164 research outputs found

    Workplace violence against nurses: The factors which may influence job burnout symptoms of nurses in public hospitals in China

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    In China, many nurses suffered workplace violence in past few years. This cross-sectional (N= 116) study aim to explore the outcomes of workplace violence against nurses in Chinese public hospitals. Firstly, we hypothesized that violence against nurses would be positively related to organizational injustice perception and job burnout symptoms. Then, we assumed organizational injustice perception as a mediator between violence against nurses and their job burnout symptoms. In addition, we hypothesized that organizational injustice perception would have positive relationship with job burnout symptoms and have negative correlation with job satisfaction, and we predicted job burnout in each dimension to be the mediator between organizational injustice perception and job satisfaction. Our findings confirmed that workplace violence against nurses is likely to raise the organizational injustice perception, which by its turn will increase their job burnout symptoms of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, thus, our results revealed a partial mediation effect. Meanwhile, our results also suggested that nurses’ organizational injustice perception could increase job burnout symptoms of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and by its turn decrease their job satisfaction level, then the results revealed another partial mediation model effect. Furthermore, we discuss the limitation, practical implications and give suggestions to future research.Muitas enfermeiras sofreram violência no local de trabalho nos últimos anos na China. Este estudo transversal (N = 116) visa explorar os resultados da violência no local de trabalho contra enfermeiras em hospitais públicos chineses. Primeiramente, levantamos a hipótese de que a violência contra os enfermeiras estaria positivamente relacionada à perceção da injustiça organizacional e ao burnout sintomas. Então, assumimos que a perceção de injustiça organizacional tem um efeito mediador entre a violência contra enfermeiras e o nível de burnout sintomas. Além disso, levantamos a hipótese de que a perceção de injustiça organizacional teria relação positiva com o burnout sintomas e correlação negativa com a satisfação no trabalho, e previmos que o burnout sintomas seja o mediador entre a perceção da injustiça organizacional e a satisfação no trabalho. Os nossos resultados confirmaram que a violência no local de trabalho contra enfermeiras provavelmente elevará a perceção de injustiça organizacional, o que, por sua vez, aumentará os burnout sintomas de exaustão emocional e de despersonalização, portanto, os resultados revelam um efeito de mediação parcial. Simultaneamente, os resultados também aprovaram que a perceção de injustiça organizacional dos enfermeiras pode aumentar os sintomas de burnout de exaustão emocional e despersonalização e, por sua vez, diminuir o nível de satisfação no trabalho; os resultados revelaram um efeito de mediação parcial. Além disso, são discutidas as limitações, implicações práticas e sugestões para futuros estudos

    The Social Income Inequality, Social Integration and Health Status of Internal Migrants in China

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    Background: To examine the interaction between social income inequality, social integration, and health status among internal migrants (IMs) who migrate between regions in China. Methods: We used the data from the 2014 Internal Migrant Dynamic Monitoring Survey in China, which sampled 15,999 IMs in eight cities in China. The Gini coefficient at the city level was calculated to measure social income inequality and was categorized into low (0.2 \u3c Gini \u3c= 0.3), medium (0.3 \u3c Gini \u3c= 0.4), high (0.4 \u3c x \u3c = 0.5), and very high (Gini \u3e 0.5). Health status was measured based upon self-reported health, subjective well-being, and perceptions of stress and mental health. Social integration was measured from four perspectives (acculturation and integration willingness, social insurance, economy, social communication). Linear mixed models were used to examine the interaction effects between health statuses, social integration, and the Gini coefficient. Results: Factors of social integration, such as economic integration and acculturation and integration willingness, were significantly related to health. Social income inequality had a negative relationship with the health status of IMs. For example, IMs in one city, Qingdao, with a medium income inequality level (Gini = 0.329), had the best health statuses and better social integration. On the other hand, IMs in another city, Shenzhen, who had a large income inequality (Gini = 0.447) were worst in health statues and had worse social integration. Conclusion: Policies or programs targeting IMs should support integration willingness, promote a sense of belonging, and improve economic equality. In the meantime, social activities to facilitate employment and create social trust should also be promoted. At the societal level, structural and policy changes are necessary to promote income equity to promote IMs\u27 general health status

    Association Between Acculturation and Body Weight Status Among Migrant Children in Guangzhou, China: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective To assess the association between acculturation and body weight status among internal migrant children in China. Design, setting and participants A cross-sectional study was conducted among 1154 pairs of migrant children aged 11–17 years and their primary caregivers in Guangzhou, China, from April to May 2016. Measures Migrant children’s body weight status was measured by body mass index. Acculturation was measured by a questionnaire, developed and validated by the research team. The questionnaire had three dimensions with five factors, namely language, social interaction, custom, dressing and diet. Social anxiety was measured by Social Anxiety Scale for Children. Food intake was measured by the food frequency table that was developed from a previous study. Logistic regression was performed to examine the association between acculturation and overweight/obesity while controlling for migrant children’s and their caregivers’ demographic characteristics, children’s social anxiety and food intake. Results Seventy-six out of 1154 (6.6%) migrant children were overweight, and 36 (3.1%) were obese. The overall prevalence of overweight/obesity was 12.5% in boys, and 6.1% in girls (pConclusions The low levels of acculturation was associated with overweight/obesity among migrant children in Guangzhou, China. Promoting healthy acculturation and social campaign on healthy body weight may help prevent childhood overweight/obesity. Young migrant children, boys and children living with urban-to urban migrant caregivers should be the target subgroups

    Optimizing the thermoelectric performance of zigzag and chiral carbon nanotubes

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    Using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations and nonequilibrium Green's function method, we investigate the thermoelectric properties of a series of zigzag and chiral carbon nanotubes which exhibit interesting diameter and chirality dependence. Our calculated results indicate that these carbon nanotubes could have higher ZT values at appropriate carrier concentration and operating temperature. Moreover, their thermoelectric performance can be significantly enhanced via isotope substitution, isoelectronic impurities, and hydrogen adsorption. It is thus reasonable to expect that carbon nanotubes may be promising candidates for high-performance thermoelectric materials