1,784 research outputs found

    Determinants and Dynamics of Farm Diversification

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    This paper examines the impact of various farm and household characteristics (such as farm size, the off-farm employment status, the farm operator's age and schooling and the number of family members) on the level as well as the dynamics of on-farm diversification. Using linked census data for Upper-Austria from 1980, 1985 and 1990 we provide evidence that smaller farms are more specialised and also tend to increase the degree of specialisation over time more quickly than large farms. A significantly lower degree of diversification (higher degree of specialisation) as well as a stronger reduction in diversification over time is also reported for businesses operated by older, less educated, part-time farm operators. The analysis of diversification dynamics also suggests that (a) farms adjust to changes in their environment by steadily approaching their long-run equilibrium level of diversification (b-convergence), and (b) the variance of the diversification distribution declines over time (s-convergence). --

    Determinants and Dynamics of Farm Diversification

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    This paper examines the impact of various farm and household characteristics (such as farm size, the off-farm employment status, the farm operator's age and schooling and the number of family members) on the level as well as the dynamics of on-farm diversification. Using linked census data for Upper-Austria from 1980, 1985 and 1990 we provide evidence that smaller farms are more specialised and also tend to increase the degree of specialisation over time more quickly than large farms. A significantly lower degree of diversification (higher degree of specialisation) as well as a stronger reduction in diversification over time is also reported for businesses operated by older, less educated, part-time farm operators. The analysis of diversification dynamics also suggests that (a) farms adjust to changes in their environment by steadily approaching their long-run equilibrium level of diversification ( B-convergence), and (b) the variance of the diversification distribution declines over time ( O-convergence).Diversification, Farm Sector, Dynamics, Panel Data, Farm Management,

    On flexibility

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    By building on theoretical work by Mills and Schumann (1985) and Ungern-Sternberg (1990) this paper provides evidence on the determinants of two dimensions of flexibility, the flexibility in adjusting aggregate output over time (tactical flexibility) as well as the ability to switch quickly between products (operational flexibility). Econometric analysis of a sample of 40.000 farms in Upper-Austria for the period 1980 to 1990 suggests that larger full-time farms operated by younger, better educated farm operators are more flexible, ceteris paribus. The results further indicate a significant and negative interrelationship between tactical and operational flexibility. --tactical and operational flexibility,panel data,farm households

    cDNA Cloning Demonstrates the Expression of Pregnancy-Specific Glycoprotein Genes, a Subgroup of the Carcinoembryonic Antigen Gene Family, in Fetal Liver

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    The pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) genes constitute a subgroup of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family. Here we report the cloning of four cDNAs coding for different members of the PSG family from a human fetal liver cDNA library. They are derived from three closely related genes (PSG1, PSG4 and PSG6). Two of the cDNA clones represent splice variants of PSG1 (PSG1a, PSG1d) differing in their C-terminal domain and 3′-untranslated regions. All encoded proteins show the same domain arrangement (N-RA1-RA2-RB2-C). Transcripts of the genes PSG1 and PSG4 could be detected in placenta by hybridization with gene-specific oligonucleotides. Expression of cDNA in a mouse and monkey cell line shows that the glycosylated PSG1a protein has a Mr of 65–66 kD and is released from the transfected cells. Sequence comparisons in the C-terminal domain and the 3′-untranslated regions of CEA/PSG-like genes suggests a complex splicing pattern to exist for various gene family members and a common evolutionary origin of these region

    Spatiotemporal Expression of Pregnancy-Specific Glycoprotein Gene rnCGMl in Rat Placenta

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    As a basis towards a better understanding of the role of the pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) family in the maintenance of pregnancy, detailed investigations are described on the expression of a recently identified rat PSG gene (rnCGM1) at the mRNA and protein levels. Using specific oligonucleotide primers, rnCGM1 transcripts were identified after reverse transcription, polymerase chain reaction, and hybridization with a radiolabelled, internal oligonucleotide. Transcripts were only found in significant amounts in placenta. In situ hybridization visualized rnCGM1 transcripts at day 14 post coitum (p.c.), in secondary trophoblast giant cells and in the spongiotrophoblast. Only those secondary giant cells lining the maternal decidua were positive. In contrast, primary giant cells did not contain rnCGM1 mRNA. At day 18 p.c., rnCGM1. transcripts were almost exclusively detectable in the spongiotrophoblast. No rnCGM1 transcripts were found in rat embryos of these two developmental stages. Rabbit antisera were generated against the amino-terminal immunoglobulin variable-like domain and against a synthetic peptide containing the last 13 carboxy-terminal amino acids of rnCGM1. Bothe antisera recognized a 124 kDa protein in day 18 rat placental extracts as identified by Western blot analysis. The anti-peptide antiserum recognized a 116 kDa protein in the serum of a 14 day p.c. pregnant rat that is absent from the sera of non-pregnant females. Taken together, these results confirm exclusive expression of rnCGM1 in the rat trophoblast, but unlike human PSG, negligible or no expression is found in other organs, such as fetal liver or salivary glands, indicating a more specialized function of rnCGM1. Its spatiotemporal expression pattern is conducive with a potential role of PSG in protecting the fetus against the maternal immune system and/or in regulating the invasive growth of trophoblast cells

    Multiple pathways of plasmid DNA transfer in Helicobacter pylori

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    Many Helicobacter pylori (Hp) strains carry cryptic plasmids of different size and gene content, the function of which is not well understood. A subgroup of these plasmids (e.g. pHel4, pHel12), contain a mobilisation region, but no cognate type IV secretion system (T4SS) for conjugative transfer. Instead, certain H. pylori strains (e.g. strain P12 carrying plasmid pHel12) can harbour up to four T4SSs in their genome (cag-T4SS, comB, tfs3, tfs4). Here, we show that such indigenous plasmids can be efficiently transferred between H. pylori strains, even in the presence of extracellular DNaseI eliminating natural transformation. Knockout of a plasmid-encoded mobA relaxase gene significantly reduced plasmid DNA transfer in the presence of DNaseI, suggesting a DNA conjugation or mobilisation process. To identify the T4SS involved in this conjugative DNA transfer, each individual T4SS was consecutively deleted from the bacterial chromosome. Using a marker-free counterselectable gene deletion procedure (rpsL counterselection method), a P12 mutant strain was finally obtained with no single T4SS (P12ΔT4SS). Mating experiments using these mutants identified the comB T4SS in the recipient strain as the major mediator of plasmid DNA transfer between H. pylori strains, both in a DNaseI-sensitive (natural transformation) as well as a DNaseI-resistant manner (conjugative transfer). However, transfer of a pHel12::cat plasmid from a P12ΔT4SS donor strain into a P12ΔT4SS recipient strain provided evidence for the existence of a third, T4SS-independent mechanism of DNA transfer. This novel type of plasmid DNA transfer, designated as alternate DNaseI-Resistant (ADR) mechanism, is observed at a rather low frequency under in vitro conditions. Taken together, our study describes for the first time the existence of three distinct pathways of plasmid DNA transfer between H. pylori underscoring the importance of horizontal gene transfer for this species

    Determinants and Dynamics of Farm Diversification

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    This paper examines the impact of various farm and household characteristics (such as farm size, the off-farm employment status, the farm operator's age and schooling and the number of family members) on the level as well as the dynamics of on-farm diversification. Using linked census data for Upper-Austria from 1980, 1985 and 1990 we provide evidence that smaller farms are more specialised and also tend to increase the degree of specialisation over time more quickly than large farms. A significantly lower degree of diversification (higher degree of specialisation) as well as a stronger reduction in diversification over time is also reported for businesses operated by older, less educated, part-time farm operators. The analysis of diversification dynamics also suggests that (a) farms adjust to changes in their environment by steadily approaching their long-run equilibrium level of diversification (b-convergence), and (b) the variance of the diversification distribution declines over time (s-convergence)

    On flexibility

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    By building on theoretical work by Mills and Schumann (1985) and Ungern-Sternberg (1990) this paper provides evidence on the determinants of two dimensions of flexibility, the flexibility in adjusting aggregate output over time (tactical flexibility) as well as the ability to switch quickly between products (operational flexibility). Econometric analysis of a sample of 40.000 farms in Upper-Austria for the period 1980 to 1990 suggests that larger full-time farms operated by younger, better educated farm operators are more flexible, ceteris paribus. The results further indicate a significant and negative interrelationship between tactical and operational flexibility

    AMS Standing Committee on New Skills 2010/2011: Bericht ĂĽber die Ergebnisse der SpezialistInnengruppen. Arbeitsphase 2010/2011

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    Im Oktober 2009 wurde vom Verwaltungsrat des Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich (AMS) ein 'AMS Standing Committee on New Skills' eingerichtet, um - vor dem Hintergrund der zu diesem Zeitpunkt schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Lage - Zeiten der betrieblichen Unterauslastung in Verbindung mit arbeitsmarktpolitischen Unterstützungsmaßnahmen (z. B. Bildungskarenz, Kurzarbeit mit Qualifizierung, AMS-Schulungen) zu nutzen, um die Arbeitskräfte (Beschäftigte und Arbeitsuchende) rechtzeitig auf kommende Veränderungen und Anforderungen vorzubereiten. Aber auch unabhängig von der jeweiligen wirtschaftlichen Lage besteht die dringende Notwendigkeit, die Qualifikationen, Kenntnisse und Kompetenzen des Arbeitskräftepotenzials vorausschauend weiterzuentwickeln, damit die Betriebe und der Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich insgesamt wettbewerbsfähig bleiben. Im Rahmen des 'AMS Standing Committee on New Skills' wurden und werden durch den Input von Branchenfachleuten aus großen, innovativen Betrieben und Einrichtungen und gemeinsam mit VertreterInnen von Weiterbildungseinrichtungen und Sozialpartnerorganisationen in mehreren Workshops betriebliche Veränderungsprozesse identifiziert. Aus diesen werden Rückschlüsse auf aktuelle und künftige Anforderungen für die Beschäftigten und Arbeitsuchenden gezogen, die wiederum in eine vorausschauende Entwicklung von Weiterbildungsangeboten einfließen sollen. Durch frühzeitige Antizipation dieser Entwicklungen rechtzeitig Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen zu ergreifen und dadurch mit den in drei bis fünf Jahren erforderlichen Qualifikationen Schritt zu halten, dies ist das erklärte Ziel des 'AMS Standing Committee on New Skills'. Im Zeitraum November 2010 bis Juni 2011 wurden vom AMS Österreich, Abt. Arbeitsmarktforschung und Berufsinformation (ABI), in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft (ibw) Arbeitsgruppen in folgenden vier Unternehmensclustern eingerichtet (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge): Cluster 'Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Telekommunikation'; Cluster 'Energie und Umwelttechnik'; Cluster 'Gesundheit und Pflege'; Cluster 'Handel'. Der vorliegende AMS report stellt eine Gesamtschau der Ergebnisse dar, die in den oben genannten Clustern gewonnen wurd
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