28 research outputs found

    The formal shift operator on the Yangian double

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    Let g\mathfrak{g} be a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra with associated Yangian YgY_\hbar\mathfrak{g} and Yangian double DYg\mathrm{D}Y_\hbar\mathfrak{g}. An elementary result of fundamental importance to the theory of Yangians is that, for each cCc\in \mathbb{C}, there is an automorphism τc\tau_c of YgY_\hbar\mathfrak{g} corresponding to the translation tt+ct\mapsto t+c of the complex plane. Replacing cc by a formal parameter zz yields the so-called formal shift homomorphism τz\tau_z from YgY_\hbar\mathfrak{g} to the polynomial algebra Yg[z]Y_\hbar\mathfrak{g}[z]. We prove that τz\tau_z uniquely extends to an algebra homomorphism Φz\Phi_z from the Yangian double DYg\mathrm{D}Y_\hbar\mathfrak{g} into the \hbar-adic closure of the algebra of Laurent series in z1z^{-1} with coefficients in the Yangian YgY_\hbar\mathfrak{g}. This induces, via evaluation at any point cC×c\in \mathbb{C}^\times, a homomorphism from DYg\mathrm{D}Y_\hbar\mathfrak{g} into the completion of the Yangian with respect to its grading. We show that each such homomorphism gives rise to an isomorphism between completions of DYg\mathrm{D}Y_\hbar\mathfrak{g} and YgY_\hbar\mathfrak{g} and, as a corollary, we find that the Yangian YgY_\hbar\mathfrak{g} can be realized as a degeneration of the Yangian double DYg\mathrm{D}Y_\hbar\mathfrak{g}. Using these results, we obtain a Poincar\'{e}-Birkhoff-Witt theorem for DYg\mathrm{D}Y_\hbar\mathfrak{g} applicable when g\mathfrak{g} is of finite type or of simply-laced affine type.Comment: 40 page

    Vertex Representations for Yangians of Kac-Moody algebras

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    30 pagesUsing vertex operators, we build representations of the Yangian of a simply laced Kac-Moody algebra and of its double. As a corollary, we prove the PBW property for simply laced affine Yangians.Peer reviewe

    Poles of finite-dimensional representations of Yangians

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    Let g\mathfrak{g} be a finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra over C\mathbb{C}, and let Y(g)Y_{\hbar}(\mathfrak{g}) be the Yangian of g\mathfrak{g}. In this paper, we initiate the study of the set of poles of the rational currents defining the action of Y(g)Y_{\hbar}(\mathfrak{g}) on an arbitrary finite-dimensional vector space VV. We prove that this set is completely determined by the eigenvalues of the commuting Cartan currents of Y(g)Y_{\hbar}(\mathfrak{g}), and therefore encodes the singularities of the components of the qq-character of VV. We obtain sufficient conditions for a tensor product of finite-dimensional irreducible representations to be cyclic and irreducible, in terms of these sets of poles. Furthermore, we show that these sets are precisely the zeros of the Yangian analogue of the Baxter polynomials defined by Frenkel and Hernandez. For an irreducible representation, we obtain a concrete description of its sets of poles, in terms of the zeroes of the underlying Drinfeld polynomials and the inverse of the qq-Cartan matrix of g\mathfrak{g}. In particular, our results yield a complete classification of the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of the Yangian double.Comment: 61 pages. Significantly revised version. Updates include: modified introduction; relation with Baxter polynomials; proof of the Conjecture (for simply-laced types) from the previous version, valid for any type; relation with denominator formulae; and more references to the literatur

    The R-matrix of the affine Yangian

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    Let g be an affine Lie algebra with associated Yangian Y_hg. We prove the existence of two meromorphic R-matrices associated to any pair of representations of Y_hg in the category O. They are related by a unitary constraint and constructed as products of the form R(s)=R^+(s)R^0(s)R^-(s), where R^+(s) = R^-_{21}(-s)^{-1}. The factor R^0(s) is a meromorphic, abelian R-matrix, with a WKB-type singularity in h, and R^-(s) is a rational twist. Our proof relies on two novel ingredients. The first is an irregular, abelian, additive difference equation whose difference operator is given in terms of the q-Cartan matrix of g. The regularization of this difference equation gives rise to R^0(s) as the exponentials of the two canonical fundamental solutions. The second key ingredient is a higher order analogue of the adjoint action of the affine Cartan subalgebra of g on Y_hg. This action has no classical counterpart, and produces a system of linear equations from which R^-(s) is recovered as the unique solution. Moreover, we show that both operators give rise to the same rational R-matrix on the tensor product of any two highest-weight representations.Comment: 57 pages. 5 figure

    Representations of twisted Yangians of types B, C, D: II

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    We continue the study of finite-dimensional irreducible representations of twisted Yangians associated to symmetric pairs of types B, C and D, with focus on those of types BI, CII and DI. After establishing that, for all twisted Yangians of these types, the highest weight of such a module necessarily satisfies a certain set of relations, we classify the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of twisted Yangians for the pairs (soN,soN2so2)(\mathfrak{so}_N,\mathfrak{so}_{N-2} \oplus \mathfrak{so}_2) and (so2n+1,so2n)(\mathfrak{so}_{2n+1},\mathfrak{so}_{2n})

    Twisted Yangians of small rank

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    We study quantized enveloping algebras called twisted Yangians associated with the symmetric pairs of types CI, BDI, and DIII (in Cartan’s classification) when the rank is small. We establish isomorphisms between these twisted Yangians and the well known Olshanskii’s twisted Yangians of types AI and AII, and also with the Molev-Ragoucy reflection algebras associated with symmetric pairs of type AIII. We also construct isomorphisms with twisted Yangians in Drinfeld’s original presentation

    Representations of twisted Yangians of types B, C, D: I

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    We initiate a theory of highest weight representations for twisted Yangians of types B, C, D and we classify the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of twisted Yangians associated to symmetric pairs of types CI, DIII and BCD0