193 research outputs found

    Voltage Control of Exchange Coupling in Phosphorus Doped Silicon

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    Motivated by applications to quantum computer architectures we study the change in the exchange interaction between neighbouring phosphorus donor electrons in silicon due to the application of voltage biases to surface control electrodes. These voltage biases create electro-static fields within the crystal substrate, perturbing the states of the donor electrons and thus altering the strength of the exchange interaction between them. We find that control gates of this kind can be used to either enhance, or reduce the strength of the interaction, by an amount that depends both on the magnitude and orientation of the donor separation.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 Figure

    After-acquired income and contributions by Australian bankrupts: can pay, should pay, making them pay!

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    This article explores the issue of income of bankrupts from the historical, theoretical and legislative viewpoints. After setting out the foundation for our present law, the article reviews the current statistics on the use of the existing legislative income contribution regime and analyses the jurisprudence which has made the notion of after-acquired income - and the ability of bankrupts to invest it - opaque. The article then canvasses the ‘can pay, should pay’ notion of income contributions by bankrupts together with the current debate on ‘making them pay’

    Robust CNOT gates from almost any interaction

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    There are many cases where the interaction between two qubits is not precisely known, but single qubit operations are available. In this paper we show how, regardless of an incomplete knowledge of the strength or form of the interaction between two qubits, it is often possible to construct a CNOT gate which has arbitrarily high fidelity. In particular, we show that oscillations in the strength of the exchange interaction in solid state Si and Ge structures are correctable.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Cross-talk compensation of hyperfine control in donor qubit architectures

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    We theoretically investigate cross-talk in hyperfine gate control of donor-qubit quantum computer architectures, in particular the Kane proposal. By numerically solving the Poisson and Schr\"{o}dinger equations for the gated donor system, we calculate the change in hyperfine coupling and thus the error in spin-rotation for the donor nuclear-electron spin system, as the gate-donor distance is varied. We thus determine the effect of cross-talk - the inadvertent effect on non-target neighbouring qubits - which occurs due to closeness of the control gates (20-30nm). The use of compensation protocols is investigated, whereby the extent of crosstalk is limited by the application of compensation bias to a series of gates. In light of these factors the architectural implications are then considered.Comment: 15 pages, 22 figures, submitted to Nanotechnolog

    Effects of J-gate potential and interfaces on donor exchange coupling in the Kane quantum computer architecture

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    We calculate the electron exchange coupling for a phosphorus donor pair in silicon perturbed by a J-gate potential and the boundary effects of the silicon host geometry. In addition to the electron-electron exchange interaction we also calculate the contact hyperfine interaction between the donor nucleus and electron as a function of the varying experimental conditions. Donor separation, depth of the P nuclei below the silicon oxide layer and J-gate voltage become decisive factors in determining the strength of both the exchange coupling and the hyperfine interaction - both crucial components for qubit operations in the Kane quantum computer. These calculations were performed using an anisotropic effective-mass Hamiltonian approach. The behaviour of the donor exchange coupling as a function of the device parameters varied provides relevant information for the experimental design of these devices.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    A theoretical investigation into the microwave spectroscopy of a phosphorus-donor charge-qubit in silicon: Coherent control in the Si:P quantum computer architecture

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    We present a theoretical analysis of a microwave spectroscopy experiment on a charge qubit defined by a P2+_2^+ donor pair in silicon, for which we calculate Hamiltonian parameters using the effective-mass theory of shallow donors. We solve the master equation of the driven system in a dissipative environment to predict experimental outcomes. We describe how to calculate physical parameters of the system from such experimental results, including the dephasing time, T2T_2, and the ratio of the resonant Rabi frequency to the relaxation rate. Finally we calculate probability distributions for experimentally relevant system parameters for a particular fabrication regime

    Donor Electron Wave Functions for Phosphorus in Silicon: Beyond Effective Mass Theory

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    We calculate the electronic wave-function for a phosphorus donor in silicon by numerical diagonalisation of the donor Hamiltonian in the basis of the pure crystal Bloch functions. The Hamiltonian is calculated at discrete points localised around the conduction band minima in the reciprocal lattice space. Such a technique goes beyond the approximations inherent in the effective-mass theory, and can be modified to include the effects of altered donor impurity potentials, externally applied electro-static potentials, as well as the effects of lattice strain. Modification of the donor impurity potential allows the experimentally known low-lying energy spectrum to be reproduced with good agreement, as well as the calculation of the donor wavefunction, which can then be used to calculate parameters important to quantum computing applications.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Optically induced spin to charge transduction in donor spin read-out

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    The proposed read-out configuration D+D- for the Kane Si:P architecture[Nature 393, 133 (1998)] depends on spin-dependent electron tunneling between donors, induced adiabatically by surface gates. However, previous work has shown that since the doubly occupied donor state is so shallow the dwell-time of the read-out state is less than the required time for measurement using a single electron transistor (SET). We propose and analyse single-spin read-out using optically induced spin to charge transduction, and show that the top gate biases, required for qubit selection, are significantly less than those demanded by the Kane scheme, thereby increasing the D+D- lifetime. Implications for singlet-triplet discrimination for electron spin qubits are also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures; added reference, corrected typ

    A precise CNOT gate in the presence of large fabrication induced variations of the exchange interaction strength

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    We demonstrate how using two-qubit composite rotations a high fidelity controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate can be constructed, even when the strength of the interaction between qubits is not accurately known. We focus on the exchange interaction oscillation in silicon based solid-state architectures with a Heisenberg Hamiltonian. This method easily applies to a general two-qubit Hamiltonian. We show how the robust CNOT gate can achieve a very high fidelity when a single application of the composite rotations is combined with a modest level of Hamiltonian characterisation. Operating the robust CNOT gate in a suitably characterised system means concatenation of the composite pulse is unnecessary, hence reducing operation time, and ensuring the gate operates below the threshold required for fault-tolerant quantum computation.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
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