1,162 research outputs found

    Type IIB Holographic Superfluid Flows

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    We construct fully backreacted holographic superfluid flow solutions in a five-dimensional theory that arises as a consistent truncation of low energy type IIB string theory. We construct a black hole with scalar and vector hair in this theory, and study the phase diagram. As expected, the superfluid phase ceases to exist for high enough superfluid velocity, but we show that the phase transition between normal and superfluid phases is always second order. We also analyze the zero temperature limit of these solutions. Interestingly, we find evidence that the emergent IR conformal symmetry of the zero-temperature domain wall is broken at high enough velocity.Comment: v3: Published version. Figures 5 and 6 corrected. 24 pages, 7 figure

    Monopoles and Holography

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    We present a holographic theory in AdS_4 whose zero temperature ground state develops a crystal structure, spontaneously breaking translational symmetry. The crystal is induced by a background magnetic field, but requires no chemical potential. This lattice arises from the existence of 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole solitons in the bulk which condense to form a classical object known as a monopole wall. In the infra-red, the magnetic field is screened and there is an emergent SU(2) global symmetry.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures; v2: ref adde

    Energy Dependence of the Delta Resonance: Chiral Dynamics in Action

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    There is an important connection between the low energy theorems of QCD and the energy dependence of the Delta resonance in pi-N scattering, as well as the closely related gamma^{*} N -> pi N reaction. The resonance shape is due not only to the strong pi-N interaction in the p wave but the small interaction in the s wave; the latter is due to spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in QCD (i.e. the Nambu-Goldstone nature of the pion). A brief overview of experimental tests of chiral perturbation theory and chiral based models is presentedComment: 11 pages, 6 figures, Festschrift for S.N. yan

    Gauge gravity duality for d-wave superconductors: prospects and challenges

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    We write down an action for a charged, massive spin two field in a fixed Einstein background. Despite some technical problems, we argue that in an effective field theory framework and in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, this action can be used to study the properties of a superfluid phase transition with a d-wave order parameter in a dual strongly interacting field theory. We investigate the phase diagram and the charge conductivity of the superfluid phase. We also explain how possible couplings between the spin two field and bulk fermions affect the fermion spectral function.Comment: 42 pages, 6 figure

    Stimulated superconductivity at strong coupling

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    Stimulating a system with time dependent sources can enhance instabilities, thus increasing the critical temperature at which the system transitions to interesting low-temperature phases such as superconductivity or superfluidity. After reviewing this phenomenon in non-equilibrium BCS theory (and its marginal fermi liquid generalization) we analyze the effect in holographic superconductors. We exhibit a simple regime in which the transition temperature increases parametrically as we increase the frequency of the time-dependent source.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure. v3: Comments, references and one figure added. Version to appear in JHE

    Weinberg like sum rules revisited

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    The generalized Weinberg sum rules containing the difference of isovector vector and axial-vector spectral functions saturated by both finite and infinite number of narrow resonances are considered. We summarize the status of these sum rules and analyze their overall agreement with phenomenological Lagrangians, low-energy relations, parity doubling, hadron string models, and experimental data.Comment: 31 pages, noticed misprints are corrected, references are added, and other minor corrections are mad

    Community- and Individual-Level Socioeconomic Status and Breast Cancer Risk: Multilevel Modeling on Cape Cod, Massachusetts

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    BACKGROUND. Previous research demonstrated increased risk of breast cancer associated with higher socioeconomic status (SES) measured at both the individual and community levels. However, little attention has been paid to simultaneously examining both measures. OBJECTIVES. We evaluated the independent influences of individual and community SES on the risk of breast cancer using case-control data. Because our previous work suggests that associations may be stronger after including a latency period, we also assessed the effect of community-level SES assuming a 10-year latency period. METHODS. We obtained individual education for cases and matched controls diagnosed between 1987 and 1993 on Cape Cod, Massachusetts (USA). We acquired community-level SES from census data for 1980 and 1990. Using SES data at diagnosis and 10 years earlier, we constructed models for breast cancer risk using individual-level SES only, community-level SES only, and a multilevel analysis including both. We adjusted models for other individual-level risk factors. RESULTS. Women with the highest education were at greater risk of developing breast cancer in both 1980 and 1990 [odds ratio (OR) = 1.17 and 1.19, respectively]. Similarly, women living in the highest-SES communities in 1990 had greater risk (OR = 1.30). Results were stronger in the analyses considering a latency period (OR = 1.69). Adjusting for intragroup correlation had little effect on the analyses. CONCLUSIONS. Models including individual- or community-level measures of SES produced associations similar to those observed in previous research. Results for models including both measures are consistent with a contextual effect of SES on risk of breast cancer independent of individual SES.Boston University Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Environmental Exposures and Health; National Institute of Environmental Health (P42ES007381

    Controlling passively-quenched single photon detectors by bright light

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    Single photon detectors based on passively-quenched avalanche photodiodes can be temporarily blinded by relatively bright light, of intensity less than a nanowatt. I describe a bright-light regime suitable for attacking a quantum key distribution system containing such detectors. In this regime, all single photon detectors in the receiver Bob are uniformly blinded by continuous illumination coming from the eavesdropper Eve. When Eve needs a certain detector in Bob to produce a click, she modifies polarization (or other parameter used to encode quantum states) of the light she sends to Bob such that the target detector stops receiving light while the other detector(s) continue to be illuminated. The target detector regains single photon sensitivity and, when Eve modifies the polarization again, produces a single click. Thus, Eve has full control of Bob and can do a successful intercept-resend attack. To check the feasibility of the attack, 3 different models of passively-quenched detectors have been tested. In the experiment, I have simulated the intensity diagrams the detectors would receive in a real quantum key distribution system under attack. Control parameters and side effects are considered. It appears that the attack could be practically possible.Comment: Experimental results from a third detector model added. Minor corrections and edits made. 11 pages, 10 figure

    Emergent Gauge Fields in Holographic Superconductors

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    Holographic superconductors have been studied so far in the absence of dynamical electromagnetic fields, namely in the limit in which they coincide with holographic superfluids. It is possible, however, to introduce dynamical gauge fields if a Neumann-type boundary condition is imposed on the AdS-boundary. In 3+1 dimensions, the dual theory is a 2+1 dimensional CFT whose spectrum contains a massless gauge field, signaling the emergence of a gauge symmetry. We study the impact of a dynamical gauge field in vortex configurations where it is known to significantly affect the energetics and phase transitions. We calculate the critical magnetic fields H_c1 and H_c2, obtaining that holographic superconductors are of Type II (H_c1 < H_c2). We extend the study to 4+1 dimensions where the gauge field does not appear as an emergent phenomena, but can be introduced, by a proper renormalization, as an external dynamical field. We also compare our predictions with those arising from a Ginzburg-Landau theory and identify the generic properties of Abrikosov vortices in holographic models.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, few comments added, version published in JHE

    d=3 Bosonic Vector Models Coupled to Chern-Simons Gauge Theories

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    We study three dimensional O(N)_k and U(N)_k Chern-Simons theories coupled to a scalar field in the fundamental representation, in the large N limit. For infinite k this is just the singlet sector of the O(N) (U(N)) vector model, which is conjectured to be dual to Vasiliev's higher spin gravity theory on AdS_4. For large k and N we obtain a parity-breaking deformation of this theory, controlled by the 't Hooft coupling lambda = 4 \pi N / k. For infinite N we argue (and show explicitly at two-loop order) that the theories with finite lambda are conformally invariant, and also have an exactly marginal (\phi^2)^3 deformation. For large but finite N and small 't Hooft coupling lambda, we show that there is still a line of fixed points parameterized by the 't Hooft coupling lambda. We show that, at infinite N, the interacting non-parity-invariant theory with finite lambda has the same spectrum of primary operators as the free theory, consisting of an infinite tower of conserved higher-spin currents and a scalar operator with scaling dimension \Delta=1; however, the correlation functions of these operators do depend on lambda. Our results suggest that there should exist a family of higher spin gravity theories, parameterized by lambda, and continuously connected to Vasiliev's theory. For finite N the higher spin currents are not conserved.Comment: 34 pages, 29 figures. v2: added reference
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