3 research outputs found

    Diabetes, HIV and other health determinants associated with absenteeism among formal sector workers in Namibia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As countries in sub-Saharan Africa develop their economies, it is important to understand the health of employees and its impact on productivity and absenteeism. While previous studies have assessed the impact of single conditions on absenteeism, the current study evaluates multiple health factors associated with absenteeism in a large worker population across several sectors in Namibia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From March 2009 to June 2010, PharmAccess Namibia conducted a series of cross-sectional surveys of 7,666 employees in 7 sectors of industry in Namibia. These included a self-reported health questionnaire and biomedical screenings for certain infectious diseases and non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factors. Data were collected on demographics, absenteeism over a 90-day period, smoking behavior, alcohol use, hemoglobin, blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), HIV status, and presence of hepatitis B antigens and syphilis antibodies. The associations of these factors to absenteeism were ascertained using negative binomial regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Controlling for demographic and job-related factors, high blood glucose and diabetes had the largest effect on absenteeism (IRR: 3.67, 95%CI: 2.06-6.55). This was followed by anemia (IRR: 1.59, 95%CI: 1.17-2.18) and being HIV positive (IRR: 1.47; 95%CI: 1.12-1.95). In addition, working in the fishing or services sectors was associated with an increased incidence of sick days (IRR: 1.53, 95%CI: 1.23-1.90; and IRR: 1.70, 95%CI: 1.32-2.20 respectively). The highest prevalence of diabetes was in the services sector (3.6%, 95%CI:-2.5-4.7). The highest prevalence of HIV was found in the fishing sector (14.3%, 95%CI: 10.1-18.5).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Both NCD risk factors and infectious diseases are associated with increased rates of short-term absenteeism of formal sector employees in Namibia. Programs to manage these conditions could help employers avoid costs associated with absenteeism. These programs could include basic health care insurance including regular wellness screenings.</p

    Evaluating the outcome of voluntary counselling and testing for HIV at the workplace : a Namibian case study

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    Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In Namibia the HIV prevalence rate in adults (15 to 45 years of age) is estimated at 18.1%. The first HIV infection in Namibia was reported in 1986 and the epidemic constitutes the biggest developmental challenge for Namibia. Approximately 39 new infections occur every day and approximately 28% of deaths in the country are AIDS-related. The majority of Namibia’s workforce is in the age group of 15 years to 45 years and it can be anticipated that HIV and AIDS will have a major disruptive effect on the country’s workforce as well as its economy over the next two decades. According to the Namibian government, voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV is one of the most effective methods to prevent the spread of the epidemic. With this in mind, this study aims to evaluate the outcome of voluntary counselling and testing at one workplace in Windhoek, Namibia, to see whether VCT provides education as well as whether VCT is a vehicle to promote awareness, good attitudes, intentions and behaviour change. The main purpose of this outcome evaluation is to determine to what extent voluntary counselling and testing at the workplace has led to HIV-related changes in knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and practises. Although the majority of respondents indicated that their knowledge of HIV had increased after their participation in the VCT programme, upon closer analysis it was evident that participants who had a secondary or higher level of education had more knowledge, or had had more of a knowledge increase, than participants with a primary or lower level of education. From the research findings, it appeared that the voluntary counselling and testing had helped participants to identify their individual risks, as their self-reported risk perceptions with regard to becoming infected with HIV and/or a sexually transmitted disease increased after their participation in the VCT. There was also evidence that participants implemented risk reduction plans after the voluntary counselling and testing, as the percentage of participants who had casual sex partners decreased while the percentage of participants who had not had casual sex partners in the previous six months increased. It can be concluded that the general attitude amongst employees towards HIV-positive people is relatively non-discriminatory. However, it seems that the VCT was not as successful in transferring information and education on HIV amongst employees with lower education levels than amongst their peers with higher levels of education, and employees with primary or lower education levels appear not to have benefited much from the intervention in terms of an increase in knowledge. It is recommended that voluntary counselling and testing be provided to the employees at the company on a regular basis, not only because employees have requested it, but also to monitor whether the voluntary counselling and testing for HIV at the company has had the desired effects on the employees, especially with regard to effecting an increase in knowledge, a reduction of stigma and discriminatory attitudes, and the desired behaviour change amongst participants.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Namibië word die MIV voorkomssyfer onder volwassenes (ouderdom 15 tot 45 jaar) op 18,1% geskat. Die eerste MIV-geval in Namibië is in 1986 aangemeld en vertoonwoordig die land se grootste ontwikkelingsuitdaging met ongeveer 39 nuwe infeksies daagliks en ongeveer 28% van sterftes in die land wat VIGS-verwant is. Die meerderheid van Namibië se werksmag val in die ouderdomsgroep 15 tot 45 jaar en daar kan verwag word dat MIV en VIGS oor die volgende twee dekades grootskaalse ontwrigting op die land se werksmag sowel as sy ekonomie gaan veroorsaak. Volgens die Namibiese regering is vrywillige berading en toetsing (VBT) een van die mees doeltreffende metodes om die verspreiding van die epidemie te verhoed. Gedagtig hieraan het hierdie navorsingsprojek dit ten doel om die uitkomste van vrywillige berading en toetsing by een werksplek in Windhoek, Namibië, te evalueer ten einde te bepaal of VBT opvoedkundig is en of dit bewuswording, gesonde houdings, voornemens en gedragsverandering bevorder. Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie uitkomsevaluering is om die mate waartoe vrywillige berading en toetsing tot verandering in kennis, houding, gedrag en praktyke gelei het, te bepaal. Alhoewel die meerderheid respondente aangedui het dat hulle kennis na VBT verbeter het, het dit by nadere ondersoek geblyk dat deelnemers wat sekondêre of hoëronderwys gehad het, oor meer kennis beskik het of hul kennis meer uitgebrei het as respondente wat slegs 'n primêre of laer vlak van onderwys gehad het. Uit die navorsingsbevindings blyk dit dat daar onder deelnemers aan vrywillige berading en toetsing 'n toename in die self-aangemelde risiko-persepsie van besmetting met HIV en/of geslagsoordraagbare siektes na hul deelname aan VBT was. Daar was ook bewyse dat deelnemers na die vrywillige berading en toetsing risikoverminderingsplanne geïmplementeer het, omdat daar 'n afname was in die persentasie deelnemers wat informele seksmaats gehad het, sowel as 'n toename in deelnemers wat geen informele seksmaats in die vorige ses maande gehad het nie. Daar kan tot die slotsom gekom word dat werknemers se houding teenoor MIV-positiewe mense oor die algemeen betreklik nie-diskriminerend is. Dit blyk egter asof VBT ten opsigte van die oordrag van inligting en opvoeding oor MIV aan werknemers met laer vlakke van onderwys nie so geslaagd was nie omdat werknemers met primêre of 'n laer vlak van opleiding nie veel by die ingrypaksie gebaat het in terme van ‘n toename in kennis nie. Daar word aanbeveel dat vrywillige berading en toetsing op 'n gereelde grondslag aan werknemers by die maatskappy aangebied moet word, nie bloot omdat werknemers daarvoor gevra het nie, maar ook om te bepaal of vrywillige berading en toetsing vir MIV by die maatskappy die gewenste uitwerking op die werknemers gehad het, veral met betrekking tot die uitbou van kennis, 'n afname in stigmatisering en diskriminerende houdings, en 'n toename in die gewenste gedragsverandering onder deelnemers.jfl2011Imported from http://etd.sun.ac.z