115 research outputs found

    A major change in precipitation gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau at thePliocene-Quaternary boundary

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    Spatiotemporal variations in East Asian Monsoon (EAM) precipitation during the Quaternary have been intensively studied. However, spatial variations in pre-Quaternary EAM precipitation remain largely uninvestigated, preventing a clear understanding of monsoon dynamics during a warmer climatic period. Here we compare the spatial differences in heavy mineral assemblages between Quaternary loess and pre-Quaternary Red Clay on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) to analyze spatial patterns in weathering. Prior studies have revealed that unstable hornblende is the dominant (&sim;50%) heavy mineral in Chinese loess deposited over the past 500 ka, whereas hornblende content decreases to &lt; 10% in strata older than &sim;1 Ma in the central CLP because of diagenesis. In the present study we found that hornblende is the dominant heavy mineral in 2&ndash;2.7 Ma loess on the northeastern CLP (at Jiaxian), which today receives little precipitation. Conversely, hornblende content in the upper Miocene-Pliocene Red Clay at Jiaxian is &lt; 10%, as in the central CLP. The early Quaternary abundance of hornblende at Jiaxian indicates that the current northwestward-decreasing precipitation pattern and consequent dry climate at Jiaxian must have been initiated since &sim;2.7 Ma, preventing hornblende dissolution to amounts &lt; 10% as observed in the central CLP. By contrast, the 7 Ma and 3 Ma Jiaxian Red Clay hornblende content is significantly less than that of the Xifeng samples, despite the fact that today Xifeng receives more precipitation than Jiaxian, with expected enhanced hornblende weathering. This suggests that the northeastern CLP received more precipitation during the Late Miocene-Pliocene than at Xifeng, indicating that the precipitation gradient on the CLP was more east&ndash;west during the Late Miocene-Pliocene rather than northwestsoutheast as it was in the Quaternary. A comparison of magnetic susceptibility records for these sections confirms this inference. We attribute this major change in climatic patterns at &sim;2.7 Ma to decreased northward moisture transportation associated with Northern Hemisphere glaciation and cooling in the Quaternary. This study therefore demonstrates the potential usefulness of employing heavy mineral analysis in both paleoclimatic and paleooceanographic reconstructions.<br style="line-height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-size-adjust: auto;" /

    Evaluating how lodging affects maize yield estimation based on UAV observations

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    Timely and accurate pre-harvest estimates of maize yield are vital for agricultural management. Although many remote sensing approaches have been developed to estimate maize yields, few have been tested under lodging conditions. Thus, the feasibility of existing approaches under lodging conditions and the influence of lodging on maize yield estimates both remain unclear. To address this situation, this study develops a lodging index to quantify the degree of lodging. The index is based on RGB and multispectral images obtained from a low-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle and proves to be an important predictor variable in a random forest regression (RFR) model for accurately estimating maize yield after lodging. The results show that (1) the lodging index accurately describes the degree of lodging of each maize plot, (2) the yield-estimation model that incorporates the lodging index provides slightly more accurate yield estimates than without the lodging index at three important growth stages of maize (tasseling, milking, denting), and (3) the RFR model with lodging index applied at the denting (R5) stage yields the best performance of the three growth stages, with R2 = 0.859, a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1086.412 kg/ha, and a relative RMSE of 13.1%. This study thus provides valuable insight into the precise estimation of crop yield and demonstra\tes that incorporating a lodging stress-related variable into the model leads to accurate and robust estimates of crop grain yield

    Impurity band assisted carrier relaxation in Cr doped topological insulator Bi2Se3

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    Topological insulators (TIs) with unique band structures have wide application prospects in the fields of ultrafast optical and spintronic devices. The dynamics of hot carriers plays a key role in these TI-based devices. In this work, using the time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy technique, the relaxation process of the hot carriers in Cr-doped Bi2Se3 has been systematically studied since the ferromagnetic TI is one of the key building blocks for next-generation spintronics. It is found that electronic temperature (Te) and chemical potential (μ) decrease faster with the increase in the Cr doping concentration. Similarly, the lifetime (τ) of the excited electrons also decreases with more Cr doped into Bi2Se3. The results suggest a mechanism of impurity band-assisted carrier relaxation, where the impurity band within the bulk bandgap introduced by Cr doping provides significant recombination channels for the excited electrons. This work directly illustrates the dynamic process of the photon-generated carriers in Cr-doped Bi2Se3, which is expected to promote the applications of (Bi1-xCrx)2Se3 in photoelectric devices

    Differential gene expression and potential regulatory network of fatty acid biosynthesis during fruit and leaf development in yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium), an oil-producing tree with significant deployment values

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    Xanthoceras sorbifolium (yellowhorn) is a woody oil plant with super stress resistance and excellent oil characteristics. The yellowhorn oil can be used as biofuel and edible oil with high nutritional and medicinal value. However, genetic studies on yellowhorn are just in the beginning, and fundamental biological questions regarding its very long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) biosynthesis pathway remain largely unknown. In this study, we reconstructed the VLCFA biosynthesis pathway and annotated 137 genes encoding relevant enzymes. We identified four oleosin genes that package triacylglycerols (TAGs) and are specifically expressed in fruits, likely playing key roles in yellowhorn oil production. Especially, by examining time-ordered gene co-expression network (TO-GCN) constructed from fruit and leaf developments, we identified key enzymatic genes and potential regulatory transcription factors involved in VLCFA synthesis. In fruits, we further inferred a hierarchical regulatory network with MYB-related (XS03G0296800) and B3 (XS02G0057600) transcription factors as top-tier regulators, providing clues into factors controlling carbon flux into fatty acids. Our results offer new insights into key genes and transcriptional regulators governing fatty acid production in yellowhorn, laying the foundation for efforts to optimize oil content and fatty acid composition. Moreover, the gene expression patterns and putative regulatory relationships identified here will inform metabolic engineering and molecular breeding approaches tailored to meet biofuel and bioproduct demands

    The Association Between Diabetic Retinopathy and the Prevalence of Age-Related Macular Degeneration—The Kailuan Eye Study

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    This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and diabetic retinopathy (DR) and analyze whether DR is a risk factor for AMD. This population-based epidemiological study included 14,440 people from the Kailuan Eye Study in 2016, of whom 1,618 were patients with type 2 DM aged over 50 years, and 409 had DM with DR. We analyzed whether there were differences in the prevalence of AMD between DM with DR and DM without DR, and conducted a hierarchical statistical analysis according to different stages of DR. Using variable regression analysis, we explored whether DR constituted a risk factor for AMD. In the DM population, the prevalence of wet AMD in patients with DM with and without DR was 0. 3 and 0.2%, respectively, with no significant difference (P = 0.607). Meanwhile, the prevalence of dry AMD in patients with DM with and without DR was 20.8 and 16.0%, respectively, with a significant difference. In the subgroup analysis of dry AMD, the prevalence of early, middle, and late dry AMD in DM with DR was 14.4, 5.9, and 0.5%, respectively. In DM without DR, the prevalence of early, middle, and late dry AMD was 10.5, 4.8, and 0.7%, respectively (P = 0.031). In the subgroup analysis of DR staging, statistical analysis could not be performed because of the limited number of patients with PDR. In the variable regression analysis of risk factors for dry AMD, after adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, DR constituted the risk factor for dry AMD. In conclusion, DM did not constitute a risk factor for AMD, and the prevalence of wet AMD and dry AMD in patients with DM and DR was higher than that in patients with DM without DR (among which dry AMD was statistically significant). Multivariate regression analysis confirmed that DR is an independent risk factor for dry AMD. Reasonable control of DM and slowing down the occurrence and development of DR may effectively reduce the prevalence of AMD in patients with DM