102 research outputs found
Deciding First-Order Satisfiability when Universal and Existential Variables are Separated
We introduce a new decidable fragment of first-order logic with equality,
which strictly generalizes two already well-known ones -- the
Bernays-Sch\"onfinkel-Ramsey (BSR) Fragment and the Monadic Fragment. The
defining principle is the syntactic separation of universally quantified
variables from existentially quantified ones at the level of atoms. Thus, our
classification neither rests on restrictions on quantifier prefixes (as in the
BSR case) nor on restrictions on the arity of predicate symbols (as in the
monadic case). We demonstrate that the new fragment exhibits the finite model
property and derive a non-elementary upper bound on the computing time required
for deciding satisfiability in the new fragment. For the subfragment of prenex
sentences with the quantifier prefix the
satisfiability problem is shown to be complete for NEXPTIME. Finally, we
discuss how automated reasoning procedures can take advantage of our results.Comment: Extended version of our LICS 2016 conference paper, 23 page
Symbolic Model Construction for Saturated Constrained Horn Clauses
Clause sets saturated by hierarchic ordered resolution do not offer a model
representation that can be effectively queried, in general. They only offer the
guarantee of the existence of a model. We present an effective symbolic model
construction for saturated constrained Horn clauses. Constraints are in linear
arithmetic, the first-order part is restricted to a function-free language. The
model is constructed in finite time, and non-ground clauses can be effectively
evaluated with respect to the model. Furthermore, we prove that our model
construction produces the least model
The Challenge of Unifying Semantic and Syntactic Inference Restrictions
International audienceWhile syntactic inference restrictions don't play an important role for SAT, they are an essential reasoning technique for more expressive logics, such as first-order logic, or fragments thereof. In particular, they can result in short proofs or model representations. On the other hand, semantically guided inference systems enjoy important properties, such as the generation of solely non-redundant clauses. I discuss to what extend the two paradigms may be unifiable
SCL with Theory Constraints
We lift the SCL calculus for first-order logic without equality to the SCL(T)
calculus for first-order logic without equality modulo a background theory. In
a nutshell, the SCL(T) calculus describes a new way to guide hierarchic
resolution inferences by a partial model assumption instead of an a priori
fixed order as done for instance in hierarchic superposition. The model
representation consists of ground background theory literals and ground
foreground first-order literals. One major advantage of the model guided
approach is that clauses generated by SCL(T) enjoy a non-redundancy property
that makes expensive testing for tautologies and forward subsumption completely
obsolete. SCL(T) is a semi-decision procedure for pure clause sets that are
clause sets without first-order function symbols ranging into the background
theory sorts. Moreover, SCL(T) can be turned into a decision procedure if the
considered combination of a first-order logic modulo a background theory enjoys
an abstract finite model property.Comment: 22 page
Ordered Resolution with Straight Dismatching Constraints
International audienceWe present a sound and complete ordered resolution calculus for first-order clauses with straight dismatching constraints. The extended clause language is motivated by our first-order theorem proving approach through approximation and refinement. Using a clause language with straight dismatching constraints, single refinement steps do not result in a worst-case quadratic blowup in the number of clauses anymore. The refinement steps can now be represented by replacing one input clause with two equivalent clauses. We show soundness and completeness of ordered resolution with straight dismatching constraints. All needed operations on straight dismatching constraints take linear or linear logarithmic time in the size of the constraint
SCL(EQ): SCL for First-Order Logic with Equality
International audienceAbstract We propose a new calculus SCL(EQ) for first-order logic with equality that only learns non-redundant clauses. Following the idea of CDCL (Conflict Driven Clause Learning) and SCL (Clause Learning from Simple Models) a ground literal model assumption is used to guide inferences that are then guaranteed to be non-redundant. Redundancy is defined with respect to a dynamically changing ordering derived from the ground literal model assumption. We prove SCL(EQ) sound and complete and provide examples where our calculus improves on superposition
New Techniques for Linear Arithmetic: Cubes and Equalities
International audienceWe present several new techniques for linear arithmetic constraint solving. They are all based on the linear cube transformation, a method presented here, which allows us to efficiently determine whether a system of linear arithmetic constraints contains a hypercube of a given edge length. Our first findings based on this transformation are two sound tests that find integer solutions for linear arithmetic constraints. While many complete methods search along the problem surface for a solution, these tests use cubes to explore the interior of the problems. The tests are especially efficient for constraints with a large number of integer solutions, e.g., those with infinite lattice width. Inside the SMT-LIB benchmarks, we have found almost one thousand problem instances with infinite lattice width. Experimental results confirm that our tests are superior on these instances compared to several state-of-the-art SMT solvers. We also discovered that the linear cube transformation can be used to investigate the equalities implied by a system of linear arithmetic constraints. For this purpose, we developed a method that computes a basis for all implied equalities, i.e., a finite representation of all equalities implied by the linear arithmetic constraints. The equality basis has several applications. For instance, it allows us to verify whether a system of linear arithmetic constraints implies a given equality. This is valuable in the context of Nelson-Oppen style combinations of theories
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