39 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial Malmö: A Study of Contemporary Urban Development in VÀstra Hamnen

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    Concepts as the entrepreneurial city and the creative class closely correlate with the ideas presented in the theory of neoliberalism and neoliberal urban planning policies. These concepts have spread widely throughout the modern world and effect the planning of almost every city today, from developed countries to developing countries. Typically seen as a stronghold for social democratic policies and the welfare society Sweden should be one of the last places where theory of neoliberalism and neoliberal urban planning has come through. Likewise there are emerging signs of this urban policy trend. With the case of Malmö, and more specifically the urban area VÀstra Hamnen, it is in this master thesis investigated, through the means of document analysis, if these concepts are adopted even there

    Das ErzĂ€hlen eines modernen Mythos unter Nutzung der Affordanzen des Internets und in ihm etablierter Kommunikationsformen – oder: „Red Bull verleiht FlĂŒgel“

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    In der PR des Konzerns Red Bull mit seinem gleichnamigen Energy Drink als Hauptprodukt werden neben anderen werbetechnischen Mitteln metaphorisch oder metonymisch zu interpretierende ErzĂ€hlungen verwendet, um ein spezifisches, positiv besetztes Image der Marke aufzubauen. Zentral dabei ist die narrative Konstitution eines Mythos von Red Bull als einem GetrĂ€nk, das nicht nur die geistigen und körperlichen KrĂ€fte verstĂ€rkt, sondern dem Konsumenten ein intensiveres Erleben von Ereignissen ermöglicht. Dazu wird Red Bull in den ErzĂ€hlungen als Erlebnisangebot prĂ€sentiert. Zugleich sind die ErzĂ€hlungen selbst als mediale Erlebnisse inszeniert, wobei die Affordanzen des Internets (z.B. MultimodalitĂ€t und HypertextualitĂ€t) und dessen Verfahren der Zeichenprozessierung so genutzt werden, dass MedialitĂ€t, MaterialitĂ€t und LokalitĂ€t der Kommunikation in diesem ‚Neuen Medium‘ zu prĂ€genden Faktoren der poietischen Gestaltung des Mythos werden.Afin de se forger une image Ă  la fois spĂ©cifique et positive, la sociĂ©tĂ© Red Bull, dont la boisson Ă©nergĂ©tique du mĂȘme nom constitue le produit principal, a recours lors de sa campagne de publicitĂ©, parallĂšlement Ă  diffĂ©rentes techniques publicitaires, Ă  des rĂ©cits qui peuvent ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ©s de maniĂšre mĂ©taphorique ou mĂ©tonymique. Il s’agit avant tout de constituer, par le biais de la narration, un mythe prĂ©sentant Red Bull comme une boisson qui non seulement fortifie le corps et l’intellect mais permet Ă©galement au consommateur de vivre plus intensĂ©ment. Dans les rĂ©cits qui sont alors proposĂ©s, Red Bull devient une source d’expĂ©riences intenses. Ces rĂ©cits sont eux aussi mis en scĂšne comme des expĂ©riences mĂ©diales : les possibilitĂ©s d’internet (multimodalitĂ© et hypertextualitĂ©) et ses procĂ©dĂ©s de traitement des signes y sont utilisĂ©s de telle façon que la mĂ©dialitĂ©, la matĂ©rialitĂ© et la localitĂ© de la communication dans ce « nouveau mĂ©dium » contribuent de façon dĂ©terminante Ă  la constitution poĂŻĂ©tique du mythe.In its PR Red Bull uses – in addition to other means of advertising – narratives with a metaphorical or metonymic meaning in order to create a specific and positive image of the brand. A main goal hereby is the constitution of a myth depicting Red Bull as an energy drink which not only enhances your mental and physical powers, but also enables you to experience events more intensively. Therefore, by means of the narratives Red Bull is presented as an offer to experience something as an extraordinary event. At the same time the narratives themselves are orchestrated as media events, for which the affordances of the internet (e.g. multimodality and hypertextuality) and its procedures of processing signs are made use of so that mediality, materiality, and locality of communication in this ‘new medium’ become a constitutive factor in the poietic formulation of the myth

    FörutsÀttningar för regional tillvÀxt - en studie av Lomma och Eslöv kommuns planarbete inför etableringen av ESS och MAX IV

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    MalmoeLund is one of the three large metropolitan regions in Sweden. Compared with Stockholm and Gothenburg, the region has the lowest regional growth. The decision to establish ESS and MAX IV in Lund has brought great opportunities for the region. To take advantage of possible spin-off effects, which among other things can lead to new job opportunities for the region's overall population, extensive collaboration at the regional level is required. There is a major responsibility of the municipalities to include planning, where conditions to be able to receive population growth and opportunities for business creation must exist. The well-functioning infrastructure conflates the region’s municipalities and creates a comprehensive housing and labor market which facilitates economic activity. If the municipalities cannot offer a wide selection of accommodation and premises for new businesses, the region may miss out on potential economic growth. Investment in education is a priority to create a knowledge-intensive labor to attract new companies to the region. Moreover, the region is already known to be a knowledge-based cluster and ESS and MAX IV could further enhance the regions position as a global hub for research and industry

    Wandel und Entwicklung familialer Lebensformen

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    'VerĂ€nderungen im demographischen Erscheinungsbild von Familien in westlichen IndustrielĂ€ndern sind in ihren Ursachen noch wenig erforscht. Das am Deutschen Jugendinstitut initiierte Projekt will ein reprĂ€sentatives Bild der Lebensformen der deutschen Wohnbevölkerung ermitteln. Dabei werden Informationen der amtlichen Statistik mit subjektiven Wertungen der Familienzugehörigkeit und mit faktisch gelebten Familienbeziehungen verglichen und die VerĂ€nderungen in den Lebensformen auf mögliche ZusammenhĂ€nge mit neuen sozialen Lebenslagen ĂŒberprĂŒft.' (Autorenreferat

    Sozial und politisch 'integriert'? Der AuslÀndersurvey 1997 auf CD-ROM

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    Photocatalytic Dehydroformylation of Benzyl Alcohols to Arenes

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    In the last decades, many C−C bond-forming reactions have been developed, whereas less attention has been paid to the design of strategies involving C−C bond cleavage. We report a photocatalytic dehydroformylation sequence for the conversion of benzyl alcohols to arenes in a one-pot two-step process. Herein, the initial dehydrogenation of the benzyl alcohols to the corresponding benzaldehydes is combined with an additional decarbonylation step yielding arenes. As a result, a broad range of benzyl alcohols can be easily transformed in short times under mild photocatalytic conditions. The conducted mechanistic studies indicate that our cooperative hydrogen atom transfer (HAT)-cobalt system proceeds through the formation of α-alkoxy- and acyl radicals as key intermediates, involving concomitant syngas (CO+H2) generation

    China and Arctic energy: drivers and limitations

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