139 research outputs found

    Size-independent Young's modulus of inverted conical GaAs nanowire resonators

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    We explore mechanical properties of top down fabricated, singly clamped inverted conical GaAs nanowires. Combining nanowire lengths of 2-9 μ\mum with foot diameters of 36-935 nm yields fundamental flexural eigenmodes spanning two orders of magnitude from 200 kHz to 42 MHz. We extract a size-independent value of Young's modulus of (45±\pm3) GPa. With foot diameters down to a few tens of nanometers, the investigated nanowires are promising candidates for ultra-flexible and ultra-sensitive nanomechanical devices

    Cavity-enhanced optical detection of carbon nanotube Brownian motion

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    Optical cavities with small mode volume are well-suited to detect the vibration of sub-wavelength sized objects. Here we employ a fiber-based, high-finesse optical microcavity to detect the Brownian motion of a freely suspended carbon nanotube at room temperature under vacuum. The optical detection resolves deflections of the oscillating tube down to 50pm/Hz^1/2. A full vibrational spectrum of the carbon nanotube is obtained and confirmed by characterization of the same device in a scanning electron microscope. Our work successfully extends the principles of high-sensitivity optomechanical detection to molecular scale nanomechanical systems.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Shear-Induced Isotropic-to-Lamellar Transition in a Lattice-Gas Model of Ternary Amphiphilic Fluids

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    Although shear-induced isotropic-to-lamellar transitions in ternary systems of oil, water and surfactant have been observed experimentally and predicted theoretically by simple models for some time now, their numerical simulation has not been achieved so far. In this work we demonstrate that a recently introduced hydrodynamic lattice-gas model of amphiphilic fluids is well suited for this purpose: the two-dimensional version of this model does indeed exhibit a shear-induced isotropic-to-lamellar phase transition.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX with epsf and REVTeX, PostScript and EPS illustrations included. To appear in J. Phys. Cond. Ma

    State tomography of capacitively shunted phase qubits with high fidelity

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    We introduce a new design concept for superconducting quantum bits (qubits) in which we explicitly separate the capacitive element from the Josephson tunnel junction for improved qubit performance. The number of two-level systems (TLS) that couple to the qubit is thereby reduced by an order of magnitude and the measurement fidelity improves to 90%. This improved design enables the first demonstration of quantum state tomography with superconducting qubits using single shot measurements.Comment: submitted to PR

    Collective dynamics of strain-coupled nanomechanical pillar resonators

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    Semiconductur nano- and micropillars represent a promising platform for hybrid nanodevices. Their ability to couple to a broad variety of nanomechanical, acoustic, charge, spin, excitonic, polaritonic, or electromagnetic excitations is utilized in fields as diverse as force sensing or optoelectronics. In order to fully exploit the potential of these versatile systems e.g. for metamaterials, synchronization or topologically protected devices an intrinsic coupling mechanism between individual pillars needs to be established. This can be accomplished by taking advantage of the strain field induced by the flexural modes of the pillars. Here, we demonstrate strain-induced, strong coupling between two adjacent nanomechanical pillar resonators. Both mode hybridization and the formation of an avoided level crossing in the response of the nanopillar pair are experimentally observed. The described coupling mechanism is readily scalable, enabling hybrid nanomechanical resonator networks for the investigation of a broad range of collective dynamical phenomena

    Microwave Dielectric Loss at Single Photon Energies and milliKelvin Temperatures

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    The microwave performance of amorphous dielectric materials at very low temperatures and very low excitation strengths displays significant excess loss. Here, we present the loss tangents of some common amorphous and crystalline dielectrics, measured at low temperatures (T < 100 mK) with near single-photon excitation energies, using both coplanar waveguide (CPW) and lumped LC resonators. The loss can be understood using a two-level state (TLS) defect model. A circuit analysis of the half-wavelength resonators we used is outlined, and the energy dissipation of such a resonator on a multilayered dielectric substrate is considered theoretically.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Optomechanics for quantum technologies

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    The ability to control the motion of mechanical systems through interaction with light has opened the door to a plethora of applications in fundamental and applied physics. With experiments routinely reaching the quantum regime, the focus has now turned towards creating and exploiting interesting non-classical states of motion and entanglement in optomechanical systems. Quantumness has also shifted from being the very reason why experiments are constructed to becoming a resource for the investigation of fundamental physics and the creation of quantum technologies. Here, by focusing on opto- and electromechanical platforms we review recent progress in quantum state preparation and entanglement of mechanical systems, together with applications to signal processing and transduction, quantum sensing and topological physics, as well as small-scale thermodynamics

    Measuring nanomechanical motion with an imprecision far below the standard quantum limit

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    We demonstrate a transducer of nanomechanical motion based on cavity enhanced optical near-fields capable of achieving a shot-noise limited imprecision more than 10 dB below the standard quantum limit (SQL). Residual background due to fundamental thermodynamical frequency fluctuations allows a total imprecision 3 dB below the SQL at room temperature (corresponding to 600 am/Hz^(1/2) in absolute units) and is known to reduce to negligible values for moderate cryogenic temperatures. The transducer operates deeply in the quantum backaction dominated regime, prerequisite for exploring quantum backaction, measurement-induced squeezing and accessing sub-SQL sensitivity using backaction evading techniques

    Cooper-pair coherence in a superfluid Fermi-gas of atoms

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    We study the coherence properties of a trapped two-component gas of fermionic atoms below the BCS critical temperature. We propose an optical method to investigate the Cooper-pair coherence across different regions of the superfluid. Near-resonant laser light is used to induce transitions between the two coupled hyperfine states. The beam is split so that it probes two spatially separate regions of the gas. Absorption of the light in this interferometric scheme depends on the Cooper-pair coherence between the two regions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to J. Phys. B as a proceedings of the Salerno 2001 BEC worksho
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