11 research outputs found
Significantly higher global gray matter <i>K*</i> for [1-<sup>11</sup>C]DHA in alcoholics vs. controls.
<p>(t-test p = 0.025; rmANOVA main effect of group, p = 0.041).</p
Parametric images of voxel-wise <i>K*</i> values for [1-<sup>11</sup>C]DHA.
<p>Images are group averages for controls (A; N = 22) and alcoholics (B; N = 15). Units are µL min<sup>−1</sup>ml<sup>−1</sup> and are shown on color scale.</p
Additional file 1: of Successful use of whole genome amplified DNA from multiple source types for high-density Illumina SNP microarrays
Supplementary Tables and Figures. (DOCX 898 kb
Comparisons of regional values of <i>K</i><sup>*</sup>and rCBF between alcoholics and controls.
*<p>p<0.05;</p>**<p>p<0.01;</p>***<p>p<0.001, differs from control mean.</p
Distribution of demographic and clinical variables of 101 lung adenocarcinoma patients.
<p>Distribution of demographic and clinical variables of 101 lung adenocarcinoma patients.</p
Mutual exclusivity of driver genes detected in 825 patients combining TCGA, Broad Institute, and EAGLE WES of lung adenocarcinoma.
<p><b>(A)</b> A MEGS with six genes covering 60.3% of patients. Samples without nonsynonymous mutations in these six genes are not shown. Samples labelled as blue carry a nonsynonymous mutation in the gene region, while samples labelled as gray do not carry a synonymous mutation in the gene region. <b>(B)</b> A MEGS with four genes covering 33.3% of patients. Samples without nonsynonymous mutations in these four genes are not shown.</p
Somatic mutations in three LUAD candidate driver genes (<i>POU4F2</i>, <i>ZKSCAN1</i>, and <i>ASEF</i>) in EAGLE, TCGA and Broad Institute studies.
<p>The protein sequences from these three genes are schematically described using grey bars along with their respective structural and functional domains in color-coded blocks. Each mallet represents an independent nonsilent mutation with potential functional relevance in the three studies (the complete list of mutations is reported in <a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002162#pmed.1002162.s007" target="_blank">S1 Table</a>). Numbers below each sequence representation mark the total length of the transcript, the domain ranges, and the locations of mutations.</p
The associations between DNA methylation and somatic mutation signatures based on EAGLE and TCGA data.
<p><b>(A)</b> The number of CpG probes significantly associated with the TNSM and the fractions of various types of point mutations (<i>p</i> < 1.5×10<sup>−7</sup>, based on Bonferroni correction). <b>(B)</b> CpG probe cg00042837 was strongly associated with TNSM, the fractions of C→A mutations, C→T mutations, and transversions. Each point represents one sample. The blue line was generated by “lowess,” a nonparametric statistical procedure for nonlinear regression. <b>(C)</b> The enrichment fold change of CpG probes mapping to different categories in the association with somatic point mutation types. “CGI” represents CpG island regions; “NonCGI” includes shore and shelf regions. <b>(D)</b> The enrichment fold change of CpG probes mapping to different gene regions in the association with point somatic mutation types. <b>(E)</b> and <b>(F)</b> show The proportion of identified CpG probes showing positive associations with different somatic point mutation types.</p
Somatic mutations of lung adenocarcinoma in EAGLE data.
<p><b>(A)</b> Distribution of point somatic mutations across nine mutation types. <b>(B)</b> The top panel shows the number of nonsilent mutations detected by whole-exome analysis for 101 EAGLE samples. Tumor samples were arranged from left to right by the number of nonsilent mutations. The middle panel shows the mutations for previously reported significantly mutated genes based on the TCGA data, reported in the TumorPortal website. The next panel shows the mutations for the three new driver genes. The bottom panels show smoking status. The right panel shows the frequency of nonsilent mutations in EAGLE data for each driver gene. Each column represents one patient.</p