48 research outputs found

    Auswirkung von Schlafapnoe auf die postoperativen Komplikationen bei Patienten mit aortokoronarer Bypass-Operation

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    Hintergrund: Schlafbezogene Atmungsstörungen (SBAS) können das Risiko postoperativer Komplikationen bei Patienten nach kardialen Operationen erhöhen. Diese Studie evaluierte die Länge der Krankenhausverweildauer sowie die postoperativen kardialen, respiratorischen und renalen Komplikationen nach aortokoronarer Bypass-Operation (ACB) bei Patienten ohne Schlafbezogene Atmungsstörungen, mit Zentraler (ZSA) und Obstruktiver Schlafapnoe (OSA). Methoden: Die Anwesenheit und Art der SBAS wurde mittels Polygraphie bei 100 Patienten in der Nacht vor ACB-OP ermittelt. SBAS wurde als ein Apnoe-Hypopnoe-Index (AHI) ≥ 15/h definiert. Eine verlängerte Krankenhausverweildauer (vVWD) und postoperative hämodynamische Instabilität wurden retrospektiv als primäre Endpunkte und kardiale, respiratorische und renale Komplikationen als sekundäre Endpunkte analysiert. Ergebnisse: 37% der Patienten hatten eine SBAS, 14% eine ZSA und 23% eine OSA. Die VWD unterschied sich signifikant zwischen den Patienten mit SBAS , mit ZSA und OSA (Median; 25./75. Perzentile: 8.0 Tage (7.5; 11.0) vs. 9,5 Tage (7.0; 12.5) vs. 12 Tage (9.0; 17.0); Kruskal-Wallis-Test: P (3-Gruppen-Vergleich) = .023 OSA vs. keine SBAS P = 0.005). Der AHI war signifikant mit der vVWD assoziiert (>9 Tage; Odds' Ratio (OR); 95% Konfidenzintervall: 1.047 (1.001; 1.095), P = 0.044). Ein verlängerter Vasopressorbedarf (≥ 48h) wurde in 36% der Patienten ohne SBAS, in 64% mit ZSA und in 62% mit OSA (P = 0.037) gefunden. Der AHI war signifikant und unabhängig aller Kovariablen mit einem verlängerten Vasopressorbedarf (≥48h) assoziiert ( OR, 95%KI: 1.052 (1.002; 1.104); P = 0.040) Schlussfolgerung: SBAS, insbesondere OSA ist bei Patienten mit ACB-OP unabhängig der Kovariablen mit einer vVWD assoziiert. Die VVWD bei Patienten mit SBAS könnte durch eine postoperative hämodynamische Instabilität verursacht sein

    Regional Governance und Europäische Struktur- und Investitionsfonds an den bayerischen Grenzen

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    Der Beitrag untersucht die Umsetzung und Wirksamkeit der Europäischen Struktur und Investitionsfonds im Hinblick auf Regionale Governance. Die Fragestellungen werden anhand der Entwicklungsprozesse in zwei Grenzgebieten in Bayern, dem Landkreis Cham an der bayerisch-tschechischen Grenze und dem Landkreis Oberallgäu an der bayerisch-österreichischen Grenze, untersucht. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf LEADER (dem EU-Programm für ländliche Räume) und INTERREG/ETZ (dem EUProgramm für territoriale Zusammenarbeit). Es wird versucht, über einen explorativen Erfahrungsbericht Indizien und Strukturmuster der operativen Umsetzung zu erkennen. Obwohl beide Instrumente insgesamt positive Wirkungen in den bayerischen Grenzregionen zeigen, ergeben sich eindeutige Ergebnisse dahingehend, dass es an manchen Stellen zu nicht gewollten Governance-Fehlern und damit zu Effizienzverlusten kommt. Vor allem nicht-durchgängige Förderbedingungen und Förderziele stellen ein Problem dar, jedoch sind auf regionaler Ebene kreative Anpassungen von Projektideen an die Themen- und Zielkonzepte zu erkennen. Deshalb plädieren die Autoren für mehr Vertrauen in die endogenen Potenziale der Regionen, auch in der grenzübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit. Um Reibungsverluste zu vermeiden und die Effektivität der Instrumente zu erhöhen, ist gleichzeitig eine stringente Strategieorientierung weiterzuverfolgen.The paper examines the implementation and effectiveness of the European Structural and Investment Funds with regard to regional governance. The investigation is conducted using the example of development processes in two border areas in Bavaria, the district of Cham on the Bavarian-Czech border and the district of Oberallgäu on the Bavarian-Austrian border. The focus is on LEADER (the EU program for rural areas) and INTERREG/ETZ (the EU program for territorial cooperation). An attempt is made to find evidence and structural patterns of operational implementation through an exploratory experience report. Although both instruments show overall positive effects along the Bavarian border regions, there are clear indications that unintended governance errors also result, leading to a loss of efficiency. Especially non-continuous long-term funding conditions and objectives pose problems, but within the regions creative adaptations of project ideas to the respective topics and target concepts can be recognized. Therefore the authors call for more confidence in endogenous potentials on the regional level, also concerning cross-border cooperation. In order to avoid frictional losses and to increase the effectiveness of the instruments, a stringent orientation towards strategies should be further pursued

    Cobaloxime complex salts : synthesis, patterning on carbon nanomembranes and heterogeneous hydrogen evolution studies

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    Cobaloximes are promising, earth-abundant catalysts for the light-driven hydrogen evolution reaction. Typically, these cobalt(III) complexes are prepared in situ or employed in their neutral form, e.g. [Co(dmgH 2 )(py)Cl], even though related complex salts have been reported previously and could in principle offer improved catalytic activity as well as more efficient immobilization on solid support. Here we report an interdisciplinary investigation into complex salts [Co(dmgH) 2 (py) 2 ] + [Co(dmgBPh 2 ) 2 Cl 2 ] - , TBA + [Co(dmgBPh 2 ) 2 Cl 2 ] - and [Co(dmgH) 2 (py) 2 ] + BArF - . We describe their strategic syntheses from commercially available complex [Co(dmgH) 2 (py)Cl] and demonstrate that these double and single complex salts are potent catalysts for the light-driven hydrogen evolution reaction. We also show that scanning electrochemical cell microscopy can be used to deposit arrays of catalysts [Co(dmgH) 2 (py) 2 ] + [Co(dmgBPh 2 ) 2 Cl 2 ] - and [Co(dmgH) 2 (py)Cl] on supported and free-standing amino-terminated ~ 1 nm thick carbon nanomembranes (CNMs). Photocatalytic H 2 evolution at such arrays was quantified with Pd microsensors using scanning electrochemical microscopy, thus providing a new approach for catalytic evaluation and opening up novel routes for the creation and analysis of “designer catalyst arrays”, nano-printed in a desired pattern on a solid support

    DIY Methods 2023 Conference Proceedings

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    The act of circulating research through zines invites participants into the “gift economy” of zine culture, where knowledge is shared within a system of reciprocal generosity and pleasure in opposition to hierarchical and capitalist forms of knowledge exchange. As zines cut through the often strict and inaccessible boundaries of traditional, peer-reviewed publications, they also allow for the circulation of research to broader audiences, making knowledge more accessible. As such, academic zines transform research into a gift to be shared amongst unknown peers, while also situating the mobilization of knowledge as care work. And so, while we are excited to receive abstracts around diverse themes and across disciplines, we ask participants to think about knowledge as a gift and research as care work during their zine-making process. How do these visions of knowledge and research mobilization affect how you view your research, others’ research, and/or yourself

    Reimagine Domestic Voice Assistants: Speculating About Future Scenarios

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    Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2023Today’s world is more technologically mediated than ever before. The progress in consumer smart technologies is wonderful and world-changing, but it is also racist, sexist, and discriminating. This thesis critically examines the prevailing issue of sexism in domestic Voice Assistants. The design inquiry investigates the anthropomorphism of technology leading to (false) emotional ties, the gendered representation of Voice Assistants as the 24/7 available persona, and the bigger question of how technology shapes human experience. The repercussions of these design choices contribute to reinforcing harmful gender biases and perpetuating inequality. Following the research through design principles, I have used design proposals, sketches, scenarios, and prototypes to reconsider and critically reflect upon current norms of design and interaction with voice agents at home. Through the creation of two artifacts and speculative videos, the outcome proposes a future where voice agents transition from mere assistants to social actors with agency. It challenges current norms and roles assigned to domestic voice agents toward a more equitable and morally conscious technological landscape

    A Case Study of the Public Relations Program in the District Public Schools of Green Bay, Wisconsin

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    Public relations departments in public schools are relatively new: though their number has grown rapidly in the last 10 to 20 years, many school systems still do not operate such departments. This is a study of what the research shows a public relations program for a public education system should be and a definitive look at the philosophy, practices, and future direction of the program in operation in the district public schools of Green Bay, Wisconsin. I know of no similar case study

    Regional governance and European Structural and Investment Funds at the frontiers of Bavaria

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    This article examines the implementation and effectiveness of the European structural and investment funds with regard to regional governance. The study uses the example of development processes in two border regions in Bavaria, the district of Cham on the Bavarian-Czech border and the district of Oberallgäu on the Bavarian-Austrian border. The focus is on LEADER (the EU programme for rural areas) and INTERREG/ ETC (the EU programme for territorial cooperation). A case study seeks to identify indications and structural patterns of operational implementation. Although both instruments show positive effects overall along the Bavarian border regions, there are also clear indications of unintended errors in governance, leading to a loss of efficiency. In particular, non-continuous long-term funding conditions and objectives pose problems. However, within these regions creative adaptations of project ideas to the relevant topics and target strategies can be identified. Therefore, the authors call for more confidence in endogenous potentials on the regional level, including in relation to cross-border cooperation. In order to avoid frictional losses and to increase the effectiveness of the instruments, a stringent orientation towards strategies should be further pursued

    Analyse und Evaluierung ausgewählter tourismuspolitischer Leitziele in Bayern 2011/2012 anhand von Fallstudien im Allgäu, Bayerischen Wald und Fichtelgebirge

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    "Der Freistaat Bayern hat 2010 ein neues Tourismuspolitisches Konzept beschlossen, um veränderten Rahmenbedingungen Rechnung zu tragen. Ausgangspunkt des Konzepts ist die Aussage, dass Tourismus in Bayern eine Leitökonomie darstellt. Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich insbesondere mit dieser Kernaussage sowie dem Aspekt der Professionalisierung im Tourismus anhand von Untersuchungen in drei regionalen Fallbeispielen (Allgäu, Bayerischer Wald, Fichtelgebirge) kritisch auseinander und hinterfragt die empirische Relevanz dieser Kernaussagen. Im Sinne einer Politikberatung werden abschließend Empfehlungen ausgesprochen, damit das Tourismuspolitische Konzept seinem Koordinierungsauftrag besser gerecht werden kann." (Autorenreferat)"In 2010, the Government of Bavaria has decided upon a new Tourism Policy Concept in order to meet the needs of changing general conditions. Base of the concept is the assumption that tourism is a leading economy in Bavaria. This article deals in particular with this quintessence as well as with the aspect of professionalisation in tourism and the empiric relevance of those assumptions by three regional case studies (Allgäu, Bayerischer Wald, Fichtelgebirge). Finally, recommendations are made in terms of guidance, so that the Tourism Policy Concept may achieve its coordination task in a better way." (author's abstract

    Evaluation of a New Molecular System for Simultaneous Identification of Four Enterococcus Species and Their Glycopeptide Resistance Genotypes

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    We compared the performances of a new DNA-based strip assay and the VITEK 2 system for identification of 105 enterococcal strains and differentiation of their van gene-associated resistance levels. Both methods provided excellent results. The molecular assay showed advantages in time to result for identification of van-associated genes