13 research outputs found

    La Massorah. [Situation des recherches massorétiques entreprises dans le cadre de la Section biblique et massorétique de l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, de 1961 à 1972]

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    L'auteur, à partir de manuscrits et de fragments de manuscrits dont il poursuit l'édition avec son groupe de recherche, tente de faire une synthèse de l'histoire de la Massorah, dont il voit l'origine dans la rédaction du Targum canonique babylonien. A l'origine de la Massorah babylonienne l'auteur assigne les débuts de la rédaction du Talmud babylonien du Pentateuque ; point de jonction avec la Massorah de Tibériade, il n'est plus seulement classique et babylonien, mais il est devenu le Targum canonique du Pentateuque, auquel on a imposé par erreur le nom hébraïsé d'Akylas sous la forme d'Onkelos. A Vorigine de la Massorah babylonienne l'auteur assigne les débuts de la rédaction du Talmud babylonien du Pentateuque ; point de jonction avec la Massorah de Tibériade, il n'est plus seulement classique et babylonien, mais il est devenu le Targum canonique du Pentateuque, auquel on a imposé par erreur le nom hébraïsé d'Akylas sous la forme d'Onkelos.Weil Gérard Emmanuel. La Massorah. [Situation des recherches massorétiques entreprises dans le cadre de la Section biblique et massorétique de l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, de 1961 à 1972]. In: Revue des études juives, tome 131, n°1-2, janvier-juin 1972. pp. 5-104

    Harry M. Orlinsky, Prolegomenon, The Massoretic Text. A Critical Evaluation

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    Weil Gérard Emmanuel. Harry M. Orlinsky, Prolegomenon, The Massoretic Text. A Critical Evaluation. In: Revue des études juives, tome 126, n°2-3, avril-septembre 1967. pp. 301-305

    Hermeneutics, accreting receptions, hypermedia: A tool for reference versus a tool for instruction

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    We provide a select overview of tools supporting traditional Jewish learning. Then we go on to discuss our own HyperJoseph/HyperIsaac project in instructional hypermedia. Its application is to teaching, teacher training, and self-instruction in given Bible passages. The treatment of two narratives has been developed thus far. The tool enables an analysis of the text in several respects: linguistic, narratological, etc. Moreover, the Scriptures' focality throughout the cultural history makes this domain of application particularly challenging, in that there is a requirement for the tool to encompass the accretion of receptions in the cultural repertoire, i.e., several layers of textual traditions—either hermeneutic (i.e., interpretive), or appropriations—related to the given core passage, thus including "secondary" texts (i.e., such that are responding or derivative) from as disparate realms as Roman-age and later homiletics, Medieval and later commentaries or supercommentaries, literary appropriations, references to the arts and modern scholarship, etc. in particular, the Midrash (homiletic expansions) is adept at narrative gap filling, so the narratives mushroom at the interstices where the primary text is silent. The genealogy of the project is rooted in Weiss' index of novelist Agnon's writings, which was eventually upgraded into a hypertextual tool, including Agnon's full-text and ancillary materials. Those early tools being intended primarily for reference and research-support in literary studies, the Agnon hypertext system was initially emulated in the conception of HyperJoseph, which is applied to the Joseph story from Genesis. Then, the transition from a tool for reference to an instructional tool required a thorough reconception in an educational perspective, which led to HyperIsaac, on the sacrifice of Isaac, and to a redesign and upgrade of HyperJoseph as patterned after HyperIsaac


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    Annuaire 2001-2002

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    Annuaire 2003-2004

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