5 research outputs found

    Theory of Colour Harmony and Its Application

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    The colour represents an essential element of visual and graphic communications. It plays an important role in the perception of visual design and it is significant for all participants in the process of planning, developing and promoting graphic products. Designers are interested in a psychological and presentational aspect of colours, while to the technologists the colour represents one of the most important quality attributes. The process of choosing colours that are harmonious, usable and efficient is complex. In addition, many designers have inadequate background knowledge of colour theory, which could help them with the selection of colours. As a result, designers usually spend a great deal of time and expend significant effort in choosing appropriate colour combinations. In this article, the importance of colour harmony and its application when extracting colours, rating and generating colour schemes is presented

    Implementation of Wiener Algorithm for Spectral Reflectance Reconstruction of 3 and 6 Channel Images

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    Wiener estimation is a widely used technique for the spectral reflectance reconstruction of colored objects. In our study the reflectance estimation of 3-channel images acquired using traditional RGB camera was compared with that of 6-channel images captured by a modified 6-channel camera. 240 patches of ColorChecker DC Chart were used for training and testing of the models.Their performance was assessed via quality metrics PSNR, RMSE and CIE DE2000 based on the reconstructed and spectrophotometrically measured reflectance values. Compared to the 3-channel models, 6-channel models in general provided better results. Lowest color difference CIE DE2000 was obtained when using 10 calculation terms in the 3-channel algorithm and 13 terms in the 6-channel. Best reconstruction models, i.e. lowest CIE DE2000 and RMSE and highest PSNR values, were found for the skin and neutral tones while the performance was the poorest with the saturated color patches. The obtained results can be of use in various practical applications, such as in a printing workflow with high precision color rendering or for accurate digitization of paintings and other works of art

    Developing a model for automatic adjustment and selection of user interface colors

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    Barva igra pomembno vlogo pri vizualni podobi uporabniškega vmesnika in ima velik vpliv na uporabniško izkušnjo. Za dosego privlačnih in uporabniku prijaznih uporabniških vmesnikov je priporočeno, da so barve njihovih elementov v skladju z uporabljenimi slikami. Slednje predstavlja velik izziv, saj so slike pogosto barvno raznolike, hkrati pa jih lahko spreminjajo uredniki oz. avtorji, ki nimajo oblikovalskega znanja. Zato smo v okviru pričujoče doktorske disertacije izdelali model, ki na podlagi slike samodejno določi in prilagodi barve uporabniškega vmesnika. Pri določitvi barv izhaja model iz najbolj izstopajočih barv slike – barve, ki so na sliki najbolj opazne, pri izračunu barv pa upošteva tako estetski vidik (barvna harmonija, skladnost) kakor tudi vidik uporabnosti (kontrast med barvami, raznolikost barv, namembnost barv, moč barv). Za dosego omenjenih lastnosti model vključuje novo metodo za ekstrahiranje barv s slike in nov model za določitev barvne teme uporabniškega vmesnika. Izdelan model smo implementirali znotraj spletne aplikacije katere vizualno podobo so ovrednotili uporabniki. Po njihovem mnenju izdelan model samodejno določi barve, ki so skladne s prikazano sliko, estetske oz. privlačne, harmonične in uporabne (opazne, kontrastne in čitljive). Pomembna je tudi ugotovitev, da lahko barvno harmonijo dosežemo zgolj z uporabo izstopajočih barv slike, brez upoštevanja razmerij barvnih tonov, kar nakazuje, da je zaznana barvna harmonija odvisna tudi od konteksta uporabe barv. Izdelan model ima številne aplikativne možnosti in je lahko uporabljen znotraj različnih orodij, npr. za samodejno določitev statične barvne teme spletnega mesta glede na poljubno izbrano sliko (npr. logotip ali sliko produkta) ali pa za samodejno dinamično določitev barv elementov glede na osrednjo oz. aktivno sliko – sliko, ki je vidna istočasno z elementi.Color plays an important role in the design of user interfaces and has a major impact on user experience. To create aesthetic and user-friendly interfaces, it is necessary that the colors of the user interface are coherent with the images. The latter can be hard to achieve since the images are often color diverse and frequently changed by editors or authors who do not have sufficient design skills or knowledge. In order to solve this problem, we have developed a model that automatically selects and adjusts user interface colors based on the most prominent colors of the image – the colors that are most noticeable in the image. For that purpose, the model includes a new method for extracting colors from the image and a new model for creating color themes for the user interface. The model for generating color themes considers both the aesthetic (color harmony, coherence with images) and the usability (color contrast, color diversity, color strength) aspects. In addition, the model can be adjusted to fit the user\u27s needs and demands. To test and evaluate the model, we implemented it inside a web-based application where colors were automatically selected based on the main image of the page. The evaluation of the model was conducted by the users who are mainly professional designers. According to their opinion, the model automatically selects the colors that are coherent with the image, aesthetic (attractive and harmonious), and usable (prominent, contrastive, and legible). An important observation was also that color harmony can be achieved solely by using the most prominent colors of the image (regardless of their hues), suggesting that color harmony is strongly influenced by the context of use. The presented model has high practical importance since it can be used in different applications and tools. It can be used for the automatic selection of a website color theme based on a certain image (e.g. company logo or product image) or to dynamically adjust the color of elements, according to the main image – an image that is visible at the same time as the elements

    Automated Image-Based User Interface Color Theme Generation

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    Color plays an essential role in the design of user interfaces and significantly impacts the user experience. To create aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly interfaces, the colors of the user interface should be consistent with the images. The latter can be challenging to achieve, as images often have different colors and are often changed by editors or authors who do not have sufficient design knowledge. To solve this problem, we have developed a model that automatically determines the color theme of the user interface based on a given image. The model first extracts the most prominent colors from the image and then considers both aesthetic (color harmony and compatibility with the image) and usability aspects (color contrast, color diversity, and color strength). All color calculations are performed in the perceptually uniform color space CAM02-UCS. In addition, the model can be adapted to the user’s needs and requirements. To test the model, we implemented it in a web-based application in which the colors were automatically selected based on the featured image. The resulting color themes were then evaluated by the users, who were mainly professional designers. According to the results, the model generates color themes that are consistent with the image, aesthetic, and user-friendly. An important observation was also that color harmony can be achieved simply by using the most prominent colors of the image (regardless of their hue), suggesting that color harmony is strongly influenced by the context of use. The presented model holds significant practical importance as it can be utilized in various applications and tools. For instance, it can automatically choose a color theme for a user interface based on a particular image, such as a company logo or a product image. Moreover, it can dynamically adjust the colors of elements in real time based on the image that is visible simultaneously with the elements