1,640 research outputs found

    Quantum critical behavior in strongly interacting Rydberg gases

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    We study the appearance of correlated many-body phenomena in an ensemble of atoms driven resonantly into a strongly interacting Rydberg state. The ground state of the Hamiltonian describing the driven system exhibits a second order quantum phase transition. We derive the critical theory for the quantum phase transition and show that it describes the properties of the driven Rydberg system in the saturated regime. We find that the suppression of Rydberg excitations known as blockade phenomena exhibits an algebraic scaling law with a universal exponent.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Cavity-induced temperature control of a two-level system

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    We consider a two-level atom interacting with a single mode of the electromagnetic field in a cavity within the Jaynes-Cummings model. Initially, the atom is thermal while the cavity is in a coherent state. The atom interacts with the cavity field for a fixed time. After removing the atom from the cavity and applying a laser pulse the atom will be in a thermal state again. Depending on the interaction time with the cavity field the final temperature can be varied over a large range. We discuss how this method can be used to cool the internal degrees of freedom of atoms and create heat baths suitable for studying thermodynamics at the nanoscale

    Mesoscopic Rydberg Gate based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

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    We demonstrate theoretically a parallelized C-NOT gate which allows to entangle a mesoscopic ensemble of atoms with a single control atom in a single step, with high fidelity and on a microsecond timescale. Our scheme relies on the strong and long-ranged interaction between Rydberg atoms triggering Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT). By this we can robustly implement a conditional transfer of all ensemble atoms among two logical states, depending on the state of the control atom. We outline a many body interferometer which allows a comparison of two many-body quantum states by performing a measurement of the control atom.Comment: published versio

    Genetic Mechanisms Underlying the Pathogenicity of Cold-Stressed Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhimurium in Cultured Intestinal Epithelial Cells

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    Salmonella encounters various stresses in the environment and in the host during infection. The effects of cold (5 C, 48 h), peroxide (5 mM H2O2, 5 h) and acid stress (pH 4.0, 90 min) were tested on pathogenicity of Salmonella. Prior exposure of Salmonella to cold stress significantly (P \u3c 0.05) increased adhesion and invasion of cultured intestinal epithelial (Caco-2) cells. This increased Salmonella-host cell association was also correlated with significant induction of several virulence-associated genes, implying an increased potential of cold-stressed Salmonella to cause an infection. In Caco-2 cells infected with cold-stressed Salmonella, genes involved in the electron transfer chain were significantly induced, but no simultaneous significant increase in expression of antioxidant genes that neutralize the effect of superoxide radicals or reactive oxygen species was observed. Increased production of caspase 9 and caspase 3/7 was confirmed during host cell infection with cold-stressed Salmonella. Further, a prophage gene, STM2699, induced in cold-stressed Salmonella and a spectrin gene, SPTAN1, induced in Salmonella-infected intestinal epithelial cells were found to have a significant contribution in increased adhesion and invasion of cold-stressed Salmonella in epithelial cells

    Heat transport in a Coulomb ion crystal with a topological defect

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    The thermodynamics of low-dimensional systems departs significantly from phenomenologically deducted macroscopic laws. Particular examples, not yet fully understood, are provided by the breakdown of Fourier's law and the ballistic transport of heat. Low-dimensional trapped ion systems provide an experimentally accessible and well-controlled platform for the study of these problems. In our work, we study the transport of thermal energy in low-dimensional trapped ion crystals, focusing in particular on the influence of the Aubry-like transition that occurs when a topological defect is present in the crystal. We show that the transition significantly hinders efficient heat transport, being responsible for the rise of a marked temperature gradient in the non-equilibrium steady state. Further analysis reveals the importance of the motional eigenfrequencies of the crystal.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Energy localization in interacting atomic chains with topological solitons

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    Topological defects in low-dimensional non-linear systems feature a sliding-to-pinning transition of relevance for a variety of research fields, ranging from biophysics to nano- and solid-state physics. We find that the dynamics after a local excitation results in a highly-non-trivial energy transport in the presence of a topological soliton, characterized by a strongly enhanced energy localization in the pinning regime. Moreover, we show that the energy flux in ion crystals with a topological defect can be sensitively regulated by experimentally accessible environmental parameters. Whereas, third-order non-linear resonances can cause an enhanced long-time energy delocalization, robust energy localization persists for distinct parameter ranges even for long evolution times and large local excitations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Unique molecular identifier-based high-resolution HLA typing and transcript quantitation using long-read sequencing

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    HLA typing provides essential results for stem cell and solid organ transplants, as well as providing diagnostic benefits for various rheumatology, gastroenterology, neurology, and infectious diseases. It is becoming increasingly clear that understanding the expression of patient HLA transcripts can provide additional benefits for many of these same patient groups. Our study cohort was evaluated using a long-read RNA sequencing methodology to provide rapid HLA genotyping results and normalized HLA transcript expression. Our assay used NGSEngine to determine the HLA genotyping result and normalized mRNA transcript expression using Athlon2. The assay demonstrated an excellent concordance rate of 99.7%. Similar to previous studies, for the class I loci, patients demonstrated significantly lower expression o
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