294 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency and Emission Testing for Connected and Automated Vehicles Using Real-World Driving Data

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    By using the onboard sensing and external connectivity technology, connected and automated vehicles (CAV) could lead to improved energy efficiency, better routing, and lower traffic congestion. With the rapid development of the technology and adaptation of CAV, it is more critical to develop the universal evaluation method and the testing standard which could evaluate the impacts on energy consumption and environmental pollution of CAV fairly, especially under the various traffic conditions. In this paper, we proposed a new method and framework to evaluate the energy efficiency and emission of the vehicle based on the unsupervised learning methods. Both the real-world driving data of the evaluated vehicle and the large naturalistic driving dataset are used to perform the driving primitive analysis and coupling. Then the linear weighted estimation method could be used to calculate the testing result of the evaluated vehicle. The results show that this method can successfully identify the typical driving primitives. The couples of the driving primitives from the evaluated vehicle and the typical driving primitives from the large real-world driving dataset coincide with each other very well. This new method could enhance the standard development of the energy efficiency and emission testing of CAV and other off-cycle credits

    Beam energy distribution influences on density modulation efficiency in seeded free-electron lasers

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    The beam energy spread at the entrance of undulator system is of paramount importance for efficient density modulation in high-gain seeded free-electron lasers (FELs). In this paper, the dependences of high harmonic micro-bunching in the high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG), echo-enabled harmonic generation (EEHG) and phase-merging enhanced harmonic generation (PEHG) schemes on the electron energy spread distribution are studied. Theoretical investigations and multi-dimensional numerical simulations are applied to the cases of uniform and saddle beam energy distributions and compared to a traditional Gaussian distribution. It shows that the uniform and saddle electron energy distributions significantly enhance the performance of HGHG-FELs, while they almost have no influence on EEHG and PEHG schemes. A numerical example demonstrates that, with about 84keV RMS uniform and/or saddle slice energy spread, the 30th harmonic radiation can be directly generated by a single-stage seeding scheme for a soft x-ray FEL facility

    Potential Reductions in Greenhouse Gas and Fine Particulate Matter Emissions Using Corn Stover for Ethanol Production in China

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    Corn stover is an abundant raw material that can be used to produce ethanol and reduce air pollution. This paper studied the potential reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions across China if corn stover was used for ethanol production. Field surveys in nine provincial regions were conducted. Life-cycle assessment (LCA) was used to assess the GHG and PM2.5 emissions from a corn stover based ethanol system. The LCA system boundaries included several process stages from corn planting to ethanol fuel used in vehicles. Corn stover geographical distributions and emission reduction factors were combined. Results showed that the total surplus quantity of corn stover in China was 86.2 million metric tons (Mt) in 2015. It was sufficient to reach the ethanol production target set by the Chinese government. In the scenario that 38.5 Mt or 44.6% of corn stover surplus were used for ethanol production, the total potential emission reductions were 36.5 Mt CO2-eq GHG and 450.9 kt PM2.5. Among the 31 provincial regions in China, the reduction potentials varied from 0.001 to 8.9 Mt CO2-eq for GHG and from 0.013 to 109.7 kt for PM2.5. This study provided useful information to policy makers, researchers and industry managers who work on environmental control and corn stover management

    Deep Learning for Logo Detection: A Survey

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    When logos are increasingly created, logo detection has gradually become a research hotspot across many domains and tasks. Recent advances in this area are dominated by deep learning-based solutions, where many datasets, learning strategies, network architectures, etc. have been employed. This paper reviews the advance in applying deep learning techniques to logo detection. Firstly, we discuss a comprehensive account of public datasets designed to facilitate performance evaluation of logo detection algorithms, which tend to be more diverse, more challenging, and more reflective of real life. Next, we perform an in-depth analysis of the existing logo detection strategies and the strengths and weaknesses of each learning strategy. Subsequently, we summarize the applications of logo detection in various fields, from intelligent transportation and brand monitoring to copyright and trademark compliance. Finally, we analyze the potential challenges and present the future directions for the development of logo detection to complete this survey

    The DKU-MSXF Diarization System for the VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Challenge 2023

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    This paper describes the DKU-MSXF submission to track 4 of the VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Challenge 2023 (VoxSRC-23). Our system pipeline contains voice activity detection, clustering-based diarization, overlapped speech detection, and target-speaker voice activity detection, where each procedure has a fused output from 3 sub-models. Finally, we fuse different clustering-based and TSVAD-based diarization systems using DOVER-Lap and achieve the 4.30% diarization error rate (DER), which ranks first place on track 4 of the challenge leaderboard