48 research outputs found

    Combustion Process in a Spark Ignition Engine: Dynamics and Noise Level Estimation

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    We analyse the experimental time series of internal pressure in a four cylinder spark ignition engine. In our experiment, performed for different spark advance angles, apart from usual cyclic changes of engine pressure we observed oscillations. These oscillations are with longer time scales ranging from one to several hundred engine cycles depending on engine working conditions. Basing on the pressure time dependence we have calculated the heat released per cycle. Using the time series of heat release to calculate the correlation coarse-grained entropy we estimated the noise level for internal combustion process. Our results show that for a smaller spark advance angle the system is more deterministic.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, submitted to CHAO

    Estimation of a Noise Level Using Coarse-Grained Entropy of Experimental Time Series of Internal Pressure in a Combustion Engine

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    We report our results on non-periodic experimental time series of pressure in a single cylinder spark ignition engine. The experiments were performed for different levels of loading. We estimate the noise level in internal pressure calculating the coarse-grained entropy from variations of maximal pressures in successive cycles. The results show that the dynamics of the combustion is a nonlinear multidimensional process mediated by noise. Our results show that so defined level of noise in internal pressure is not monotonous function of loading.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Nonperiodic Oscillations of Pressure in a Spark Ignition Engine

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    We report our results on non-periodic experimental time series of pressure in a spark ignition engine. The experiments were performed for a low rotational velocity of a crankshaft and a relatively large spark advance angle. We show that the combustion process has many chaotic features. Surprisingly, the reconstructed attractor has a characteristic butterfly shape similar to a chaotic attractor of Lorentz type. The suitable recurrence plot shows that the dynamics of the combustion is a nonlinear multidimensional process mediated by stochastic noise.Comment: Latex, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Analiza obci膮偶e艅 w臋z艂贸w 艂o偶yskowych silnika turbinowego w bezza艂ogowym 艣mig艂owcu podczas manewru skok w g贸r臋 i skok w d贸艂

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    The article is part of the work, which was made to systematize the operating conditions of bearing loads in the rotor assembly of FSTC-1 turbine engine, which is designed in the Department of Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Aviation Propulsion Systems at Lublin University of Technology. This engine assumes the use of the gas bearing in compressor drive unit to improve the operating characteristics. This is justified by difficult working conditions associated with high speeds, high temperatures and difficult access, as in the case of gas bearings is not a major problem. A mathematical model of possible states of load bearing nodes in compressor drive unit was also presented. Load analysis was carried out for maneuver jump up and jump down based on the time course of geometric altitude from the radio altimeter based on real tests of a manned PZL W3-Sokol helicopter. The dependence of the altitude changing during the time was approximated by the least squares method and then the velocity and acceleration changes were determined. On this basis, the forces acting on the bearing in compressor drive unit under static and dynamic conditions were calculated. These values will be confronted with the values obtained during other maneuvers, and will be used as input assumptions to project of the gas bearings.Artyku艂 stanowi cz臋艣膰 prac, w kt贸rych dokonano usystematyzowania eksploatacyjnych stan贸w obci膮偶e艅 艂o偶ysk zespo艂u wirnikowego silnika turbinowego FSTC-1, kt贸ry projektowany jest w Katedrze Termodynamiki, Mechaniki P艂yn贸w i Nap臋d贸w Lotniczych na Politechnice Lubelskiej. Silnik ten zak艂ada zastosowanie w zespole wytwornicowym 艂o偶ysk gazowych w celu poprawy w艂a艣ciwo艣ci eksploatacyjnych. Jest to uzasadnione trudnymi warunkami pracy zwi膮zanymi z du偶ymi pr臋dko艣ciami obrotowymi, wysokimi temperaturami oraz trudnym dost臋pem, co w przypadku 艂o偶ysk gazowych nie stanowi wi臋kszego problemu. Przedstawiono r贸wnie偶 matematyczny model mo偶liwych do wyst膮pienia stan贸w obci膮偶e艅 w臋z艂贸w 艂o偶yskowych zespo艂u wytwornicowego. Analiz臋 obci膮偶e艅 przeprowadzono dla manewru skok w g贸r臋 i skok w d贸艂 na podstawie przebiegu czasowego wysoko艣ci geometrycznej z radiowysoko艣ciomierza w oparciu o rzeczywiste badania za艂ogowego 艣mig艂owca PZL W3-Sok贸艂. Zale偶no艣膰 zmiany wysoko艣ci w czasie aproksymowano metod膮 najmniejszych kwadrat贸w a nast臋pnie wyznaczono dla niej zmiany pr臋dko艣ci oraz przyspiesze艅. Na tej podstawie wyznaczono warto艣ci si艂 dzia艂aj膮ce na 艂o偶yska zespo艂u wytwornicowego w warunkach statycznych jak i dynamicznych. Warto艣ci te zostan膮 skonfrontowane z warto艣ciami uzyskanymi podczas innych manewr贸w oraz pos艂u偶膮, jako za艂o偶enia wej艣ciowe do projektu 艂o偶ysk gazowych

    Computer Aided Modernization of Fuel Supply System for Aircraft Engine

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    Artyku艂 opisuje badania symulacyjne w programie WAVE. Zosta艂y one wykonane w celu uzasadnienia podj臋cia realizacji projektu modernizacji silnika lotniczego ASz-62IR/M-18. Celem bada艅 by艂o potwierdzenie potencjalnych korzy艣ci wynikaj膮cych z zast膮pienia ga藕nikowego systemu zasilania sekwencyjnym wtryskiem benzyny.The article describes simulation research done width the use of WAVE program. The research was aimed at configuration of rightness of retrofitting aircraft engine ASz-62IR/M-18 with fuel injection system

    Modern Diesel engines : a control system and a fuel supply system

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    Konieczno艣膰 spe艂nienia norm emisji spalin przy jednoczesnym wzro艣cie koszt贸w materia艂贸w eksploatacyjnych, gdzie najwi臋ksz膮 ich cz臋艣膰 stanowi koszt paliwa, zmuszaj膮 do opracowywania nowych rozwi膮za艅 z przeznaczeniem do zastosowania w konstruowaniu silnik贸w spalinowych. W artykule przedstawiono obecne oraz przysz艂o艣ciowe rozwi膮zania stosowane konstrukcjach silnik贸w motoryzacyjnych. Dotycz膮 one procesu sterowania procesem spalania oraz konstrukcji wysokoci艣nieniowych uk艂ad贸w wtryskowych.Emissions standards and higher costs of consumables materials where the greatest part is fuel cost are forcing to develop new solutions to improve the construction of internal combustion engines. The paper overviews the current and future solutions used in automotive engine designs. They are related to the control of combustion and a design process of high-pressure injection systems