54 research outputs found

    Characterization of geolocation accuracy of Suomi NPP Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder measurements

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    The Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) onboard Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite has 22 channels at frequencies ranging from 23 to 183 GHz for probing the atmospheric temperature and moisture under all weather conditions. As part of the ATMS calibration and validation activities, the geolocation accuracy of ATMS data must be well characterized and documented. In this study, the coastline crossing method (CCM) and the land-sea fraction method (LFM) are utilized to characterize and quantify the ATMS geolocation accuracy. The CCM is based on the inflection points of the ATMS window channel measurements across the coastlines, whereas the LFM collocates the ATMS window channel data with high-resolution land-sea mask data sets. Since the ATMS measurements provide five pairs of latitude and longitude data for K, Ka, V, W, and G bands, respectively, the window channels 1, 2, 3, 16, and 17 from each of these five bands are chosen for assessing the overall geolocation accuracy. ATMS geolocation errors estimated from both methods are generally consistent from 40 cases in June 2014. The ATMS along-Track (cross-Track) errors at nadir are within ±4.2 km (±1.2 km) for K/Ka, ±2.6 km (±2.7 km) for V bands, and ±1.2 km (±0.6 km) at W and G bands, respectively. At the W band, the geolocation errors derived from both algorithms are probably less reliable due to a reduced contrast of brightness temperatures in coastal areas. These estimated ATMS along-Track and cross-Track geolocation errors are well within the uncertainty requirements for all bands. © 2016. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Early On-Orbit Performance of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Onboard the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) Satellite

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    The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is one of the key environmental remote-sensing instruments onboard the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership spacecraft, which was successfully launched on October 28, 2011 from the Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Following a series of spacecraft and sensor activation operations, the VIIRS nadir door was opened on November 21, 2011. The first VIIRS image acquired signifies a new generation of operational moderate resolution-imaging capabilities following the legacy of the advanced very high-resolution radiometer series on NOAA satellites and Terra and Aqua Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer for NASA's Earth Observing system. VIIRS provides significant enhancements to the operational environmental monitoring and numerical weather forecasting, with 22 imaging and radiometric bands covering wavelengths from 0.41 to 12.5 microns, providing the sensor data records for 23 environmental data records including aerosol, cloud properties, fire, albedo, snow and ice, vegetation, sea surface temperature, ocean color, and nigh-time visible-light-related applications. Preliminary results from the on-orbit verification in the postlaunch check-out and intensive calibration and validation have shown that VIIRS is performing well and producing high-quality images. This paper provides an overview of the onorbit performance of VIIRS, the calibration/validation (cal/val) activities and methodologies used. It presents an assessment of the sensor initial on-orbit calibration and performance based on the efforts from the VIIRS-SDR team. Known anomalies, issues, and future calibration efforts, including the long-term monitoring, and intercalibration are also discussed

    A Spectral Data Compression (SDCOMP) Radiative Transfer Model for High-Spectral-Resolution Radiation Simulations

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    With the increasing use of satellite and ground-based high-spectral-resolution (HSR) measurements for weather and climate applications, accurate and efficient radiative transfer (RT) models have become essential for accurate atmospheric retrievals, for instrument calibration, and to provide benchmark RT solutions. This study develops a spectral data compression (SDCOMP) RT model to simulate HSR radiances in both solar and infrared spectral regions. The SDCOMP approach “compresses” the spectral data in the optical property and radiance domains, utilizing principal component analysis (PCA) twice to alleviate the computational burden. First, an optical-property-based PCA is performed for a given atmospheric scenario (atmospheric, trace gas, and aerosol profiles) to simulate relatively low-spectral-resolution radiances at a small number of representative wavelengths. Second, by using precalculated principal components from an accurate radiance dataset computed for a large number of atmospheric scenarios, a radiance-based PCA is carried out to extend the low-spectral-resolution results to desired HSR results at all wavelengths. This procedure ensures both that individual monochromatic RT calculations are efficiently performed and that the number of such computations is optimized. SDCOMP is approximately three orders of magnitude faster than numerically exact RT calculations. The resulting monochromatic radiance has relative errors less than 0.2% in the solar region and brightness temperature differences less than 0.1 K for over 95% of the cases in the infrared region. The efficiency and accuracy of SDCOMP not only make it useful for analysis of HSR measurements, but also hint at the potential for utilizing this model to perform RT simulations in mesoscale numerical weather and general circulation models

    Increasing vertical resolution in US models to improve track forecasts of Hurricane Joaquin with HWRF as an example

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    The atmosphere−ocean coupled Hurricane Weather Research and Forecast model (HWRF) developed at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) is used as an example to illustrate the impact of model vertical resolution on track forecasts of tropical cyclones. A number of HWRF forecasting experiments were carried out at different vertical resolutions for Hurricane Joaquin, which occurred from September 27 to October 8, 2015, in the Atlantic Basin. The results show that the track prediction for Hurricane Joaquin is much more accurate with higher vertical resolution. The positive impacts of higher vertical resolution on hurricane track forecasts suggest that National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/NCEP should upgrade both HWRF and the Global Forecast System to have more vertical levels

    Operational Calibration Support to NPP/JPSS Program

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    Since the launch of the TIROS-N satellite on October 13, 1978, NOAA has been leading for operational calibration of the instruments on board the polar-orbiting satellites. An enterprise approach has been proposed and developed since the launch of NOAA-15 satellite in 1998. Prior to each new NOAA launch, prelaunch TVAC data is analyzed for our independent assessments on key instrument performance. During the intensive calval period, a high quality level-1b radiance data are delivered for applications at NOAA and other centrals. The state-of-the art calibration algorithms are developed, tested and implemented for operation, including lunar calibration and correction models, correction for instrument sudden jumps, simultaneous nadir over-passing (SNO) for cross-calibration, and double difference using forward model and deep convective clouds (DCC), etc. NOAA scientists has been working closely with the international community through WMO GSICS and CEOS Working Group CalVal (WGCV) and developing the best practices for instrument calibration. These operational calibration components are now further enhanced for NPP and JPSS missions. This presentation will be focusing on NOAA operational calibration support for NPP/JPSS instruments (e.g. CrIS, VIIRS, ATMS and OMPS) and long-term monitoring systems for trending the instrument performance and characterizing the instrument biases with respect to other operational sensors and NWP simulations

    Assessments of F16 Special Sensor Microwave Imager and Sounder Antenna Temperatures at Lower Atmospheric Sounding Channels

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    The main reflector of the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) aboard the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F-16 satellite emits variable radiation, and the SSMIS warm calibration load is intruded by direct and indirect solar radiation. These contamination sources produce antenna brightness temperature anomalies of around 2 K at SSMIS sounding channels which are obviously inappropriate for assimilation into numerical weather prediction models and remote sensing retrievals of atmospheric and surface parameters. In this study, antenna brightness temperature anomalies at several lower atmospheric sounding (LAS) channels are assessed, and the algorithm is developed for corrections of these antenna temperature anomalies. When compared against radiative transfer model simulations and simultaneous observations from AMSU-A aboard NOAA-16, the SSMIS antenna temperatures at 52.8, 53.6, 54.4, 55.5, 57.3, and 59.4 GHz after the anomaly correction exhibit small residual errors (<0.5 K). After such SSMIS antenna temperatures are applied to the National Center for Environmental Prediction Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model, more satellite data is used and the analysis field of the geopotential height is significantly improved throughout troposphere and lower stratosphere. Therefore, the SSMIS antenna temperatures after the anomaly correction have demonstrated their potentials in NWP models

    A Comparison of Information Content at Microwave to Millimeter Wave Bands for Atmospheric Sounding

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    The brightness temperatures and their Jacobians with respect to atmospheric temperature and humidity at the microwave to millimeter wave spectral bands from 23 GHz to 424 GHz are simulated with the ECMWF IFS-137 profiles as inputs to the Advanced Radiative transfer Modeling System (ARMS). The information content of temperature and humidity is then calculated individually through the Shannon entropy which is contributed by a-priori background information and observations. For a typical set of measurement uncertainties, a high information content for atmospheric temperature is mainly obtained from V band near 50–70 GHz, whereas that for water vapor comes from G band near 183 GHz and Y1 band near 380 GHz. The channels within the G band have a large temperature information content mainly for lower and middle layers of troposphere and the Y1 band has a relatively large humidity information content for the entire troposphere. A large measurement uncertainty can significantly reduce the information content of each band. Thus, to make a best use of the data from each band, it is important to reduce the instrument calibration noise and increase the accuracy in forward radiative transfer simulation

    Intercomparison of Resampling Algorithms for Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS)

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    The observations from satellite microwave-sounding instruments have been widely used in weather and climate studies. Since the data resolution varies with frequency and satellite viewing angle, it is normally required that the measurements at each frequency be resampled to obtain a uniform resolution prior to various applications. In this study, the ATOVS and AVHRR pre-processing package (AAPP) Fourier transform algorithm is modified for ATMS data and the results are compared with those derived from Backus–Gilbert inversion (BGI) and the original AAPP. From the simulated and observed ATMS data, we demonstrated the new algorithm has better results in terms of imaging quality and noise suppression, compared with BGI and AAPP. In general, our modified AAPP algorithm reduces the error by at least about 0.5 K in ATMS channels 2 and 6 and at all the viewing angles

    Validation of ATMS Calibration Accuracy Using Suomi NPP Pitch Maneuver Observations

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    The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite was launched on 28 October, 2011, and carries the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) onboard. Currently, ATMS performance in orbit is very stable and the calibration parameters (e.g., noise and accuracy) meet specifications. This study documents an ATMS calibration error budget model and its results for community reference. The calibration accuracy is also verified with the ATMS pitch maneuver observations of cold space. It is shown that the ATMS pitch maneuver cold space observations at center positions are inconsistent with the values predicted by the instrument calibration error budget model. The biases also depend on scan angle. This scan-angle dependence may be caused by the ATMS plane reflector emission. Thus, a physical model is developed to simulate the radiation emitted from the reflector and is recommended as part of ATMS radiance calibration to further improve the sensor data record (SDR) data quality
