3 research outputs found

    Introduction of tactile simulator virteasy dental to teach the students of dental faculty at Russian peoples friendship university

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    Modern rules applicable to educational process, require the introduction of innovative technologies into learning process from higher education institutions. During the last few years the teaching in the countries of Europe and America takes place with the introduction of new technologies for e-learning, the introduction of virtual technologies in educational process. The appearance of clinical situation virtual modeling simulators allowed to introduce the modern opportunities for student learning into the educational process. © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved

    Introduction of tactile simulator virteasy dental to teach the students of dental faculty at Russian peoples friendship university

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    Modern rules applicable to educational process, require the introduction of innovative technologies into learning process from higher education institutions. During the last few years the teaching in the countries of Europe and America takes place with the introduction of new technologies for e-learning, the introduction of virtual technologies in educational process. The appearance of clinical situation virtual modeling simulators allowed to introduce the modern opportunities for student learning into the educational process. © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved