100 research outputs found

    Unified Field Theory From Enlarged Transformation Group. The Covariant Derivative for Conservative Coordinate Transformations and Local Frame Transformations

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    Pandres has developed a theory in which the geometrical structure of a real four-dimensional space-time is expressed by a real orthonormal tetrad, and the group of diffeomorphisms is replaced by a larger group called the conservation group. This paper extends the geometrical foundation for Pandres' theory by developing an appropriate covariant derivative which is covariant under all local Lorentz (frame) transformations, including complex Lorentz transformations, as well as conservative transformations. After defining this extended covariant derivative, an appropriate Lagrangian and its resulting field equations are derived. As in Pandres' theory, these field equations result in a stress-energy tensor that has terms which may automatically represent the electroweak field. Finally, the theory is extended to include 2-spinors and 4-spinors.Comment: Aug 25 replacement has corrected margin width

    Natural Inflation From Fermion Loops

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    ``Natural'' inflationary theories are a class of models in which inflation is driven by a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson. In this paper we consider two models, one old and one new, in which the potential for inflation is generated by loop effects from a fermion sector which explicitly breaks a global U(1)U(1) symmetry. In both models, we retrieve the ``standard'' natural inflation potential, V(θ)=Λ4[1+cos(θ/μ)]V\left(\theta\right) = \Lambda^4\left[1 + \cos\left(\theta / \mu\right)\right], as a limiting case of the exact one-loop potential, but we carry out a general analysis of the models including the limiting case. Constraints from the COBE DMR observation and from theoretical consistency are used to limit the parameters of the models, and successful inflation occurs without the necessity of fine-tuning the parameters.Comment: (Revised) 15 pages, LaTeX (revTeX), 8 figures in uuencoded PostScript format. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D 15. Corrected definition of power spectrum and added three reference

    Evolution of density perturbations in a realistic universe

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    Prompted by the recent more precise determination of the basic cosmological parameters and growing evidence that the matter-energy content of the universe is now dominated by dark energy and dark matter we present the general solution of the equation that describes the evolution of density perturbations in the linear approximation. It turns out that as in the standard CDM model the density perturbations grow very slowly during the radiation dominated epoch and their amplitude increases by a factor of about 4000 in the matter and later dark energy dominated epoch of expansion of the universe.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Boost-Invariant Running Couplings in Effective Hamiltonians

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    We apply a boost-invariant similarity renormalization group procedure to a light-front Hamiltonian of a scalar field phi of bare mass mu and interaction term g phi^3 in 6 dimensions using 3rd order perturbative expansion in powers of the coupling constant g. The initial Hamiltonian is regulated using momentum dependent factors that approach 1 when a cutoff parameter Delta tends to infinity. The similarity flow of corresponding effective Hamiltonians is integrated analytically and two counterterms depending on Delta are obtained in the initial Hamiltonian: a change in mu and a change of g. In addition, the interaction vertex requires a Delta-independent counterterm that contains a boost invariant function of momenta of particles participating in the interaction. The resulting effective Hamiltonians contain a running coupling constant that exhibits asymptotic freedom. The evolution of the coupling with changing width of effective Hamiltonians agrees with results obtained using Feynman diagrams and dimensional regularization when one identifies the renormalization scale with the width. The effective light-front Schroedinger equation is equally valid in a whole class of moving frames of reference including the infinite momentum frame. Therefore, the calculation described here provides an interesting pattern one can attempt to follow in the case of Hamiltonians applicable in particle physics.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, included discussion of finite x-dependent counterterm

    Fragmentation Function and Hadronic Production of the Heavy Supersymmetric Hadrons

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    The light top-squark \sto may be the lightest squark and its lifetime may be `long enough' in a kind of SUSY models which have not been ruled out yet experimentally, so colorless `supersymmetric hadrons (superhadrons)' (\sto \bar{q}) (qq is a quark except tt-quark) may be formed as long as the light top-squark \sto can be produced. Fragmentation function of \sto to heavy `supersymmetric hadrons (superhadrons)' (\sto \bar{Q}) (Qˉ=cˉ\bar{Q}=\bar{c} or bˉ\bar{b}) and the hadronic production of the superhadrons are investigated quantitatively. The fragmentation function is calculated precisely. Due to the difference in spin of the SUSY component, the asymptotic behavior of the fragmentation function is different from those of the existent ones. The fragmentation function is also applied to compute the production of heavy superhadrons at hadronic colliders Tevatron and LHC under the so-called fragmentation approach. The resultant cross-section for the heavy superhadrons is too small to observe at Tevatron, but great enough at LHC, even when all the relevant parameters in the SUSY models are taken within the favored region for the heavy superhadrons. The production of `light superhadrons' (\sto \bar{q}) (q=u,d,sq=u, d, s) is also roughly estimated. It is pointed out that the production cross-sections of the light superhadrons (\sto \bar{q}) may be much greater than those of the heavy superhadrons, so that even at Tevatron the light superhadrons may be produced in great quantities.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Signatures of Relativistic Neutrinos in CMB Anisotropy and Matter Clustering

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    We present a detailed analytical study of ultra-relativistic neutrinos in cosmological perturbation theory and of the observable signatures of inhomogeneities in the cosmic neutrino background. We note that a modification of perturbation variables that removes all the time derivatives of scalar gravitational potentials from the dynamical equations simplifies their solution notably. The used perturbations of particle number per coordinate, not proper, volume are generally constant on superhorizon scales. In real space an analytical analysis can be extended beyond fluids to neutrinos. The faster cosmological expansion due to the neutrino background changes the acoustic and damping angular scales of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). But we find that equivalent changes can be produced by varying other standard parameters, including the primordial helium abundance. The low-l integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect is also not sensitive to neutrinos. However, the gravity of neutrino perturbations suppresses the CMB acoustic peaks for the multipoles with l>~200 while it enhances the amplitude of matter fluctuations on these scales. In addition, the perturbations of relativistic neutrinos generate a *unique phase shift* of the CMB acoustic oscillations that for adiabatic initial conditions cannot be caused by any other standard physics. The origin of the shift is traced to neutrino free-streaming velocity exceeding the sound speed of the photon-baryon plasma. We find that from a high resolution, low noise instrument such as CMBPOL the effective number of light neutrino species can be determined with an accuracy of sigma(N_nu) = 0.05 to 0.09, depending on the constraints on the helium abundance.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures. Version accepted for publication in PR

    Thermal rates for baryon and anti-baryon production

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    We use a form of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to derive formulas giving the rate of production of spin-1/2 baryons in terms of the fluctuations of either meson or quark fields. The most general formulas do not assume thermal or chemical equilibrium. When evaluated in a thermal ensemble we find equilibration times on the order of 10 fm/c near the critical temperature in QCD.Comment: 22 pages, 4 tables and 2 figures, REVTe

    Brane World Cosmologies and Statistical Properties of Gravitational Lenses

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    Brane world cosmologies seem to provide an alternative explanation for the present accelerated stage of the Universe with no need to invoke either a cosmological constant or an exotic \emph{quintessence} component. In this paper we investigate statistical properties of gravitational lenses for some particular scenarios based on this large scale modification of gravity. We show that a large class of such models are compatible with the current lensing data for values of the matter density parameter Ωm0.94\Omega_{\rm{m}} \leq 0.94 (1σ1\sigma). If one fixes Ωm\Omega_{\rm{m}} to be 0.3\simeq 0.3, as suggested by most of the dynamical estimates of the quantity of matter in the Universe, the predicted number of lensed quasars requires a slightly open universe with a crossover distance between the 4 and 5-dimensional gravities of the order of 1.76Ho11.76 H_o^{-1}.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, revte

    Predictive powers of chiral perturbation theory in Compton scattering off protons

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    We study low-energy nucleon Compton scattering in the framework of baryon chiral perturbation theory (Bχ\chiPT) with pion, nucleon, and Δ\Delta(1232) degrees of freedom, up to and including the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). We include the effects of order p2p^2, p3p^3 and p4/Δp^4/\varDelta, with Δ300\varDelta\approx 300 MeV the Δ\Delta-resonance excitation energy. These are all "predictive" powers in the sense that no unknown low-energy constants enter until at least one order higher (i.e, p4p^4). Estimating the theoretical uncertainty on the basis of natural size for p4p^4 effects, we find that uncertainty of such a NNLO result is comparable to the uncertainty of the present experimental data for low-energy Compton scattering. We find an excellent agreement with the experimental cross section data up to at least the pion-production threshold. Nevertheless, for the proton's magnetic polarizability we obtain a value of (4.0±0.7)×104(4.0\pm 0.7)\times 10^{-4} fm3^3, in significant disagreement with the current PDG value. Unlike the previous χ\chiPT studies of Compton scattering, we perform the calculations in a manifestly Lorentz-covariant fashion, refraining from the heavy-baryon (HB) expansion. The difference between the lowest order HBχ\chiPT and Bχ\chiPT results for polarizabilities is found to be appreciable. We discuss the chiral behavior of proton polarizabilities in both HBχ\chiPT and Bχ\chiPT with the hope to confront it with lattice QCD calculations in a near future. In studying some of the polarized observables, we identify the regime where their naive low-energy expansion begins to break down, thus addressing the forthcoming precision measurements at the HIGS facility.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX4, revised version published in EPJ

    Can induced gravity isotropize Bianchi I, V, or IX Universes?

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    We analyze if Bianchi I, V, and IX models in the Induced Gravity (IG) theory can evolve to a Friedmann--Roberson--Walker (FRW) expansion due to the non--minimal coupling of gravity and the scalar field. The analytical results that we found for the Brans-Dicke (BD) theory are now applied to the IG theory which has ω1\omega \ll 1 (ω\omega being the square ratio of the Higgs to Planck mass) in a cosmological era in which the IG--potential is not significant. We find that the isotropization mechanism crucially depends on the value of ω\omega. Its smallness also permits inflationary solutions. For the Bianch V model inflation due to the Higgs potential takes place afterwads, and subsequently the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) ends with an effective FRW evolution. The ordinary tests of successful cosmology are well satisfied.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. D1