890 research outputs found

    Perceptions of the Mission of the Church as Outlined by Teachers in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in the Solomon Islands Mission

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    This chapter reports on how teachers employed in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in the Solomon Islands understand the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It explores the analysis of responses to both the open-ended question “If I were asked, ‘What is the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church?’ I would say:” as well as to a question where participants were asked to rank the importance of activities the church could be doing as part of its mission. The responses were focussed largely on proclaiming the gospel and leading people to Christ. Limited consideration was given to the ongoing process of discipleship

    The Nineteenth-Century Context of the Seventh-day Adventist Health Message

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    The health message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is often considered in isolation from the nineteenth century trends and events in which it arose. However, an understanding of this context is vital to any discussion of the relationship between Seventh-day Adventists health practices and science. This paper thus examines the social, political, religious and medical milieu of that time. It focuses particularly on the considerable overlap between religion and health which increased the receptivity of the individuals to the articulation of health principles by a religious organization

    Perceptions of the Mission of the Church Outlined by Teachers in North American Seventh-day Adventist Schools

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    This chapter reports the results of two questions related to the mission of the church which were contained in a survey administered to educators employed by Seventh-day Adventist Schools in North America. The first was an open ended question asking participants to put their understanding of the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in their own words. The second question asked participants to rate the importance of statements describing various things the church could be doing. Together, the answers to these questions provide important information on the priorities of the church through the eyes of educators

    Perceptions of the Mission of the Church Outlined by Teachers in Australian Seventh-day Adventist Schools

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    This chapter explores the understanding of the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church held by teachers employed in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in Australia. It utilizes data collected as part of a worldwide research project examining the perceptions held by Employees of Seventh-day Adventist institutions of their relationship to the mission of the church. The focus of this chapter is the analysis of responses by Australian teachers to the open-ended question “If I were asked, ‘What is the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church?’ I would say:” as well as to a question where participants were asked to rank the importance of activities that the church could be doing as part of its mission

    Should Ordination Be Considered a Sacrament in the Seventh-day Adventist Church? An Evaluation in the Light of the Biblical Data

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    While Catholic theology places importance on the sacramental nature of ordination, Protestants have generally rejected the idea. This paper examines whether a biblical case can be made for ordination to be considered a sacrament. It notes that for ordination to be a sacrament it must have obvious symbolism, convey grace, be instituted by Christ, and convey a mark or seal that distinguishes between laity and clergy. The paper concludes that while laying on of hands is clearly symbolic, there is no other biblical evidence to support ordination as a sacrament

    Beliefs about Personal Salvation held by Teachers in North American Seventh-day Adventist Schools

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    This chapter reports the responses of teachers employed in Seventh-day Adventist schools in North America to questions which probe their understanding of salvation. Their responses reveal a range of different views with respect to salvation and the role of the law. These findings are in keeping with the variety influences which have shaped the doctrine of salvation in the Seventh-day Adventist Church

    Unity in the Writings of Ellen G. White

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    This chapter explores the topic of church unity through the eyes of Seventh-day Adventist co-founder and prophet, Ellen G. White. It notes the high degree of importance she placed on the pursuit of church unity before reviewing her understanding of the nature of church unity and the causes of disunity within the church. It then outlines the ways in which Ellen White understood church unity could be attained. The chapter concludes with implications for the pursuit of unity within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the twenty first century

    Beliefs about Personal Salvation held by Primary and Secondary Teachers in North American Seventh-day Adventist Schools

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    Adventist human subjects research association. This presentation reports the responses of teachers from the North American Division to questions regarding their understanding of salvation. The responses reveal a diverse understanding of salvation in keeping with the variety influences which have shaped this doctrine in the Seventh-day Adventist Church

    Beliefs about Personal Salvation Held by Teachers in Adventist Schools in Australia and the Solomon Islands

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    This chapter reports the responses of teachers employed in Seventh-day Adventist schools in Australia and the Solomon Islands to questions that probe their understanding of salvation. While most respondents agree that they are saved at the moment they accept Jesus, there is evidence of a variety of views in relation to questions about the role of the law and obedience and the assurance of salvation. This variation is not unexpected given the disagreements about salvation that have emerged throughout the Seventh-day Adventist Church\u27s history. However, such variation could lead to students receiving confusing messages about salvation. A comparison of the responses from teachers in Australia and the Solomon Islands also reveals a markedly different spread of answers to questions on these topics

    A Comparison of the Perceptions of the Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Teachers in Adventist Schools in North America, Australia, and the Solomon Islands.

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    This presentation reports the responses of teachers from the North American Division, Australia and the Solomon Islands to questions which explore their understanding of the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Their responses show some interesting variations in emphasis and highlight areas for further education