbar) untuk
denitrifikasi. Pengiraan Indeks Kualiti Air (WQI) menunjukkan bahawa media
komposit meningkatkan kualiti air dari Kelas V ke Kelas II, dan kekonduksian
hidraulik untuk semua jenis media berada dalam julat yang disyorkan. Kajian ke atas
pokok menunjukkan bahawa sistem akar yang tebal dan kadar pertumbuhan pesat
pokok renek tropika terbukti memberikan sumbangan terhadap penyingkiran TN, dan
kandungan tinggi TN dalam daun boleh disingkirkan daripada sistem dengan
pencantasan semasa penyelenggaraan. Dua persamaan linear regresi telah diperoleh
bagi menggambarkan hubungan antara penyingkiran jisim nitrogen (NMR),
pengurangan kepekatan nutrien, kadar pertumbuhan pokok dan penggunaan bahan
tambahan. Kesimpulannya, berdasarkan kajian ini, kulit kerang dan akhbar berpotensi
menjadi bahan tambahan, dan Hibiscus rosa-sinensis disyorkan untuk meningkatkan
sistem bioretention dalam rawatan air larian, terutamanya air larian yang kaya dengan
nutrien dari kawasan pembangunan bercampur.
Nutrient input from urban runoff, especially nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), are
primary concern for the protection of aquatic ecosystems. This laboratory study
investigated the enhanced bioretention system with the objectives to investigate and
optimize the performance of additives in bioretention media for nutrient removal, and
to elucidate the phytoremediation potential of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in bioretention
system through soil and plant study. The study was conducted in two stages. In stage
1 test, bioretention media was enhanced with 10% (by volume) additives from various
waste materials (cockle shell, newspaper, printed paper, coconut husk and tyre crumb)
and planted with Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. It was found that the media enhanced with
shredded newspaper (NP) performed the best in total suspended solids (TSS) removal
(98.4%), as compared to standard bioretention media (STD) (85.4%), and
demonstrated a significant improvement in total nitrogen (TN) removal (80.4%), as
compared to STD (57.5%), when dosed with actual runoff. Media enhanced with
crushed cockle shell (CS) showed the highest total phosphorus (TP) removal (93.3%),
as compared to STD (84.8%), and reflected better plant growth among the media.
Therefore, NP and CS were shortlisted for stage 2 experiment, and three types of media
compositions (composite media type A, B and C, with different depth of CS on top
and NP at bottom) were designed. As a result, composite media recorded TSS, TN and
TP removal up to 99.4%, 87.6% and 96.8% respectively, which indicated that CS with
minimum thickness of 300mm from the top of soil promotes better plant growth and
NP with minimum thickness of 300mm from bottom of soil could provide anoxic zone
(created by micro pockets formed by newspaper) for denitrification. Water Quality
Index (WQI) calculation showed that composite media improved the water quality
from Class V to Class II, and the hydraulic conductivity of all types of media fell within
recommended range of various bioretention manuals. Study on plant indicated that the
thick root system and rapid growth rate of the tropical shrub was proven contributed
to TN removal, and high TN content in leaves could be removed from the system by
pruning during maintenance. Two linear regression equations were derived to describe
the relationship between nitrogen mass removal (NMR), and nutrient concentration
reduction, plant growth and use of additives. This study concluded that cockle shell
and shredded newspaper can be potential additives and Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is
recommended to enhance bioretention system in treating
Combined Field Integral Equation Based Theory of Characteristic Mode
Conventional electric field integral equation based theory is susceptible to
the spurious internal resonance problem when the characteristic modes of closed
perfectly conducting objects are computed iteratively. In this paper, we
present a combined field integral equation based theory to remove the
difficulty of internal resonances in characteristic mode analysis. The electric
and magnetic field integral operators are shown to share a common set of
non-trivial characteristic pairs (values and modes), leading to a generalized
eigenvalue problem which is immune to the internal resonance corruption.
Numerical results are presented to validate the proposed formulation. This work
may offer efficient solutions to characteristic mode analysis which involves
electrically large closed surfaces
Computers in the Examining Room: Evaluating the Social Impact on Practice Patterns
This paper uses social network analysis to examine the impacts on practice patterns of the introduction of CompuHx, an Interactive Health Appraisal System (IHAPS), used in the examining roomat Kaiser Permanente\u27s San Diego Department of Preventive Medicine. The system is used to record patient information, assist in diagnosis, and provide a summary of findings. Twenty-two physician assistants and nurse practitioners responded to detailed surveys after the system was implemented. Findings indicate practitioners who used the computer system interacted more frequently with the other physician assistants and nurse practitioners, with physicians, and with individuals in other departments. Overall,the study points to the value of using network analysis to investigate the impact of computer technology on individuals\u27 attitudes and behaviors
Spatial inequalities in Malaysia’s non-revenue water rates issues, challenges and management strategies
In Malaysia, high non-revenue water (NRW) rate is amongst the country’s top water
issues. NRW rates of all states in the country vary greatly, with the rates ranging from 18.2 to 62.4 per
cent. This huge spatial variation is due to variations in management efficiency of the water operator,
amount of funding for NRW reduction programme and level of public awareness. This paper aims to
examine the effect of the spatial inequality on NRW management in Malaysia’s states by comparing
NRW rates between states with different area sizes. The study is mainly based on literature review
and secondary data. The results show that states with smaller surface areas recorded lower NRW rates
but the smallest state was found to record the highest NRW rate. Factors such as service’s coverage
area, population density, water supply network density, dispersal of the city area, and location of the
water users, and type of water users also have significant impacts on NRW management. For
example, high water supply network density, poor water resources availability and high demand in
Penang have forced the state’s water operator to increase its efficiency in NRW management. In
contrast, low water demand, low population density, and less commercial area in Perlis are found to
be the reasons of high NRW rate in the state. In conclusion, spatial factors can impact NRW as
smaller states can better manage NRW due to the smaller water service areas covered. However,
states cannot use size of service area and spatial variations as excuses for high NRW as the study
found that adequate funding, proper planning, effective management, efficient service, and proactive
strategies of water operator are more important factors that can have significant impacts on the NRW
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