148 research outputs found

    A novel high-fidelity unscented particle filtering method for the accurate state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries.

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    Power Li-ion batteries are one of the core "three powers" systems of new energy vehicles, and its accurate batteries modeling and state prediction have become the core technology of the scientific and technological progress in the industry. This paper takes the ternary Li-ion batteries as the research subject. Aiming at the mathematical expressions of different structural features, innovatively construct a second-order Thevenin equivalent circuit model with autoregressive effect. This model can characterize the internal reaction mechanism of Li-ion batteries and fit the complex electrochemical reactions inside the battery. An improved particle filter model, namely a new high-fidelity unscented particle filter method, is designed and established. By introducing a suitable suggested density function, the model can accurately calculate the mean and variance, solve the particle degradation problem, and find out the Li-ion batteries state of charge, which is suitable for complex charging and discharging conditions. By further improving the theoretical analysis and combining with experiments under different working conditions, this method studies the Li-ion batteries state of charge. The test results show that the average absolute error of the improved equivalent circuit model is reduced by 0.00457 V, and the error rate is stably kept within 1%, which has the ability to describe Li-ion batteries well. When using the high-fidelity unscented particle filter algorithm to estimate the state of charge of the lithium battery, the robustness of the system is improved, the following effect is better, and the estimation error is controlled within 1.5%, which brings good practical value to the power Li-ion batteries

    Online full-parameter identification and SOC estimation of lithium-ion battery pack based on composite electrochemical-dual circuit polarization modeling.

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    A new composite electrochemistry-dual circuit polarization model (E-DCP) is proposed by combining the advantages of various electrochemical empirical models in this paper. Then, the multi-innovation least squares (MILS) algorithm is used to perform online full parameter identification for the E-DCP model in order to improve data usage efficiency and parameter identification accuracy. In addition, on the basis of the E-DCP model, the MILS and the extended Kalman filter (EKF) are combined to enhance the state estimation accuracy of the battery management system (BMS). Finally, the model and the algorithm are both verified through urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS) and the complex charge-discharge loop test. The results indicate that the accuracy of E-DCP is relatively high under different working conditions, and the errors of state of charge (SOC) estimation after the combination of MILS and EKF are all within 2.2%. This lays a concrete foundation for practical use of the BMS in the future

    A novel charged state prediction method of the lithium ion battery packs based on the composite equivalent modeling and improved splice Kalman filtering algorithm.

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    As the unscented Kalman filtering algorithm is sensitive to the battery model and susceptible to the uncertain noise interference, an improved iterate calculation method is proposed to improve the charged state prediction accuracy of the lithium ion battery packs by introducing a novel splice Kalman filtering algorithm with adaptive robust performance. The battery is modeled by composite equivalent modeling and its parameters are identified effectively by investigating the hybrid power pulse test. The sensitivity analysis is carried out for the model parameters to obtain the influence degree on the prediction effect of different factors, providing a basis of the adaptive battery characterization. Subsequently, its implementation process is carried out including model building and adaptive noise correction that are perceived by the iterate charged state calculation. Its experimental results are analyzed and compared with other algorithms through the physical tests. The polarization resistance is obtained as Rp = 16.66 mΩ and capacitance is identified as Cp = 13.71 kF. The ohm internal resistance is calculated as Ro = 68.71 mΩ and the charged state has a prediction error of 1.38% with good robustness effect, providing a foundational basis of the power prediction for the lithium ion battery packs

    Co-estimation of state-of-charge and state-of-health for high-capacity lithium-ion batteries.

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    To address the challenges of efficient state monitoring of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles, a co-estimation algorithm of state-of-charge (SOC) and state-of-health (SOH) is developed. The algorithm integrates techniques of adaptive recursive least squares and dual adaptive extended Kalman filtering to enhance robustness, mitigate data saturation, and reduce the impact of colored noise. At 25C, the algorithm is tested and verified under dynamic stress test (DST) and Beijing bus DST conditions. Under the Beijing bus DST condition, the algorithm achieves a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.17% and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.19% for SOC estimation, with a convergence time of 4 s. Under the DST condition, the corresponding values are 0.05% for MAE, 0.07% for RMSE, and 5 s for convergence time. Moreover, in this research, the SOH is described as having internal resistance. Under the Beijing bus DST condition, the MAE and the RMSE of the estimated internal resistance of the proposed approach are 0.018% and 0.075%, with the corresponding values of 0.014% and 0.043% under the DST condition. The results of the experiments provide empirical evidence for the challenges associated with the efficacious estimation of SOC and SOH

    Geometric Phase Generated Optical Illusion

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    Abstract An optical illusion, such as “Rubin’s vase”, is caused by the information gathered by the eye, which is processed in the brain to give a perception that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source. Metasurfaces are metamaterials of reduced dimensionality which have opened up new avenues for flat optics. The recent advancement in spin-controlled metasurface holograms has attracted considerate attention, providing a new method to realize optical illusions. We propose and experimentally demonstrate a metasurface device to generate an optical illusion. The metasurface device is designed to display two asymmetrically distributed off-axis images of “Rubin faces” with high fidelity, high efficiency and broadband operation that are interchangeable by controlling the helicity of the incident light. Upon the illumination of a linearly polarized light beam, the optical illusion of a ‘vase’ is perceived. Our result provides an intuitive demonstration of the figure-ground distinction that our brains make during the visual perception. The alliance between geometric metasurface and the optical illusion opens a pathway for new applications related to encryption, optical patterning, and information processing

    Case Report: Suspected Case of Brucella-Associated Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome

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    Human brucellosis is one of the most prevalent zoonoses. There are many similarities between the pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection and that of brucellosis. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) may occur during the treatment of MTB infection, but it has not been reported in brucellosis cases thus far. We report the case of a 40-year-old male whose condition initially improved after adequate anti-Brucella therapy. However, 3 weeks later, the patient presented with exacerbation of symptoms and development of a paravertebral abscess. After exclusion of other possible causes of clinical deterioration, immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) with brucellosis was presumed. After supplementation with anti-Brucella treatment with corticosteroids, the abscess disappeared, and the symptoms completely resolved. Our case suggests that it is necessary to be aware of the possible occurrence of IRIS in patients with brucellosis in clinical practice

    Meteorological impacts on surface ozone: A case study based on Kolmogorov–Zurbenko filtering and multiple linear regression

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    Ozone variation, excluding meteorological effects, is very important to assess the effects of air pollution control policies. In this study, the Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) filter method and multiple linear stepwise regression are combined to study the impact of meteorological parameters on ozone concentration over the past 5 years (2016–2020) in a petrochemical industrial city in northern China. Monte Carlo simulations were used to evaluate the reliability for the potential quasi quantitative prediction of the baseline component. The average level of the city and the details of five stations in the city were studied. The results show that the short-term, seasonal, and long-term component variances of maximum daily running average 8 h (MDA8) ozone in Zibo city (City) decomposed by the KZ filter account for 32.06%, 61.67% and 1.15% of the total variance, for a specific station, the values were 32.37%–34.90%, 56.64%–62.00%, and .35%–3.14%, respectively. The average long-term component increase rate is 3.19 μg m−3 yr−1 on average for the city, while it is 1.52–5.95 μg m−3 yr−1 for a specific station. The overall meteorological impact was not stable and fluctuated between −2.60 μg m−3 and +3.77 μg m−3. This difference in trends between the city and specific stations implied that the O3 precursor’s mitigation strategy should be more precise to improve its practical effects

    High-resolution grayscale image hidden in a laser beam

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    Images perceived by human eyes or recorded by cameras are usually optical patterns with spatially varying intensity or color profiles. In addition to the intensity and color, the information of an image can be encoded in a spatially varying distribution of phase or polarization state. Interestingly, such images might not be able to be directly viewed by human eyes or cameras because they may exhibit highly uniform intensity profiles. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate an approach to hide a high-resolution grayscale image in a square laser beam with a size of less than half a millimeter. An image with a pixel size of 300 × 300 nm is encoded into the spatially variant polarization states of the laser beam, which can be revealed after passing through a linear polarizer. This unique technology for hiding grayscale images and polarization manipulation provides new opportunities for various applications, including encryption, imaging, optical communications, quantum science and fundamental physics

    Social, economic, political and health system and program determinants of child mortality reduction in China between 1990 and 2006: A systematic analysis

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    Between 1990 and 2006, China reduced its under-five mortality rate (U5MR) from 64.6 to 20.6 per 1000 live births and achieved the fourth United Nation’s Millennium Development Goal nine years ahead of target. This study explores the contribution of social, economic and political determinants, health system and policy determinants, and health programmes and interventions to this success