5,768 research outputs found

    Combined resistance to Bacterial Wilt and Fusarium Wilt in common bean Genotypes derived from a segregating population.

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    Bacterial wilt (C. flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens - Cff) and Fusarium wilt (F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli - Fop) present similar symptoms derived from the obstruction of xylem vessels. A mapping population obtained by crossing Ouro Branco (resistant) x CNFP 10132 (susceptible), contrasting for bacterial wilt was evaluated for both diseases

    The culture collection of Phytopathogenic Microorganisms: An important source of information to common bean research.

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    The objective of this study was to group the various data relating to the collection of cultures of pathogenic beans of microorganisms, aiming to emphasize its complexity and importance to the development of disease-resistant plants

    Symmetry-surfing the moduli space of Kummer K3s.

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    A maximal subgroup of the Mathieu group M24 arises as the combined holomorphic symplectic automorphism group of all Kummer surfaces whose Kaehler class is induced from the underlying complex torus. As a subgroup of M24, this group is the stabilizer group of an octad in the Golay code. To meaningfully combine the symmetry groups of distinct Kummer surfaces, we introduce the concepts of Niemeier markings and overarching maps between pairs of Kummer surfaces. The latter induce a prescription for symmetry-surfing the moduli space, while the former can be seen as a first step towards constructing a vertex algebra that governs the elliptic genus of K3 in an M24-compatible fashion. We thus argue that a geometric approach from K3 to Mathieu Moonshine may bear fruit.Comment: 20 pages; minor changes; accepted for publication in the Proceedings Volume of String-Math 201

    Local RBF approximation for scattered data fitting with bivariate splines

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    In this paper we continue our earlier research [4] aimed at developing effcient methods of local approximation suitable for the first stage of a spline based two-stage scattered data fitting algorithm. As an improvement to the pure polynomial local approximation method used in [5], a hybrid polynomial/radial basis scheme was considered in [4], where the local knot locations for the RBF terms were selected using a greedy knot insertion algorithm. In this paper standard radial local approximations based on interpolation or least squares are considered and a faster procedure is used for knot selection, signicantly reducing the computational cost of the method. Error analysis of the method and numerical results illustrating its performance are given

    Agronomical performance of common bean inoculated with new rhizobial isolates.

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    This work aimed to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of rhizobia isolates under field conditions in two sites: Guapó and Santo Antônio de Goiás, by comparison of their results with the commercial strains SEMIA 4077, 4080 and SEMIA SEMIA 4088 of Rhizobium tropici

    Desempenho do feijoeiro comum em primeira safra e severidade de doenças em sistema agroecológico no Cerrado Goiano.

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar a produção de massa seca e quantidade de N produzidas por plantas de cobertura do solo, bem como seus efeitos, e de sistemas de manejo do solo, sobre a severidade de doenças e desempenho agronômico da cultura do feijoeiro comum de primeira safra

    Beavers, Castor canadensis, Feeding on Salmon Carcasses: Opportunistic Use of a Seasonally Superabundant Food Source

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    We report observations of Beavers (Castor canadensis) foraging and feeding on discarded Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) carcasses within the confines of the Susitna River drainage in southcentral Alaska on three separate occasions between 1999 and 2004. In all three instances, Beavers were observed actively seeking out freshly discarded carcasses or transporting “fresh” salmon carcasses in their mouths. In one instance, Beavers were seen using their dextrous forefeet to “handle” chunks of salmon while hunched over carcasses and in this case we actually witnessed Beavers “chewing” and ingestion was assumed. In the other two instances, Beavers were observed swimming with salmon carcasses in their mouths. Though unique within the framework of Beaver foraging ecology, we suggest this behavior may be a fairly common strategy employed by Beavers in Alaskan streams and rivers to take advantage of a seasonally superabundant source of protein

    Reação de acessos de feijoeiro comum, coletados no litoral médio e sul do Rio Grande do Sul, ao crestamento bacteriano comum, murcha-de-curtobacterium e antracnose.

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    Acessos de feijoeiro comum, oriundos de coleta realizada no litoral médio e sul do Rio Grande do Sul, foram testados para reação ao crestamento bacteriano comum, murcha-de-curtobacterium e para três patótipos de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Nenhum acesso teve reação de resistência ao crestamento bacteriano comum e à murcha-de-curtobacterium. Seis acessos tiveram reação de resistência conjunta aos patótipos de C. lindemuthianum

    Obtenção de famílias com resistência conjunta ao crestamento bacteriano comum e à murcha-de-curtobacterium.

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    Utilizando como genitores doadores linhagens e acessos de feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris) com resistência ao crestamento bacteriano comum e à murcha-de-curtobacterium, e como genitores recorrentes linhagens elites foram realizados retrocruzamentos com o objetivo de obter famílias com resistência conjunta aos dois patógenos