308 research outputs found

    Continuous loading of a magnetic trap

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    We have realized a scheme for continuous loading of a magnetic trap (MT). ^{52}Cr atoms are continuously captured and cooled in a magneto-optical trap (MOT). Optical pumping to a metastable state decouples atoms from the cooling light. Due to their high magnetic moment (6 Bohr magnetons), low-field seeking metastable atoms are trapped in the magnetic quadrupole field provided by the MOT. Limited by inelastic collisions between atoms in the MOT and in the MT, we load 10^8 metastable atoms at a rate of 10^8 atoms/s below 100 microkelvin into the MT. After loading we can perform optical repumping to realize a MT of ground state chromium atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, version 2, modified references, included additional detailed information, minor changes in figure 3 and in tex

    Stability of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    In three-dimensional trapped Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), described by the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii-Ginzburg equation, we study the effect of initial conditions on stability using a Gaussian variational approach and exact numerical simulations. We also discuss the validity of the criterion for stability suggested by Vakhitov and Kolokolov. The maximum initial chirp (initial focusing defocusing of cloud) that can lead a stable condensate to collapse even before the number of atoms reaches its critical limit is obtained for several specific cases. When we consider two- and three-body nonlinear terms, with negative cubic and positive quintic terms, we have the conditions for the existence of two phases in the condensate. In this case, the magnitude of the oscillations between the two phases are studied considering sufficient large initial chirps. The occurrence of collapse in a BEC with repulsive two-body interaction is also shown to be possible.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Phenomenological Consequences of Singlet Neutrinos

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    In this paper, we study the phenomenology of right-handed neutrino isosinglets. We consider the general situation where the neutrino masses are not necessarily given by mD2/Mm_D^2/M, where mDm_D and MM are the Dirac and Majorana mass terms respectively. The consequent mixing between the light and heavy neutrinos is then not suppressed, and we treat it as an independent parameter in the analysis. It turns out that μe\mu-e conversion is an important experiment in placing limits on the heavy mass scale (MM) and the mixing. Mixings among light neutrinos are constrained by neutrinoless double beta decay, as well as by solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments. Detailed one-loop calculations for lepton number violating vertices are provided.Comment: Revtex file,TRI-PP-94-1,VPI-IHEP-94-1, 23 pages, a compressed for 8 figures is appende

    The Vlasov limit and its fluctuations for a system of particles which interact by means of a wave field

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    In two recent publications [Commun. PDE, vol.22, p.307--335 (1997), Commun. Math. Phys., vol.203, p.1--19 (1999)], A. Komech, M. Kunze and H. Spohn studied the joint dynamics of a classical point particle and a wave type generalization of the Newtonian gravity potential, coupled in a regularized way. In the present paper the many-body dynamics of this model is studied. The Vlasov continuum limit is obtained in form equivalent to a weak law of large numbers. We also establish a central limit theorem for the fluctuations around this limit.Comment: 68 pages. Smaller corrections: two inequalities in sections 3 and two inequalities in section 4, and definition of a Banach space in appendix A1. Presentation of LLN and CLT in section 4.3 improved. Notation improve

    Two-Loop O(αsGFmt2){\cal O}(\alpha_sG_Fm_t^2) Corrections to the Fermionic Decay Rates of the Standard-Model Higgs Boson

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    Low- and intermediate mass Higgs bosons decay preferably into fermion pairs. The one-loop electroweak corrections to the respective decay rates are dominated by a flavour-independent term of O(GFmt2){\cal O}(G_Fm_t^2). We calculate the two-loop gluon correction to this term. It turns out that this correction screens the leading high-mtm_t behaviour of the one-loop result by roughly 10\%. We also present the two-loop QCD correction to the contribution induced by a pair of fourth-generation quarks with arbitrary masses. As expected, the inclusion of the QCD correction considerably reduces the renormalization-scheme dependence of the prediction.Comment: 14 pages, latex, figures 2-5 appended, DESY 94-08

    Inclusive eta' Production from the Upsilon(1S)

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    Using the CLEO II detector at CESR, we measure the eta' - gluon - gluon form-factor in Y(1S) decays. This form-factor especially at large eta' energies may provide an explanation of the large rate for B -> Xs eta'. Our data do not support a large anomalous coupling at higher q^2 and thus the large eta' rate remains a mystery, possibly requiring a non-Standard Model explanation.Comment: 14 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, submitted to PR

    Study of the q^2-Dependence of B --> pi ell nu and B --> rho(omega)ell nu Decay and Extraction of |V_ub|

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    We report on determinations of |Vub| resulting from studies of the branching fraction and q^2 distributions in exclusive semileptonic B decays that proceed via the b->u transition. Our data set consists of the 9.7x10^6 BBbar meson pairs collected at the Y(4S) resonance with the CLEO II detector. We measure B(B0 -> pi- l+ nu) = (1.33 +- 0.18 +- 0.11 +- 0.01 +- 0.07)x10^{-4} and B(B0 -> rho- l+ nu) = (2.17 +- 0.34 +0.47/-0.54 +- 0.41 +- 0.01)x10^{-4}, where the errors are statistical, experimental systematic, systematic due to residual form-factor uncertainties in the signal, and systematic due to residual form-factor uncertainties in the cross-feed modes, respectively. We also find B(B+ -> eta l+ nu) = (0.84 +- 0.31 +- 0.16 +- 0.09)x10^{-4}, consistent with what is expected from the B -> pi l nu mode and quark model symmetries. We extract |Vub| using Light-Cone Sum Rules (LCSR) for 0<= q^2<16 GeV^2 and Lattice QCD (LQCD) for 16 GeV^2 <= q^2 < q^2_max. Combining both intervals yields |Vub| = (3.24 +- 0.22 +- 0.13 +0.55/-0.39 +- 0.09)x10^{-3}$ for pi l nu, and |Vub| = (3.00 +- 0.21 +0.29/-0.35 +0.49/-0.38 +-0.28)x10^{-3} for rho l nu, where the errors are statistical, experimental systematic, theoretical, and signal form-factor shape, respectively. Our combined value from both decay modes is |Vub| = (3.17 +- 0.17 +0.16/-0.17 +0.53/-0.39 +-0.03)x10^{-3}.Comment: 45 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, submitted to PR

    Search for CP Violation in D^0--> K_S^0 pi^+pi^-

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    We report on a search for CP violation in the decay of D0 and D0B to Kshort pi+pi-. The data come from an integrated luminosity of 9.0 1/fb of e+e- collisions at sqrt(s) ~ 10 GeV recorded with the CLEO II.V detector. The resonance substructure of this decay is well described by ten quasi-two-body decay channels (K*-pi+, K*0(1430)-pi+, K*2(1430)-pi+, K*(1680)-pi+, Kshort rho, Kshort omega, Kshort f0(980), Kshort f2(1270), Kshort f0(1370), and the ``wrong sign'' K*+ pi-) plus a small non-resonant component. We observe no evidence for CP violation in the amplitudes and phases that describe the decay D0 to K_S^0 pi+pi-.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, also available at http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS/, submitted to PR

    Measurement of Lepton Momentum Moments in the Decay bar{B} \to X \ell \bar{\nu} and Determination of Heavy Quark Expansion Parameters and |V_cb|

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    We measure the primary lepton momentum spectrum in B-bar to X l nu decays, for p_l > 1.5 GeV/c in the B rest frame. From this, we calculate various moments of the spectrum. In particular, we find R_0 = [int(E_l>1.7) (dGam/dE_sl)*dE_l] / [int(E_l>1.5) (dGam/dE_sl)*dE_l] = 0.6187 +/- 0.0014_stat +/- 0.0016_sys and R_1 = [int(E_l>1.5) E_l(dGam/dE_sl)*dE_l] / [int(E_l>1.5) (dGam/dE_sl)*dE_l] = (1.7810 +/- 0.0007_stat +/- 0.0009_sys) GeV. We use these moments to determine non-perturbative parameters governing the semileptonic width. In particular, we extract the Heavy Quark Expansion parameters Lambda-bar = (0.39 +/- 0.03_stat +/- 0.06_sys +/- 0.12_th) GeV and lambda_1 = (-0.25 +/- 0.02_stat +/- 0.05_sys +/- 0.14_th) GeV^2. The theoretical constraints used are evaluated through order 1/M_B^3 in the non-perturbative expansion and beta_0*alpha__s^2 in the perturbative expansion. We use these parameters to extract |V_cb| from the world average of the semileptonic width and find |V_cb| = (40.8 +/- 0.5_Gam-sl +/- 0.4_(lambda_1,Lambda-bar)-exp +/- 0.9_th) x 10^-3. In addition, we extract the short range b-quark mass m_b^1S = (4.82 +/- 0.07_exp +/- 0.11_th) GeV/c^2. Finally, we discuss the implications of our measurements for the theoretical understanding of inclusive semileptonic processes.Comment: 21 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, submitted to PR

    Measurement of the Mass Splittings between the bbˉχb,J(1P)b\bar{b}\chi_{b,J}(1P) States

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    We present new measurements of photon energies and branching fractions for the radiative transitions: Upsilon(2S)->gamma+chi_b(J=0,1,2). The masses of the chi_b states are determined from the measured radiative photon energies. The ratio of mass splittings between the chi_b substates, r==(M[J=2]-M[J=1])/(M[J=1]-M[J=0]) with M the chi_b mass, provides information on the nature of the bbbar confining potential. We find r(1P)=0.54+/-0.02+/-0.02. This value is in conflict with the previous world average, but more consistent with the theoretical expectation that r(1P)<r(2P); i.e., that this mass splittings ratio is smaller for the chi_b(1P) triplet than for the chi_b(2P) triplet.Comment: 11 page postscript file, postscript file also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN