31 research outputs found

    Growth of <i>S. cerevisiae</i> cells expressing <i>OsLEA3-2</i> and the control cell in the medium containing 1.2 M NaCl (A), 1.2 M KCl (B), and 2.0 M sorbitol (C).

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    <p>Yeast cells were grown on YNBG medium for two days. Twenty microliters of the culture was inoculated into YNBG supplemented with either 1.2 M NaCl, 1.2 M KCl, or 2.0 M sorbitol. At each time point, 60 microliters of culture was removed, and OD<sub>600</sub> was measured with a spectrophotometer.</p

    Stress or ABA sensitivity of wild type and transgenic rice seedlings.

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    <p>(A) Southern hybridization analysis of transgenic plants. M, molecular marker; WT, wild type; L10, L20, L30, three transgenic lines. (B) Expression level of <i>OsLEA3-2</i> in transgenic rice, Zhonghua 11 was used as control; (C) photographs were taken after 5 d or 2 weeks of growth in water control. Photographs were taken after 5 d (D) or 2 w (E) of growth in water containing 10% or 20% PEG, 100 or 200 mM NaCl, or 10 Β΅M ABA. Effect of 2 weeks abiotic-stress on root (F) and shoot (G) length of rice. For each treatment, 8 seedlings were measured. *P<0.05 and **P<0.01 shown above the bar reprent results significantly different from wild type control.</p

    <em>OsLEA3-2</em>, an Abiotic Stress Induced Gene of Rice Plays a Key Role in Salt and Drought Tolerance

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    <div><p>Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins are involved in tolerance to drought, cold and high salinity in many different organisms. In this report, a LEA protein producing full-length gene <em>OsLEA3-2</em> was identified in rice (<em>Oryza sativa</em>) using the Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE) method. <em>OsLEA3-2</em> was found to be only expressed in the embryo and can be induced by abiotic stresses. The coding protein localizes to the nucleus and overexpression of <em>OsLEA3-2</em> in yeast improved growth performance compared with control under salt- and osmotic-stress conditions. <em>OsLEA3-2</em> was also inserted into pHB vector and overexpressed in <em>Arabidopsis</em> and rice. The transgenic <em>Arabidopsis</em> seedlings showed better growth on MS media supplemented with 150 mM mannitol or 100 mM NaCl as compared with wild type plants. The transgenic rice also showed significantly stronger growth performance than control under salinity or osmotic stress conditions and were able to recover after 20 days of drought stress. <em>In vitro</em> analysis showed that OsLEA3-2 was able to protect LDH from aggregation on freezing and inactivation on desiccation. These results indicated that <em>OsLEA3-2</em> plays an important role in tolerance to abiotic stresses.</p> </div

    Drought-treatment assay of wild type and transgenic rice plants.

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    <p>One month old seedlings of the wild type cultivar and transgenic plants (A) were treated with drought stress (without irrigation) for 20 days (B), then irrigated with water and grown for 10 days (C), and one month (D). 1, wild type; 2, transgenic line 10; 3, transgenic line 30. Each container had six plants.</p

    Effect of osmotic or salinity stress on <i>Arabidopsis</i> seedlings from wild type and <i>OsLEA3-2</i>-overexpressing transgenic lines (L35, L48, and L69).

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    <p>(A) Diagram of the T-DNA region of the binary vector pHB::OsLEA3-2; (B) <i>OsLEA3-2</i> expression level in transgenic <i>Arabidopsis</i>, wild type plants as control; (C, D) Sorbitol or NaCl sensitivity of wild type or transgenic seedlings. Photographs were taken following 9 days of growth on media containing 0 (control), 200 mM sorbitol, or 100 mM NaCl. (E) Fresh/dry weights of 9-day-old seedlings. All samples were measured in triplicate. Statistical significance was determined by Student’s <i>t</i> test. **P<0.01 shown above the bar reprent results significantly different from wild type control.</p

    <i>In silico</i> analysis of the OsLEA3-2 protein.

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    <p>(A) Comparison of deduced amino acid sequence of OsLEA3-2 with OsLEA3 (AAD02421.1) and LEA3 proteins from <i>A. thaliana</i> (BAA11017.1) and <i>B. napus</i> (ACJ39155.1), underlines show the 11-mer repeats in the OsLEA3-2; (B) phylogenetic analysis of these group 3 LEA proteins; (C) hydropathy analysis of OsLEA3-2 protein.</p

    Subcellular localization of OsLEA3-2.

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    <p>(A) Diagram of the T-DNA region of the binary vector pHB::GFP::OsLEA3-2 used for transformation; (B) Subcellular localization of OsLEA3-2. The green fluorescent signal of GFP:OsLEA3-2 was detected exclusively within the nucleus of onion epidermal cells, while GFP by itself was detected both in the cytoplasm and nucleus. DIC (Differential Interference Contrast), referring to bright field images of the cells.</p

    Protection of LDH by protein protectants.

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    <p>(A) SDS-PAGE analysis of OsLEA3-2 protein expression and purification. M, protein molecular weight marker; 1, 3, uninduced precipitant and soluble supernatant of BL21 (DE3) cells, respectively; 2, 4, induced precipitant and soluble supernatant, respectively; 5, OsLEA3-2 protein after purification. (B) Protection of LDH by protein protectants from aggregation due to freezing and thawing. LDH aggregation on repeated freezing and thawing is indicated by light scattering at A<sub>340</sub>. Results are shown for LDH alone (open bar), for LDH in the presence of BSA (black bar) and for LDH together with OsLEA3-2 (grey bar). *P<0.05 and **P<0.01 shown above the bar reprent results significantly different from those for LDH alone. (C) Effect of desiccation on LDH activity. LDH activity after vacuum drying (open bar) in the presence of BSA (black bar) or OsLEA3-2 (grey bar). All samples were assayed in triplicate.</p

    <i>OsLEA3-2</i> gene expression.

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    <p>(A) Expression profile of <i>OsLEA3-2</i> in different tissues of <i>Oryza sativa.</i> Lane 1, embryo; lane 2, root; lane 3, shoot base; lane 4, leaf. (B) RT-PCR analysis of <i>OsLEA3-2</i> gene expression in <i>Oryza sativa</i> under different stresses. Irrigation with half-strength Hoagland solution (A, control), 400 mM mannitol (B), sprayed with 100 Β΅M ABA in 0.02% Tween-20 on seedlings (C), 4Β°C incubation (D), 200 mM NaCl (E), 25% PEG-6000 (F). 1, roots; 2, shoot base; 3, leaves.</p

    Cold response Genes and Cell Cycle-related Genes expression Under Normal and Freezing Conditions.

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    <p>Expression levels of (A) <i>AtCBF1</i> (DREB1B), (B) <i>AtCBF2</i> (DREB1C) and (C) <i>AtCBF3</i> (DREB1A) genes and (D) COR15A, (E) COR47 and (F) RD29A downstream genes in 7-day old <i>AtRAN1</i>-OE, the <i>atran1-1 atran3</i> mutant and wild-type plants under before and after freezing treatment. Values are means and SD (n = 4). Expression of (G) <i>MCM2</i>, (H) <i>MCM5</i>, (I) <i>Cycb1;1</i>, (J) <i>Cyca3;1</i>, (K) <i>Cycd3;1</i>, (L) <i>Cdkb1;1</i>, (M) <i>Cdkb2;1</i> and (N) <i>Cyca2;1</i> cell cycle-related gene levels in wild-type, <i>atran1-1 atran3</i> mutant and transgenic plants before and after 0.5h freezing stress, after 4Β°C acclimation, The error bars show SD, and are from three independent replications. And the results were repeated three times. Asterisk (*) indicates significant difference (P < 0.05).</p