5 research outputs found

    Bangiopsis subsimplex (Mont.) F. Schmitz (Stylonematales, Rhodophyta) on the northeastern coast of Brazil

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    We report here the first occurrence of Bangiopsis subsimplex (Mont.) F.Schmitz (Rhodophyta) for the northeastern coast of Brazil. The specimen was isolated from a laboratory sample of mollusk shells collected in Baía de Todos os Santos (Bimbarras Island, Brazil) and was held in sterilized seawater (33 UPS) enriched with 25% Provasoli solution. In the American Atlantic region, B. subsimplex presents a northern distribution limit at French Guiana and a southern limit at São Paulo. We conclude that the distribution of B. subsimplex has expanded, since the species was once known only to the southeastern Brazil, specifically to São Paulo

    Boodlea composita (Harv.) F.Brand (Chlorophyta) no litoral nordeste do Brasil

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    Este estudo relata a primeira ocorrência de Boodlea composita (Harv.) F.Brand (Chlorophyta) para o litoral nordeste do Brasil e o segundo registro para o litoral brasileiro. O material foi coletado ao longo do litoral da Bahia (08º20'07"-18º20'07''S e 30º20'37"-46º36'59"W). A distribuição de B. composita foi ampliada no litoral do Brasil, uma vez que esta era conhecida apenas para a região sudeste, especificamente para Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro. No Atlântico Americano, B. composita apresenta limite norte de distribuição nas Bermudas e limite sul, no Rio de Janeiro

    Polyphysaceae (Dasycladales, Chlorophyta) in Todos os Santos Bay, Bahia, Brazil

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    In this paper, we summarize the diversity of Polyphysaceae species in Todos os Santos Bay, in the state of Bahia, Brazil. On the basis of ten years of collections and the analysis of herbarium material, six species have been recorded for the area: Acetabularia caliculus J.V.Lamour. in Quoy & Gaimard; A. crenulata J.V.Lamour.; A. schenckii Möbius; Parvocaulis myriosporus (Joly & Cord.-Mar.) C.W.N.Moura & J.C.De Andrade comb. nov.; P. pusillus (M.Howe) Berger et al.; and P. parvulus (Solms) S. Berger et al. The last has a distribution extending to the southern Atlantic Ocean. Acetabularia myriospora was transferred to Parvocaulis (as P. myriosporus) on the basis of its short corrugated peduncles and lack of a lower corona in the gametangial ray discs, which are diagnostic characters of this genus. In Todos os Santos Bay, Acetabularia species are more widely distributed than are Parvocaulis species, which are currently restricted to Itaparica Island. The most common taxa were A. caliculus and A. schenckii, which were collected from the majority of the study sites. This paper provides detailed descriptions of the morphology, reproductive aspects and geographic distributions of the algae, as well as discussing the taxa studied

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2009

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