506 research outputs found

    Understanding Latin American currency pegs to the dollar

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    Latin America ; Dollar, American

    Banking and currency crisis recovery: Brazil's turnaround of 1999

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    Of the many countries that suffered exchange rate crises in the 1990s, Brazil and Korea recovered most rapidly. This article analyzes the Brazilian recovery. William Gruben and John Welch focus on the freedom that Brazilian bank health gave to the central bank to pursue a postcrisis monetary policy that would settle markets, reestablish price stability, and encourage investment and the return of foreign capital. Brazilian bank health was not an accident; it reflected not only bank responses to precrisis changes in government regulations, but also to large precrisis interest rate increases associated in part with Brazil's efforts to defend its currency.Banks and banking - Brazil

    Interpreting central bank independence in Mexico

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    Banks and banking, Central ; Mexico

    Is tighter fiscal policy expansionary under fiscal dominance? Hypercrowding out in Latin America

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    We test for hypercrowding out as a signal of market concerns over fiscal dominance in five Latin American countries. Hypercrowding out occurs when fiscally dominated governments’ domestic credit demands are perceived as so intrusive to a nation’s financial system that a move towards fiscal surplus lowers interest rates and increases growth. We sample five Latin American countries to test for these relationships. Judged by the results of vector error correction models, three nations test clearly positive, suggesting market concern despite their recent efforts towards fiscal balance.

    Neuromuscular control of wingbeat kinematics in Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna)

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    Hummingbirds can maintain the highest wingbeat frequencies of any flying vertebrate – a feat accomplished by the large pectoral muscles that power the wing strokes. An unusual feature of these muscles is that they are activated by one or a few spikes per cycle as revealed by electromyogram recordings (EMGs). The relatively simple nature of this activation pattern provides an opportunity to understand how motor units are recruited to modulate limb kinematics. Hummingbirds made to fly in low-density air responded by moderately increasing wingbeat frequency and substantially increasing the wing stroke amplitude as compared with flight in normal air. There was little change in the number of spikes per EMG burst in the pectoralis major muscle between flight in normal and low-density heliox (mean=1.4 spikes cycle^(–1)). However the spike amplitude, which we take to be an indication of the number of active motor units, increased in concert with the wing stroke amplitude, 1.7 times the value in air. We also challenged the hummingbirds using transient load lifting to elicit maximum burst performance. During maximum load lifting, both wing stroke amplitude and wingbeat frequency increased substantially above those values during hovering flight. The number of spikes per EMG burst increased to a mean of 3.3 per cycle, and the maximum spike amplitude increased to approximately 1.6 times those values during flight in heliox. These results suggest that hummingbirds recruit additional motor units (spatial recruitment) to regulate wing stroke amplitude but that temporal recruitment is also required to maintain maximum stroke amplitude at the highest wingbeat frequencies

    Factors influencing properties of fermented reconstructed milk

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    Publication authorized February 10, 1930."The data presented in this bulletin were taken from a thesis submitted by the junior author in fulfillment of the thesis requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in the Graduate School, of the University of Missouri, 1929"--P. [3].Includes bibliographical references (pages 13-14)
