2,603 research outputs found

    Broad-band chopper for a CW proton linac at Fermilab

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    Requirements and technical limitations to the bunch-by-bunch chopper for the Fermilab Project X are discussed.Comment: 3 pp. Particle Accelerator, 24th Conference (PAC'11) 2011. 28 Mar - 1 Apr 2011. New York, US

    Observation of Instabilities of Coherent Transverse Ocillations in the Fermilab Booster

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    The Fermilab Booster - built more than 40 years ago - operates well above the design proton beam intensity of 4x10**12 ppp. Still, the Fermilab neutrino experiments call for even higher intensity of 5.5x10**12 ppp. A multitude of intensity related effects must be overcome in order to meet this goal including suppression of coherent dipole instabilities of transverse oscillations which manifest themselves as a sudden drop in the beam current. In this report we present the results of observation of these instabilities at different tune, coupling and chromaticity settings and discuss possible cures.Comment: 3 pp. 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2012) 20-25 May 2012, New Orleans, Louisian

    Initial beam-profiling tests with the NML prototype station at the Fermilab A0 Photoinjector

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    The beam-profile diagnostics station prototype for the superconducting rf electron linac being constructed at Fermilab at the New Muon Lab has been tested. The station uses intercepting radiation converter screens for the low-power beam mode: either a 100-\mu m thick YAG:Ce single crystal scintillator or a 1-\mu m thin Al optical transition radiation (OTR) foil. The screens are oriented with the surface perpendicular to the beam direction. A downstream mirror with its surface at 45 degrees to the beam direction is used to direct the radiation into the optical transport. The optical system has better than 20 (10) \mu m rms spatial resolution when covering a vertical field of view of 18 (5) mm. The initial tests were performed at the A0 Photoinjector at a beam energy of ~15 MeV and with micropulse charges from 25 to 500 pC for beam sizes of 45 to 250 microns. Example results will be presented.Comment: 3 pp. Particle Accelerator, 24th Conference (PAC'11) 2011. 28 Mar - 1 Apr 2011. New York, US

    Resonance ionization spectroscopy of thorium isotopes - towards a laser spectroscopic identification of the low-lying 7.6 eV isomer of Th-229

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    In-source resonance ionization spectroscopy was used to identify an efficient and selective three step excitation/ionization scheme of thorium, suitable for titanium:sapphire (Ti:sa) lasers. The measurements were carried out in preparation of laser spectroscopic investigations for an identification of the low-lying Th-229m isomer predicted at 7.6 +- 0.5 eV above the nuclear ground state. Using a sample of Th-232, a multitude of optical transitions leading to over 20 previously unknown intermediate states of even parity as well as numerous high-lying odd parity auto-ionizing states were identified. Level energies were determined with an accuracy of 0.06 cm-1 for intermediate and 0.15 cm-1 for auto-ionizing states. Using different excitation pathways an assignment of total angular momenta for several energy levels was possible. One particularly efficient ionization scheme of thorium, exhibiting saturation in all three optical transitions, was studied in detail. For all three levels in this scheme, the isotope shifts of the isotopes Th-228, Th-229, and Th-230 relative to Th-232 were measured. An overall efficiency including ionization, transport and detection of 0.6 was determined, which was predominantly limited by the transmission of the mass spectrometer ion optics

    LHC Abort Gap Cleaning with the Transverse Damper

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    In the Large Hadron Collider, LHC, particles not captured by the RF system at injection or leaking out of the RF bucket may quench the superconducting magnets during beam abort. The problem, common to other superconducting machines, is particularly serious for the LHC due to the very large stored energy in the beam. For the LHC a way of removing the unbunched beam has been studied and it uses the existing damper kickers to excite resonantly the particles travelling along the abort gap. In this paper we describe the results of simulations performed with MAD X for various LHC optics configurations, including the estimated multipolar errors

    Optimal 57Co Flood Source Activity and Acquisition Time for Lymphoscintigraphy Localization Images

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    Martha V. Mar, Renee L. Dickinson, William D. Erwin, Richard E. Wendt. Optimal 57Co Flood Source Activity and Acquisition Time for Lymphoscintigraphy Localization Images. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology Jun 2008, 36 (2) 82-87; DOI: 10.2967/jnmt.107.047043https://openworks.mdanderson.org/mdacc_imgphys_pubs/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Caracterização genética de populações naturais de Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.

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    Ilex paraguariensis, popularmente conhecida como erva-mate, é uma espécie de grande importância econômica, social e cultural para a região Sul do Brasil. Devido à composição química das folhas, possui diversas aplicações industriais, destacando-se a produção de bebidas. A despeito da sua expressão socioeconômica, existe pouca informação sobre a biologia e a variabilidade genética das populações naturais. Estes conhecimentos são essenciais aos programas de melhoramento e de conservação dos recursos genéticos. Marcadores bioquímicos (isoenzimas) são amplamente utilizados nos estudos da genética de populações florestais, pois oferecem diversas vantagens, destacando-se a expressão codominante, que permite distinguir genótipos homozigotos de heterozigotos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar, geneticamente, populações naturais de I. paraguariensis, utilizando marcadores isoenzimáticos. Três populações naturais (Quatro Barras-PR, Jaguariaíva-PR e Barão de Cotegipe-RS) foram analisadas, utilizando sete locos gênicos: GOT-A, PGI-B, NDH-A, NDH-B, 6-PGDH-A, 6-PGDH-B e G-6PDH. Observaramse 65% dos locos polimórficos, com média de 2,00 alelos por loco e 2,54 alelos por loco polimórfico. A média da heterozigosidade esperada foi de 0,359 e a observada foi de 0,210. As populações de Quatro Barras e Jaguariaíva apresentaram maior similaridade genética, enquanto que Barão de Cotegipe foi a mais divergente.Seção: Conservação, Melhoramento e Multiplicação. Feira do Agronegócio da Erva-mate, 1., 2003, Chapecó. Integrar para promover o agronegócio da erva-mate