1,033 research outputs found

    Audit und Benchmarking zur Optimierung der Tiergesundheit

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    Consumers of organic products expect very high food quality as well as speciesappropriate husbandry, high animal health and best organic feeding. Studies showed that in some sections in organic dairy farms animal health is not better than in conventional farms. Kuh-M is the first quality management system specifically for organic dairy farms. It is based on an internet-database where the results of the monthly milkcontrol and the ingredients of the bulk-milk are presented in a benchmarking. With these results it is possible to appreciate the status quo of the animal health like subclinical metabolic changes, udder health, fertility and yield. Members can use the database to compare their results with the pool of the other members to evaluate their status quo. This is supported by a yearly audit, which is performed by a dairy consultant. Possibilities and acceptance of Kuh-M were checked out within a diploma thesis. Part of this thesis was the implementation of Kuh-M in ten organic dairy farms including all features and one audit. After the implementation the dairy farmers were interviewed and their answers evaluated. The results of the interviews are showing that Kuh-M is a tool for supporting organic dairy farmers to optimize their animal health management. The system has a good acceptance among those farmers who are used to work with the computer

    Inverse-Tunable Red Luminescence and Electronic Properties of Nitridoberylloaluminates Sr2-xBax[BeAl3N5]:Eu2+ (x=0-2)

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    The nitridoberylloaluminate Ba-2[BeAl3N5]:Eu2+ and solid solutions Sr2-xBax[BeAl3N5]:Eu2+ (x=0.5, 1.0, 1.5) were synthesized in a hot isostatic press (HIP) under 50 MPa N-2 atmosphere at 1200 degrees C. Ba-2[BeAl3N5]:Eu2+ crystallizes in tri-clinic space group P (1) over bar (no. 2) (Z=2, a=6.1869(10), b= 7.1736(13), c= 8.0391(14) angstrom, alpha = 102.754(8), beta = 112.032(6), gamma = 104.765(7)degrees), which was determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The lattice parameters of the solid solution series have been obtained from Rietveld refinements and show a nearly linear dependence on the atomic ratio Sr:Ba. The electronic properties and the band gaps of M-2[BeAl3N5](M=Sr, Ba) have been investigated by a combination of soft X-ray spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Upon irradiation with blue light (440-450 nm), the nitridoberylloaluminates exhibit intense orange to red luminescence, which can be tuned between 610 and 656 nm (fwhm =1922-2025 cm(-1) (72-87 nm)). In contrast to the usual trend, the substitution of the smaller Sr2+= by larger Ba leads to an inverse-tunable luminescence to higher wavelengths. Low-temperature luminescence measurements have been performed to exclude anomalous emission

    Einstreumanagement in der Ökologischen Milchviehhaltung

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    The use of bedding materials of natural source is a requirement of the EU regulation of organic husbandry considering the needs of animals for dry comfortable lying areas. However, organic bedding materials provide an environment for mastitis pathogens, too and therefore increase the risk of intramammary infections if not well managed

    Haltungshygiene und Eutergesundheit im ökologisch gefĂŒhrten Milchviehbetrieb

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    Im Rahmen einer interdisziplinÀren Studie wurden in der der Zeit von Januar 2008 bis April 2010 Daten auf 106 Betreiben in Deutschland erhoben. In diesem Teilprojekt wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen Hygeine und Eutergesundheit oim Rahmen einer ersten Asuwertung untersucht. Die Analyse macht deutlich, dass es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Halltungs- une Tierhygiene gibt. zudem gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Sauberkeit der LaufgÀnge und der subklinsichen Eutergesundheit sowie der Sauberkeit der Etuer und der Eutergesundheit der FÀrsen

    Photoperiodic Effects on Diurnal Rhythms in Cell Numbers of Peripheral Leukocytes in Domestic Pigs

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    The photoperiod is known to modulate immune cell number and function and is regarded essential for seasonal disease susceptibility. In addition, diurnal variations in the immune system are regarded important for immune competence. Whereas few studies investigated the influence of season, none investigated the specific effect of the photoperiod on these diurnal immune rhythms until now. Therefore, the present study compared diurnal rhythms in cell numbers of peripheral leukocyte types in domestic pigs held either under long day conditions (LD) or short day conditions (SD). Cosinor analyses of cell numbers of various peripheral leukocyte subtypes investigated over periods of 50 h revealed distinct photoperiodic differences in diurnal immune rhythms. Relative amplitudes of cell numbers of total leukocytes, NK cells, T cells, and monocytes in blood were higher under SD than LD. In addition, cell counts of total leukocytes, NK cells, T cells including various T cell subtypes, and eosinophils peaked earlier relative to the time of lights-on under SD than LD. In contrast, diurnal rhythms of neutrophil counts did not show photoperiodic differences. Mesor values did not differ in any leukocyte type. Generalized linear mixed model analyses revealed associations of leukocyte counts with plasma cortisol concentration and activity behavior in most investigated cell types. Moreover, the present study demonstrated photoperiodic effects on diurnal rhythms in plasma cortisol concentrations and activity behavior, which is in agreement with human and primate studies. The results of the present study imply stronger rhythmicity in leukocyte counts in general under SD. Common intrinsic mechanisms seem to regulate photoperiodic effects on diurnal rhythms in leukocyte counts, except for neutrophils, in domestic pigs. Our results reveal considerable insights into the regulation of immune rhythms in diurnally active species

    Entwicklung der Eutergesundheit im Zeitraum der Trockenperiode in ökologisch wirtschaftenden Milchviehbetrieben

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    As a part of the study „Health and performance of dairy cows in organic farming from an interdisciplinary point of view – an (intervention-) study on metabolic disorders and mastitis with regard to forage production, feeding management and husbandry practices” quarter milk samples from cows at dry off and after calving were taken by farmers in 101 dairy farms in Germany between January 2008 and April 2010. The objective of this study was to evaluate mastitis prevalence at dry off and at calving and the evaluation of different therapeutic regimes at dry off. 3460 cows from 101 dairy farms were examined. Mastitis prevalence at dry off was comparable to conventional farms. At calving organic farms have high mastitis prevalence due to a low cure rate and a high new infection rate in the dry period. The non-use of dry cow antibiotics or teat sealers result in significantly lower cure rates on quarter level (28.7% vs. 33,2%) and higher new infection rates (29.7% vs. 26.4%). The results show, that dry period is a high-risk period for udder health in organic dairy farms. Improvements of the hygienic conditions, the immune defence and the therapeutic regimes offer high potentials for improvement of udder health

    Green‐Emitting Oxonitridoberyllosilicate Ba[BeSiON2]:Eu2+ for Wide Gamut Displays

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    Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) producing pure, highly saturated colors are the industry standard for efficient backlighting of high-color gamut displays. Vivid color reproduction, matching the eye's perception of nature, is the central paradigm in the design of narrow-band emitting phosphors. To cover a wide range of naturally occurring color tones, expansion of the color gamut in the green spectral region, and therefore an advanced applicable green phosphor, is highly desired. Herein, the oxonitridoberyllosilicate Ba[BeSiON2]:Eu2+ showing outstanding narrow-band green emission (λmax ≈526 nm with FWHM ≈1600 cm−1 (≈45 nm), x = 0.212, y = 0.715) when excited with InGaN-based blue LEDs is presented. High quantum efficiency and low thermal quenching (>90% rel. quantum efficiency at 100 °C) as well as excellent scalability make the material suitable for industrial application in high color-gamut LED displays. A prototype phosphor-converted-LED (pc-LED), with green-emitting Ba[BeSiON2]:Eu2+ and K2SiF6:Mn4+ as red phosphor shows an extraordinary coverage in the CIE 1931 color space of 109% compared to the DCI-P3 standard, topping the widely applied ÎČ-SiAlON:Eu2+ phosphor (104%), making it suitable for use in phone displays, monitors, and television screens

    Labeling of Anti-MUC-1 Binding Single Chain Fv Fragments to Surface Modified Upconversion Nanoparticles for an Initial in Vivo Molecular Imaging Proof of Principle Approach

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    In vivo optical Imaging is an inexpensive and highly sensitive modality to investigate and follow up diseases like breast cancer. However, fluorescence labels and specific tracers are still works in progress to bring this promising modality into the clinical day-to-day use. In this study an anti-MUC-1 binding single-chain antibody fragment was screened, produced and afterwards labeled with newly designed and surface modified NaYF4:Yb,Er upconversion nanoparticles as fluorescence reporter constructs. The MUC-1 binding of the conjugate was examined in vitro and in vivo using modified state-of-the-art small animal Imaging equipment. Binding of the newly generated upconversion nanoparticle based probe to MUC-1 positive cells was clearly shown via laser scanning microscopy and in an initial proof of principal small animal optical imaging approach

    Verbesserung der Euter- und Stoffwechselgesundheit in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung durch interdisziplinĂ€r entwickelte betriebsindividuelle Interventionsmaßnahmen Interventionsstudie in Deutschland

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    A nationwide interdisciplinary intervention study in 106 German organic dairy farms was carried out in order to develop preventive animal health management strategies for mastitis and metabolic disorders and to implement and validate this concept. After an initial farm visit focusing on the health situation and the potential risk factors includ-ing housing, herd management, feeding and forage production, individual evidence-based advice was provided by the project team. Intervention measures to improve herd health were implemented and their effectiveness was monitored for two years. Udder health regarding milk somatic cell count and treatment incidence for mastitis improved significantly, whereas the percentage of dry-off-treatments with antibiotics and internal teat-sealers increased significantly. Considering indicators of metabolic health, there was an improvement in treatment incidence of milk fever and ketosis, but the percentage of cows with a fat-protein-ratio above 1.5 in the first 100 days in milk -as indication of subclinical ketosis- did not change

    Stoffwechselbelastungen zu Laktationsbeginn und ihr Einfluss auf die Eutergesundheit in ökologisch wirtschaftenden Milchviehbetrieben

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    As a part of the study „Health and performance of dairy cows in organic farming from an interdisciplinary point of view – an (intervention-) study on metabolic disorders and mastitis with regard to forage production, feeding management and husbandry practices” different udder health and metabolic parameters were determined in 106 dairy farms in Germany between January 2008 and April 2010. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare udder health and metabolic data in dry period and early lactation within the scope of a preliminary analysis. The analysis shows that relations exist between disturbances of the metabolism health and the udder health. Significant correlations between ketosis and hypocalcĂ€mia and udder health make clear that their control is vital for animal health management in organic dairy farms
