13 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: Table S2. of Bidirectional transcription initiation marks accessible chromatin and is not specific to enhancers

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    Counts of bidirectionally and unidirectionally transcribed DHSs defined as 250 bp around the midpoint across different chromatin state regions and gene annotations (mRNA/miRNA/lincRNA) as measured by CAGE across cell types and subcellular fractions. (DOC 343 kb

    Additional file 4: Table S3. of Bidirectional transcription initiation marks accessible chromatin and is not specific to enhancers

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    Number of chromatin state loci and bidirectionally transcribed-defined enhancers whose measure of stable transcription initiation and accessible chromatin is significantly correlated with transcription from putative annotated gene promoter targets as measured by either transcription initiation from the maximally expressed TSS (single TSS) or the sum of all annotated promoters (summed TSSs) associated with that gene. (DOC 51 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Bidirectional transcription initiation marks accessible chromatin and is not specific to enhancers

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    Counts of bidirectionally and unidirectionally transcribed DHSs defined as 250 bp around the midpoint across different chromatin state regions and gene annotations (mRNA/miRNA/lincRNA) as measured by GRO-cap, GRO-seq, and PRO-seq in K562 and, where available, Gm12878 cells. (DOC 88 kb

    The derivation of questions.

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    All scripts and data are available at doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7289133. (PDF)</p

    The survey contents, demographics, and fieldwork.

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    All scripts and data are available at doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7289133. (PDF)</p

    Correlations between attitudinal scores and the 12 knowledge questions.

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    All scripts and data are available at doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7289133. (XLSX)</p

    Replication of all results when knowledge is defined by 10 biology questions and subjective understanding is defined by the 4 genetic questions.

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    All scripts and data are available at doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7289133. In this instance, consult zip archive S_results_2.zip. (PDF)</p

    Hartigan and Hartigan dip tests on scientific knowledge scores for those most sceptical on various measures.

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    For Trust, Hype, and GM, these are class −2. For vaccine, it is those who will not have it. All scripts and data are available at doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7289133. (PDF)</p

    Binucleated RS cells form by failure of abscission.

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    <p>Time lapse video imaging of KMH2 cells undergoing cell division. Shown are selected DIC still images. Time is in hours:minutes:seconds. Time zero is anaphase in A,B,D,E and timepoint after nuclear envelope breakdown in C. <b>A.</b> 88% of the cells divide successfully giving rise to two daughter cells. <b>B.</b> 3.2% of the cells seem to complete cell division but maintain an intercellular bridge connecting the two cells (white arrow) that later broadens up leading to the formation of binucleated cells. <b>C.</b> 8% of cells undergo apoptotic death during mitosis. <b>D.</b> < 1% of sister cells appear to fuse but actually remain separate, as the cells round up separately for the following mitosis. <b>E.</b> Small mononucleated cell undergoing cell division and failing cytokinesis after completing furrow ingression. The two daughter cells are still connected by the midbody (white arrows), when the furrow regresses. Black arrow points at chromosomal bridges during anaphase. Size bar is 10 μm.</p