160 research outputs found

    Seaweed as food – Attitudes and preferences among Swedish consumers. A pilot study

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    The demand for vegetarian food is increasing and seaweeds are promising raw materials with interesting nutritional and sensory profiles. The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes and preferences of Swedish consumers regarding seaweed as food and study differences and similarities between different consumer groups. Data from 120 adult consumers showed an overall positive attitude. More young men than women preferred seaweeds in snack products and fast food. Products containing seaweed should preferably be bought in a food store and eaten at home or in a restaurant. The most popular serving alternatives were in snacks, bread and dishes

    Adolescents’ attitudes, preferences and perceived behaviours regarding healthy eating and whole grains from a gender and health interest perspective

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    Background: A healthy diet is important not only for the growth and development of the human body but also for the prevention of chronic diseases. However, most Swedish adolescents do not follow dietary recommen-dations, especially the intake of whole grain is very low. To create targeted conditions for healthy food choices amongst adolescents, comprehensive knowledge of factors related to adolescents’ unhealthy and healthy eating is needed. Objective: To investigate adolescents’ attitudes, preferences and perceived behaviours regarding healthy eating, with a specific focus on whole grains and to evaluate differences between genders and between adolescents with higher versus lower health interest. Design: A total of 1,178 Swedish adolescents responded to a questionnaire about their attitudes, preferences and perceived behabviours towards healthy eating and whole grains, and their general interest in nutrition and health. Results of girls and boys were compared, as well as adolescents with a higher versus lower health interest. Results: Displays information about healthy eating among adolescents and a comprehensive set of factors that may affect their ability to eat healthier. Overall, adolescents had a positive attitude towards food and health, but less than half felt that they managed to eat healthy. The consumption of different whole grain products was low, although the willingness to eat healthier and more whole grain was high. The most reported barrier to healthy eating, as well as increasing whole grain intake, was the unavailability of tasty healthy products, taste being even more important for adolescents with a low health interest than those with a high interest. Whole grain consumption and factors increasing the willingness of whole grain consumption were most prominent not only in adolescents with high health interest but also in girls compared with boys. Conclusion: The results show good potential to improve dietary habits amongst adolescents. Taste and avail-ability of healthy products were rated the most important, whilst knowledge about the products’ healthiness was rated the least important, especially amongst those with low health interest. By focusing on the attitudes and preferences of adolescents, the effectiveness may increase of initiatives to improve their dietary habits

    Andreev bound states and π\pi -junction transition in a superconductor / quantum-dot / superconductor system

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    We study Andreev bound states and π\pi -junction transition in a superconductor / quantum-dot / superconductor (S-QD-S) system by Green function method. We derive an equation to describe the Andreev bound states in S-QD-S system, and provide a unified understanding of the π\pi -junction transition caused by three different mechanisms: (1) {\it Zeeman splitting.} For QD with two spin levels EE_{\uparrow} and EE_{\downarrow}, we find that the surface of the Josephson current I(ϕ=π2)I(\phi =\frac \pi 2) vs the configuration of (E,E)(E_{\uparrow},E_{\downarrow}) exhibits interesting profile: a sharp peak around E=E=0E_{\uparrow}=E_{\downarrow}=0; a positive ridge in the region of EE>0E_{\uparrow}\cdot E_{\downarrow}>0; and a {\em % negative}, flat, shallow plain in the region of EE<0E_{\uparrow}\cdot E_{\downarrow}<0. (2){\it \ Intra-dot interaction.} We deal with the intra-dot Coulomb interaction by Hartree-Fock approximation, and find that the system behaves as a π\pi -junction when QD becomes a magnetic dot due to the interaction. The conditions for π\pi -junction transition are also discussed. (3) {\it \ Non-equilibrium distribution.} We replace the Fermi distribution f(ω)f(\omega) by a non-equilibrium one 12[f(ωVc)+f(ω+Vc)]\frac 12[ f(\omega -V_c)+f(\omega +V_c)] , and allow Zeeman splitting in QD where % E_{\uparrow}=-E_{\downarrow}=h. The curves of I(ϕ=π2)I(\phi =\frac \pi 2) vs % V_c show the novel effect of interplay of non-equilibrium distribution with magnetization in QD.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, Late

    Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in mesoscopic ballistic multiterminal SNS junctions

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    We present a detailed study of nonequilibrium Josephson currents and conductance in ballistic multiterminal SNS-devices. Nonequilibrium is created by means of quasiparticle injection from a normal reservoir connected to the normal part of the junction. By applying a voltage at the normal reservoir the Josephson current can be suppressed or the direction of the current can be reversed. For a junction longer than the thermal length, LξTL\gg\xi_T, the nonequilibrium current increases linearly with applied voltage, saturating at a value equal to the equilibrium current of a short junction. The conductance exhibits a finite bias anomaly around eVvF/LeV \sim \hbar v_F/L. For symmetric injection, the conductance oscillates 2π2\pi-periodically with the phase difference ϕ\phi between the superconductors, with position of the minimum (ϕ=0\phi=0 or π\pi) dependent on applied voltage and temperature. For asymmetric injection, both the nonequilibrium Josephson current and the conductance becomes π\pi-periodic in phase difference. Inclusion of barriers at the NS-interfaces gives rise to a resonant behavior of the total Josephson current with respect to junction length with a period λF\sim \lambda_F. Both three and four terminal junctions are studied.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Interqubit coupling mediated by a high-excitation-energy quantum object

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    We consider a system composed of two qubits and a high-excitation-energy quantum object used to mediate coupling between the qubits. We treat the entire system quantum mechanically and analyze the properties of the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the total Hamiltonian. After reproducing well-known results concerning the leading term in the mediated coupling, we obtain an expression for the residual coupling between the qubits in the off state. We also analyze the entanglement between the three objects, i.e. the two qubits and the coupler, in the eigenstates of the total Hamiltonian. Although we focus on the application of our results to the recently realized parametric-coupling scheme with two qubits, we also discuss extensions of our results to harmonic-oscillator couplers, couplers that are near resonance with the qubits and multi-qubit systems. In particular, we find that certain errors that are absent for a two-qubit system arise when dealing with multi-qubit systems.Comment: 15 pages (two-column

    Excess Noise in Biased Superconducting Weak Links

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    Non-equilibrium excess noise of a short quasi one-dimensional constriction between two superconductors is considered. A general expression for the current-current correlation function valid for arbitrary temperatures and bias voltages is derived. This formalism is applied to a current-carrying quantum channel with perfect transparency. Contrary to a transparent channel separating two normal conductors, a weak link between two superconductors exhibits a finite level of noise. The source of noise is fractional Andreev scattering of quasiparticles with energies E|E| greater than the half-width Δ\Delta of the superconducting gap. For high bias voltages, VΔ/eV \gg \Delta /e, the relation between the zero-frequency limit of the noise spectrum, S(0)S(0), and the excess current IexcI_{\text{exc}} reads S(0)=(1/5)eIexcS(0)=(1/5)|e|I_{\text{exc}}. As Δ0\Delta \rightarrow 0 both the excess noise and the excess current vanish linearly in Δ\Delta, %Δ\propto \Delta, their ratio being constant.Comment: 8 pages (Latex), 1 figur

    Static flux bias of a flux qubit using persistent current trapping

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    Qubits based on the magnetic flux degree of freedom require a flux bias, whose stability and precision strongly affect the qubit performance, up to a point of forbidding the qubit operation. Moreover, in the perspective of multiqubit systems, it must be possible to flux-bias each qubit independently, hence avoiding the traditional use of externally generated magnetic fields in favour of on-chip techniques that minimize cross-couplings. The solution discussed in this paper exploits a persistent current, trapped in a superconducting circuit integrated on chip that can be inductively coupled with an individual qubit. The circuit does not make use of resistive elements that can be detrimental for the qubit coherence. The trapping procedure allows to control and change stepwise the amount of stored current; after that, the circuit can be completely disconnected from the external sources. We show in a practical case how this works and how to drive the bias circuit at the required value.Comment: 5 figures submitted to Superconductor Science and Technolog

    Post-harvest cultivation with seafood process waters improves protein levels of Ulva fenestrata while retaining important food sensory attributes

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    Seaweed aquaculture can provide the growing human population with a sustainable source of proteins. Sea-based cultivation is an effective method for farming seaweeds on a large scale and can yield high biomass output. However, the quality and biochemical composition of the biomass is seasonally dependent, which limits the harvests to certain periods of the year. Here we show the possibility to extend the sea-based cultivation season of Ulva fenestrata when aiming for high protein levels, by post-harvest treatment in herring production process waters. We harvested U. fenestrata at an optimal period in terms of yield, but suboptimal in terms of protein content. We then cultivated the seaweed in onshore tank systems with the nutrient-rich process waters for 14 days. We monitored biomass yield, crude protein content, amino acid composition, and content of the health concerning metals arsenic, mercury, lead, and cadmium, as well as the sensory properties of the dried biomass. After cultivation in the process waters, biomass yields were 30 - 40% higher (210 – 230 g fresh weight) compared to in seawater (160 g fresh weight). Also, the crude protein and amino acid content increased three to five times in the process waters, reaching 12 - 17 and 15 – 21% dry weight, respectively. The protein enriched biomass followed food graded standards for heavy metal content, and consumption of the biomass does not exceed health based reference points. Additionally, no sensory attributes regarded as negative were found. This rapid, post-harvest treatment can help extend the cultivation season of sea-based seaweed farms, maximizing their output of sustainable proteins

    Multilevel effects in the Rabi oscillations of a Josephson phase qubit

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    We present Rabi oscillation measurements of a Nb/AlOx/Nb dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) phase qubit with a 100 um^2 area junction acquired over a range of microwave drive power and frequency detuning. Given the slightly anharmonic level structure of the device, several excited states play an important role in the qubit dynamics, particularly at high power. To investigate the effects of these levels, multiphoton Rabi oscillations were monitored by measuring the tunneling escape rate of the device to the voltage state, which is particularly sensitive to excited state population. We compare the observed oscillation frequencies with a simplified model constructed from the full phase qubit Hamiltonian and also compare time-dependent escape rate measurements with a more complete density-matrix simulation. Good quantitative agreement is found between the data and simulations, allowing us to identify a shift in resonance (analogous to the ac Stark effect), a suppression of the Rabi frequency, and leakage to the higher excited states.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; minor corrections, updated reference