7,883 research outputs found

    Width-tuned magnetic order oscillation on zigzag edges of honeycomb nanoribbons

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    Quantum confinement and interference often generate exotic properties in nanostructures. One recent highlight is the experimental indication of a magnetic phase transition in zigzag-edged graphene nanoribbons at the critical ribbon width of about 7 nm [G. Z. Magda et al., Nature \textbf{514}, 608 (2014)]. Here we show theoretically that with further increase in the ribbon width, the magnetic correlation of the two edges can exhibit an intriguing oscillatory behavior between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic, driven by acquiring the positive coherence between the two edges to lower the free energy. The oscillation effect is readily tunable in applied magnetic fields. These novel properties suggest new experimental manifestation of the edge magnetic orders in graphene nanoribbons, and enhance the hopes of graphene-like spintronic nanodevices functioning at room temperature.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Isolation and characterization of 13 new microsatellite markers in the triangle mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii)

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    Microsatellite enriched library of Hyriopsis cumingii was constructed according to the strong affinity between biotin and streptavidin. One hundred clones with foreign inserts were sequenced and 65 clones were screened for usable microsatellites, of which 36 were deemed unique, of sufficient length (more than 8 repeats) and possessed adequate flanking regions for primer designment. Among 36 primer pairs designed, 25 yielded scorable amplification products. Upon testing 30 individuals were sampled using the 25 pair primers from Dongting Lake of Hunan Province, China. Then thirteen polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized. These loci exhibited high levels of genetic polymorphism, so the observed number of alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 9. The ranges of observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.2543 to 0.8913 and 0.3629 to 0.8217, respectively, and the average polymorphic information content was 0.5198. Two microsatellite loci were significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium due to the presence of null alleles, and no linkage disequilibrium found. These microsatellite loci will be useful for assessing the genetic diversity and population structure of H. cumingii

    Developing a Low-Cost Force Treadmill via Dynamic Modeling

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    By incorporating force transducers into treadmills, force platform-instrumented treadmills (commonly called force treadmills) can collect large amounts of gait data and enable the ground reaction force (GRF) to be calculated. However, the high cost of force treadmills has limited their adoption. This paper proposes a low-cost force treadmill system with force sensors installed underneath a standard exercise treadmill. It identifies and compensates for the force transmission dynamics from the actual GRF applied on the treadmill track surface to the force transmitted to the force sensors underneath the treadmill body. This study also proposes a testing procedure to assess the GRF measurement accuracy of force treadmills. Using this procedure in estimating the GRF of “walk-on-the-spot motion,” it was found that the total harmonic distortion of the tested force treadmill system was about 1.69%, demonstrating the effectiveness of the approach

    Assessing Postural Stability Via the Correlation Patterns of Vertical Ground Reaction Force Components

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    Background Many methods have been proposed to assess the stability of human postural balance by using a force plate. While most of these approaches characterize postural stability by extracting features from the trajectory of the center of pressure (COP), this work develops stability measures derived from components of the ground reaction force (GRF). Methods In comparison with previous GRF-based approaches that extract stability features from the GRF resultant force, this study proposes three feature sets derived from the correlation patterns among the vertical GRF (VGRF) components. The first and second feature sets quantitatively assess the strength and changing speed of the correlation patterns, respectively. The third feature set is used to quantify the stabilizing effect of the GRF coordination patterns on the COP. Results In addition to experimentally demonstrating the reliability of the proposed features, the efficacy of the proposed features has also been tested by using them to classify two age groups (18–24 and 65–73 years) in quiet standing. The experimental results show that the proposed features are considerably more sensitive to aging than one of the most effective conventional COP features and two recently proposed COM features. Conclusions By extracting information from the correlation patterns of the VGRF components, this study proposes three sets of features to assess human postural stability during quiet standing. As demonstrated by the experimental results, the proposed features are not only robust to inter-trial variability but also more accurate than the tested COP and COM features in classifying the older and younger age groups. An additional advantage of the proposed approach is that it reduces the force sensing requirement from 3D to 1D, substantially reducing the cost of the force plate measurement system
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