26,553 research outputs found

    Resonant-state expansion for open optical systems: Generalization to magnetic, chiral, and bi-anisotropic materials

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    The resonant-state expansion, a recently developed powerful method in electrodynamics, is generalized here for open optical systems containing magnetic, chiral, or bi-anisotropic materials. It is shown that the key matrix eigenvalue equation of the method remains the same, but the matrix elements of the perturbation now contain variations of the permittivity, permeability, and bi-anisotropy tensors. A general normalization of resonant states in terms of the electric and magnetic fields is presented.Comment: 4 page

    Kondo Resonance of a Microwave Photon

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    We emulate renormalization group models, such as the Spin-Boson Hamiltonian or the anisotropic Kondo model, from a quantum optics perspective by considering a superconducting device. The infra-red confinement involves photon excitations of two tunable transmission lines entangled to an artificial spin-1/2 particle or double-island charge qubit. Focusing on the propagation of microwave light, in the underdamped regime of the Spin-Boson model, we identify a many-body resonance where a photon is absorbed at the renormalized qubit frequency and reemitted forward in an elastic manner. We also show that asymptotic freedom of microwave light is reached by increasing the input signal amplitude at low temperatures which allows the disappearance of the transmission peak.Comment: Final Version: Main text and Supplementary Materia

    Characterization of solar cells for space applications. Volume 5: Electrical characteristics of OCLI 225-micron MLAR wraparound cells as a function of intensity, temperature, and irradiation

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    Computed statistical averages and standard deviations with respect to the measured cells for each intensity temperature measurement condition are presented. Display averages and standard deviations of the cell characteristics in a two dimensional array format are shown: one dimension representing incoming light intensity, and another, the cell temperature. Programs for calculating the temperature coefficients of the pertinent cell electrical parameters are presented, and postirradiation data are summarized

    Violation of the Leggett-Garg Inequality in Neutrino Oscillations

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    The Leggett-Garg inequality, an analogue of Bell's inequality involving correlations of measurements on a system at different times, stands as one of the hallmark tests of quantum mechanics against classical predictions. The phenomenon of neutrino oscillations should adhere to quantum-mechanical predictions and provide an observable violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality. We demonstrate how oscillation phenomena can be used to test for violations of the classical bound by performing measurements on an ensemble of neutrinos at distinct energies, as opposed to a single neutrino at distinct times. A study of the MINOS experiment's data shows a greater than 6σ6{\sigma} violation over a distance of 735 km, representing the longest distance over which either the Leggett-Garg inequality or Bell's inequality has been tested.Comment: Updated to match published version. 6 pages, 2 figure

    On the Origins and Control of Community Types in the Human Microbiome

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    Microbiome-based stratification of healthy individuals into compositional categories, referred to as "community types", holds promise for drastically improving personalized medicine. Despite this potential, the existence of community types and the degree of their distinctness have been highly debated. Here we adopted a dynamic systems approach and found that heterogeneity in the interspecific interactions or the presence of strongly interacting species is sufficient to explain community types, independent of the topology of the underlying ecological network. By controlling the presence or absence of these strongly interacting species we can steer the microbial ecosystem to any desired community type. This open-loop control strategy still holds even when the community types are not distinct but appear as dense regions within a continuous gradient. This finding can be used to develop viable therapeutic strategies for shifting the microbial composition to a healthy configurationComment: Main Text, Figures, Methods, Supplementary Figures, and Supplementary Tex

    Characterization of solar cells for space applications. Volume 14: Electrical characteristics of Hughes liquid phase epitaxy gallium arsenide solar cells as a function of intensity, temperature and irradiation

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    Electrical characteristics of liquid phase epitaxy, P/N gallium aluminum arsenide solar cells are presented in graphical and tabular format as a function of solar illumination intensity and temperature. The solar cells were exposed to 1 MeV electron fluences of, respectively, 0, one hundred trillion, one quadrillion, and ten quadrillion e/sq cm

    Considerations for the design of an onboard air traffic situation display

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    The basic concept of remoting information to the cockpit is used to design and develop a computerized airborne traffic situation display device that automatically selects and presents segments of a controller's scope to the aircraft pilot via a narrow band digital data link. These data are integrated with aircraft heading and navigation information to provide a display useful in congested air space. The display can include alphanumerical symbols, air route maps, and controller instructions

    Decoherence and the Nature of System-Environment Correlations

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    We investigate system-environment correlations based on the exact dynamics of a qubit and its environment in the framework of pure decoherence (phase damping). We focus on the relation of decoherence and the build-up of system-reservoir entanglement for an arbitrary (possibly mixed) initial qubit state. In the commonly employed regime where the qubit dynamics can be described by a Markov master equation of Lindblad type, we find that for almost all qubit initial states inside the Bloch sphere, decoherence is complete while the total state is still separable - no entanglement is involved. In general, both "separable" and "entangling" decoherence occurs, depending on temperature and initial qubit state. Moreover, we find situations where classical and quantum correlations periodically alternate as a function of time in the regime of low temperatures

    Quantum Phase Transitions in the Itinerant Ferromagnet ZrZn2_2

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    We report a study of the ferromagnetism of ZrZn2_{2}, the most promising material to exhibit ferromagnetic quantum criticality, at low temperatures TT as function of pressure pp. We find that the ordered ferromagnetic moment disappears discontinuously at pcp_c=16.5 kbar. Thus a tricritical point separates a line of first order ferromagnetic transitions from second order (continuous) transitions at higher temperature. We also identify two lines of transitions of the magnetisation isotherms up to 12 T in the p−Tp-T plane where the derivative of the magnetization changes rapidly. These quantum phase transitions (QPT) establish a high sensitivity to local minima in the free energy in ZrZn2_{2}, thus strongly suggesting that QPT in itinerant ferromagnets are always first order

    Ground-state energy and depletions for a dilute binary Bose gas

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    When calculating the ground-state energy of a weakly interacting Bose gas with the help of the customary contact pseudopotential, one meets an artifical ultraviolet divergence which is caused by the incorrect treatment of the true interparticle interactions at small distances. We argue that this problem can be avoided by retaining the actual, momentum-dependent interaction matrix elements, and use this insight for computing both the ground-state energy and the depletions of a binary Bose gas mixture. Even when considering the experimentally relevant case of equal masses of both species, the resulting expressions are quite involved, and no straightforward generalizations of the known single-species formulas. On the other hand, we demonstrate in detail how these latter formulas are recovered from our two-species results in the limit of vanishing interspecies interaction.Comment: 11 pages, Phys. Rev. A in pres
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