23,591 research outputs found

    Combination of an electrolytic pretreatment unit with secondary water reclamation processes

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    The design and fabrication of a flight concept prototype electrolytic pretreatment unit (EPU) and of a contractor-furnished air evaporation unit (AEU) are described. The integrated EPU and AEU potable water recovery system is referred to as the Electrovap and is capable of processing the urine and flush water of a six-man crew. Results of a five-day performance verification test of the Electrovap system are presented and plans are included for the extended testing of the Electrovap to produce data applicable to the combination of electrolytic pretreatment with most final potable water recovery systems. Plans are also presented for a program to define the design requirements for combining the electrolytic pretreatment unit with a reverse osmosis final processing unit

    The Adiabatic Invariance of the Action Variable in Classical Dynamics

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    We consider one-dimensional classical time-dependent Hamiltonian systems with quasi-periodic orbits. It is well-known that such systems possess an adiabatic invariant which coincides with the action variable of the Hamiltonian formalism. We present a new proof of the adiabatic invariance of this quantity and illustrate our arguments by means of explicit calculations for the harmonic oscillator. The new proof makes essential use of the Hamiltonian formalism. The key step is the introduction of a slowly-varying quantity closely related to the action variable. This new quantity arises naturally within the Hamiltonian framework as follows: a canonical transformation is first performed to convert the system to action-angle coordinates; then the new quantity is constructed as an action integral (effectively a new action variable) using the new coordinates. The integration required for this construction provides, in a natural way, the averaging procedure introduced in other proofs, though here it is an average in phase space rather than over time.Comment: 8 page

    Comparison of electric dipole moments and the Large Hadron Collider for probing CP violation in triple boson vertices

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    CP violation from physics beyond the Standard Model may reside in triple boson vertices of the electroweak theory. We review the effective theory description and discuss how CP violating contributions to these vertices might be discerned by electric dipole moments (EDM) or diboson production at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Despite triple boson CP violating interactions entering EDMs only at the two-loop level, we find that EDM experiments are generally more powerful than the diboson processes. To give example to these general considerations we perform the comparison between EDMs and collider observables within supersymmetric theories that have heavy sfermions, such that substantive EDMs at the one-loop level are disallowed. EDMs generally remain more powerful probes, and next-generation EDM experiments may surpass even the most optimistic assumptions for LHC sensitivities.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures, published version with more argument

    Spin Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Spin-5/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Rb2MnF4

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    We report a neutron scattering study of the instantaneous spin correlations in the two-dimensional spin S=5/2 square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet Rb_2MnF_4. The measured correlation lengths are quantitatively described, with no adjustable parameters, by high-temperature series expansion results and by a theory based on the quantum self-consistent harmonic approximation. Conversely, we find that the data, which cover the range from about 1 to 50 lattice constants, are outside of the regime corresponding to renormalized classical behavior of the quantum non-linear sigma model. In addition, we observe a crossover from Heisenberg to Ising critical behavior near the Neel temperature; this crossover is well described by a mean-field model with no adjustable parameters.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, with 6 included EPS figures, submitted to EPJ

    Higgs Boson Exempt No-Scale Supersymmetry and its Collider and Cosmology Implications

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    One of the most straightforward ways to address the flavor problem of low-energy supersymmetry is to arrange for the scalar soft terms to vanish simultaneously at a scale McM_{c} much larger than the electroweak scale. This occurs naturally in a number of scenarios, such as no-scale models, gaugino mediation, and several models with strong conformal dynamics. Unfortunately, the most basic version of this approach that incorporates gaugino mass unification and zero scalar masses at the grand unification scale is not compatible with collider and dark matter constraints. However, experimental constraints can be satisfied if we exempt the Higgs bosons from flowing to zero mass value at the high scale. We survey the theoretical constructions that allow this, and investigate the collider and dark matter consequences. A generic feature is that the sleptons are relatively light. Because of this, these models frequently give a significant contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, and neutralino-slepton coannihilation can play an important role in obtaining an acceptable dark matter relic density. Furthermore, the light sleptons give rise to a large multiplicity of lepton events at colliders, including a potentially suggestive clean trilepton signal at the Tevatron, and a substantial four lepton signature at the LHC.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figure

    Automated Sorting of Oriented Tobacco Leaves

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    A mechanism has been developed which removes cured burley tobacco leaves from plants so that midribs are oriented parallel. A photosensor was utilized to count leaves as they were removed and a microprocessor determined the number of leaves allocated to each of three grades. Experiments indicated that 84% of leaves removed could be correctly sorted with a 2.4% material loss at an effective rate of approximately 2.4 times that of conventional methods


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    The responses of swimming economy (distance stroke-' (DPS) and stroke rate (SR)) to incremental exercise were examined in 20 highly trained competitive swimmers to derive parameter estimates to model swimming economy during incremental exercise. As the swimmer's velocity increased, DPS was first steady at a maximal value, and then decreased linearly beyond a breakpoint. Conversely, we observed a constant linear increase in SR that did not exhibit a breakpoint or steady state. We defined the maximal DPS as DPS max (m' stroke-'),t he breakpoint as DPSthrehold(m' stroke-'),and the linear decrease as DPSd,, (m' stroke-'velocity-').These results were incorporated into a two segment linear fit of the individual responses. The SR response was described by a regression line and was defined as SR,,, (strokes°minˉ1'~velocityˉ1)

    Sediment Management for Southern California Mountians, Coastal Plains and Shoreline. Part D: Special Inland Studies

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    In southern California the natural environmental system involves the continual relocation of sedimentary materials. Particles are eroded from inland areas where there is sufficient relief and, precipitation. Then, with reductions in hydraulic gradient along the stream course and at the shoreline, the velocity of surface runoff is reduced and there is deposition. Generally, coarse sand, gravel and larger particles are deposited near the base of the eroding surfaces (mountains and hills) and the finer sediments are deposited on floodplains, in bays or lagoons, and at the shoreline as delta deposits. Very fine silt and clay particles, which make up a significant part of the eroded material, are carried offshore where they eventually deposit in deeper areas. Sand deposited at the shoreline is gradually moved along the coast by waves and currents, and provides nourishment for local beaches. However, eventually much of this littoral material is also lost to offshore areas. Human developments in the coastal region have substantially altered the natural sedimentary processes, through changes in land use, the harvesting of natural resources (logging, grazing, and sand and gravel mining); the construction and operation of water conservation facilities and flood control structures; and coastal developments. In almost all cases these developments have grown out of recognized needs and have well served their primary purpose. At the time possible deleterious effects on the local or regional sediment balance were generally unforeseen or were felt to be of secondary importance. In 1975 a large-scale study of inland and coastal sedimentation processes in southern California was initiated by the Environmental Quality Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology and the Center for Coastal Studies at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This volume is one of a series of reports from this study. Using existing data bases, this series attempts to define quantitatively inland and coastal sedimentation processes and identify the effects man has had on these processes. To resolve some issues related to long-term sediment management, additional research and data will be needed. In the series there are four Caltech reports that provide supporting studies for the summary report (EQL Report No. 17). These reports include: EQL Report 17-A Regional Geological History EQL Report 17-B Inland Sediment Movements by Natural Processes EQL Report 17-C Coastal Sediment Delivery by Major Rivers in Southern California EQL Report 17-D -- Special Inland Studies Additional supporting reports on coastal studies (shoreline sedimentation processes, control structures, dredging, etc.) are being published by the Center for Coastal Studies at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California

    PMI: A Delta Psi(m) Independent Pharmacological Regulator of Mitophagy

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    Mitophagy is central to mitochondrial and cellular homeostasis and operates via the PINK1/Parkin pathway targeting mitochondria devoid of membrane potential (ΔΨm) to autophagosomes. Although mitophagy is recognized as a fundamental cellular process, selective pharmacologic modulators of mitophagy are almost nonexistent. We developed a compound that increases the expression and signaling of the autophagic adaptor molecule P62/SQSTM1 and forces mitochondria into autophagy. The compound, P62-mediated mitophagy inducer (PMI), activates mitophagy without recruiting Parkin or collapsing ΔΨm and retains activity in cells devoid of a fully functional PINK1/Parkin pathway. PMI drives mitochondria to a process of quality control without compromising the bio-energetic competence of the whole network while exposing just those organelles to be recycled. Thus, PMI circumvents the toxicity and some of the nonspecific effects associated with the abrupt dissipation of ΔΨm by ionophores routinely used to induce mitophagy and represents a prototype pharmacological tool to investigate the molecular mechanisms of mitophagy
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