15,338 research outputs found

    Growth of covariant perturbations in the contracting phase of a bouncing universe

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    In this paper we examine the validity of the linear perturbation theory near a bounce in the covariant analysis. Some linearity parameters are defined to set up conditions for a linear theory. Linear evolution of density perturbation and gravitational waves have been computed previously. We have calculated the vector and scalar induced parts of the shear tensor. For radiationlike and dustlike single fluid dominated collapsing Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker background it is shown that the linearity conditions are not satisfied near a bounce.Comment: 9 pages, final versio

    Vapor Deposited Tungsten for Application as a Thermionic Emitter Material

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    Purity and resistance to grain growth of vapor deposited tungsten tubing for use as thermionic emitte

    Low Energy Constants from High Energy Theorems

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    New constraints on resonance saturation in chiral perturbation theory are investigated. These constraints arise because each consistent saturation scheme must map to a representation of the full QCD chiral symmetry group. The low-energy constants of chiral perturbation theory are then related by a set of mixing angles. It is shown that vector meson dominance is a consequence of the fact that nature has chosen the lowest-dimensional nontrivial chiral representation. It is further shown that chiral symmetry places an upper bound on the mass of the lightest scalar in the hadron spectrum.Comment: 11 pages TeX and mtexsis.te

    Comment on "Does Gluons Carry Half of the Nucleon Momentum?" by X. S. Chen et. al. (PRL103, 062001 (2009))

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    The authors claim to have found a "proper", "gauge-invariant" definition of a charged-particle's momentum in gauge theory, which is more "superior" than the textbook version. I show that their result arises from a misunderstanding of gauge symmetry by generalizing the Coulomb gauge result indiscriminately and is not physical

    The spin-statistics connection in classical field theory

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    The spin-statistics connection is obtained for a simple formulation of a classical field theory containing even and odd Grassmann variables. To that end, the construction of irreducible canonical realizations of the rotation group corresponding to general causal fields is reviewed. The connection is obtained by imposing local commutativity on the fields and exploiting the parity operation to exchange spatial coordinates in the scalar product of classical field evaluated at one spatial location with the same field evaluated at a distinct location. The spin-statistics connection for irreducible canonical realizations of the Poincar\'{e} group of spin jj is obtained in the form: Classical fields and their conjugate momenta satisfy fundamental field-theoretic Poisson bracket relations for 2jj even, and fundamental Poisson antibracket relations for 2jj oddComment: 27 pages. Typos and sign error corrected; minor revisions to tex

    A Magellanic Origin for the Warp of the Galaxy

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    We show that a Magellanic Cloud origin for the warp of the Milky Way can explain most quantitative features of the outer HI layer recently identified by Levine, Blitz & Heiles (2005). We construct a model similar to that of Weinberg (1998) that produces distortions in the dark matter halo, and we calculate the combined effect of these dark-halo distortions and the direct tidal forcing by the Magellanic Clouds on the disk warp in the linear regime. The interaction of the dark matter halo with the disk and resonances between the orbit of the Clouds and the disk account for the large amplitudes observed for the vertical m=0,1,2 harmonics. The observations lead to six constraints on warp forcing mechanisms and our model reasonably approximates all six. The disk is shown to be very dynamic, constantly changing its shape as the Clouds proceed along their orbit. We discuss the challenges to MOND placed by the observations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letters. Additional graphics, 3d visualizations and movies available at http://www.astro.umass.edu/~weinberg/lm

    Glassy Phase of Optimal Quantum Control

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    We study the problem of preparing a quantum many-body system from an initial to a target state by optimizing the fidelity over the family of bang-bang protocols. We present compelling numerical evidence for a universal spin-glass-like transition controlled by the protocol time duration. The glassy critical point is marked by a proliferation of protocols with close-to-optimal fidelity and with a true optimum that appears exponentially difficult to locate. Using a machine learning (ML) inspired framework based on the manifold learning algorithm t-SNE, we are able to visualize the geometry of the high-dimensional control landscape in an effective low-dimensional representation. Across the transition, the control landscape features an exponential number of clusters separated by extensive barriers, which bears a strong resemblance with replica symmetry breaking in spin glasses and random satisfiability problems. We further show that the quantum control landscape maps onto a disorder-free classical Ising model with frustrated nonlocal, multibody interactions. Our work highlights an intricate but unexpected connection between optimal quantum control and spin glass physics, and shows how tools from ML can be used to visualize and understand glassy optimization landscapes.Comment: Modified figures in appendix and main text (color schemes). Corrected references. Added figures in SI and pseudo-cod

    Non-Gaussian Correlations Outside the Horizon

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    It is shown that under essentially all conditions, the non-linear classical equations governing gravitation and matter in cosmology have a solution in which far outside the horizon in a suitable gauge the reduced spatial metric (the spatial metric divided by the square of the Robertson--Walker scale factor aa) is time-independent, though with an arbitrary dependence on co-moving coordinates, and all perturbations to the other metric components and to all matter variables vanish, to leading order in 1/a1/a. The corrections are of order 1/a21/a^2, and are explicitly given for the reduced metric in a multifield model with a general potential. Further, this is the solution that describes the metric and matter produced by single-field inflation. These results justify the use of observed non-Gaussian correlations (or their absence) as a test of theories of single-field inflation, despite our ignorance of the constituents of the universe while fluctuations are outside the horizon after inflation, as long as graphs with loops can be neglected.Comment: 25 pages. This version clarifies the scale transformation used in Section II and the gauge transformation used in Section III, and corrects some typos, including new typos introduced in version

    Parity and the Spin-Statistics Connection

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    The spin-statistics connection is obtained in a simple and elementary way for general causal fields by using the parity operation to exchange spatial coordinates in the scalar product of a locally commuting field operator, evaluated at position x, with the same field operator evaluated at -x, at equal times.Comment: 6 page

    Synchronization of extended systems from internal coherence

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    A condition for the synchronizability of a pair of PDE systems, coupled through a finite set of variables, is commonly the existence of internal synchronization or internal coherence in each system separately. The condition was previously illustrated in a forced-dissipative system, and is here extended to Hamiltonian systems, using an example from particle physics. Full synchronization is precluded by Liouville's theorem. A form of synchronization weaker than "measure synchronization" is manifest as the positional coincidence of coherent oscillations ("breathers" or "oscillons") in a pair of coupled scalar field models in an expanding universe with a nonlinear potential, and does not occur with a variant of the model that does not exhibit oscillons.Comment: version accepted for publication in PRE (paragraph beginning at the bottom of pg. 5 has been rewritten to suggest unifying principle for synchronizability, applying to both forced-dissipative and Hamiltonian systems; other minor changes
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