21 research outputs found

    The Teacher Would Call Me \u27Piggy\u27, \u27Smelley\u27, \u27Dirty\u27, Names like That : Prying Open a Discussion of Domestic Violence for Educators

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    (The Teacher) would call me piggy , smelly , dirty , names like that, and the kids started following along with it. And I\u27d say, by the fourth grade, I started cleaning myself out. I didn\u27t care anymore, but my father had this thing that you were allowed to take a bath once a week. He would measure the shampoo, he would measure the soap, and if he thought somebody was using the shampoo when he said you shouldn\u27t, you\u27d get a beating. But I got sick of it, and the beatings almost became to be painless when hit with a belt or punched, it just...it almost didn\u27t phase me anymore, and I figured I\u27d rather be clean and go to school and have friends, because it hurt more to not have friends than to be hit by my father. –Anna, a twenty six year old white femal

    Importin α/ÎČ mediates nuclear import of individual SUMO E1 subunits and of the holo-enzyme

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    SUMOylation is an essential modification that regulates predominantly nuclear proteins. Here we describe two pathways for the generation of nuclear SUMO E1 enzyme, import of individual subunits, and transport of the holo-enzyme. The NLS in Uba2 is required for transport of the complex; the c-Myc–like NLS in Aos1 functions only in the free subunit