18 research outputs found

    Eye-tracking Web Usability Research

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    Toward a unified model of mobile Business Intelligence (m-BI) acceptance and use

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    Factors affecting mobile business intelligence (m-BI) acceptance and use have become an increasingly important topic in practice due to the growing complexity of organizations, and their underlying information systems (IS). Since, one can notice considerable interest in m-BI, however, to the best of our knowledge few studies (if any) aim to synthesize the existing body of knowledge with regards to the factors affecting m-BI acceptance and use. To fill this gap, we conducted a systematic literature review and summarized the current state of the art. By addressing research questions, we identified a set of five factors, namely: Perceived Value, Perceived Ease of Use, Managerial Attitudes, Facilitating Conditions and Quality of Information, and specified their inter-relationships. Moreover, we introduce an acceptance model (m-BIAM) on behavioral intention and use mobile Business Intelligence solutions. The contribution of this study lies in these evidence-based findings, which lay a solid foundation for further studies in the extent of testing and evaluating the m-BIAM model, targeted at delivering more evidence to confirm its validity and predictive power

    Organizational Ethics, Position and Their Relationship to Gender, Before and During Pandemic

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    This research investigates the levels of organizational ethics (OETH) among knowledge workers (KW), using their work information and communication technologies (ICT) with their executive position (supervisor/subordinate), in regional enterprises in Poland before and during the COVID19 pandemic. We analyzed levels of OETH and its three dimensions as organizational optimism (ETO), corporate social responsibility (CSR), top management action (TMA). We conducted our study twice, using an online survey among 137 KW before and 127 KW during a pandemic, combining random and snowball sampling to select data. We used multivariate statistical methods such as analysis of variance and causal moderation analysis to estimate the indirect effect of gender, the effect of the pandemic, as well as their interaction in the relation between position and OETH and its subscales.. Our findings show superiors manifested higher levels of OETH assessment than their subordinates, especially before the pandemic. Both groups displayed a pessimistic and low level of OETH, especially ETO, before the pandemic, and on the contrary, increased significantly to an average level during the pandemic. Gender and the pandemic affected the levels of OETH and occurred to be moderators of the considered relationship

    A Case Study on Implementing Agile Techniques and Practices: Rationale, Benefits, Barriers and Business Implications for Hardware Development

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    Agile methodologies, along with the corresponding tools and practices, are claimed to facilitate teams in managing their work more effectively and conducting their work more efficiently while fostering the highest quality product within the constraints of the budget. Therefore, the rate of awareness and adoption of Agile frameworks both within and outside the software industry has increased significantly. Yet, the latest studies show that the adoption of Agile techniques and practices are not one-size-fits-all, and highlight the challenges, risks, and limitations regarding numerous domains. In this regard, the state-of-the-art literature provides comprehensive reading. However, in the case of hardware manufacturing, it seems to be sparse and fragmented. To fill this gap, the goal of this study is to analyze and present an in-depth account of the implementation of mix agile-oriented tools and practices. To tackle this goal, a single industry case study was undertaken, based on the primary data obtained through the interview protocol and the secondary data extracted from the project’s documentation. The findings concern three areas. First, the rationale behind the implementation of agile for hardware development is explained. Second, the implemented agile techniques and practices are identified, as well as the supporting tools through which their adoption was successfully undertaken. Third, the areas positively impacted by their application are highlighted with the corresponding evaluation measures deployed; moreover, the barriers to adopting Agile practices encountered, and the benefits gained from particular techniques, are further discussed. The presented findings might be of great importance for both researchers and practitioners who are searching for empirical evidence regarding Agile-oriented implementations. Finally, in terms of both benefits and barriers, business implications for hardware development are formulated. Alongside this, numerous open issues and questions present interesting research avenues that concern, in particular, the effectiveness of collaboration and areas of communication through the lens of agile techniques and practices

    Rewizja teorii burzy mózgów na przykładzie pozyskiwania wymagań

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    Knowledge is still considered to be power and its externalization makes it possible for others to use that power. In this paper, we examine the theory of brainstorming, and the claim by father Alex Osborn that in a group session an individual can think of twice as many ideas than working alone. In the context of requirements elicitation, we performed an experiment on a “nominal” and a “real” group of participants, following a procedure based on the Jaccard index. However, the obtained results do not provide evidence to support the above opinion, because during a five-minute session, participants working individually produce over 43% more ideas than a group of different participants.Wiedza jest ciągle postrzegana jako źródło siły, zaś jej ekternalizacja czyni ją dostępną dla innych. W niniejszym artykule poddano rewizji teorię burzy mózgów, w szczególności założenie jej Autora Alexa Osborna, że w trakcie sesji grupowej (realnej) pojedyczny uczestnik wygeneruje dwa razy więcej myśli (idei) niż w trakcie samodzielnej (nominalnej) sesji. W kontekście pozyskiwania wymagań został przeprowadzony eksperyment na grupach nominalnych i realnych. Do porównania otrzymanych wyników wykorzystano indeks Jaccarda. Otrzymane wyniki jednak stoją w sprzeczności z powyższym stwierdzeniem, pokazując, że o 43% więcej idei wygenerowały pojedynczy uczestnicy badania w porównaniu do ich grup

    Usability Testing of Mobile Applications: A Methodological Framework

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    Less than five percent of all mobile applications have become successful throughout 2023. The success of a new mobile application depends on a variety of factors ranging from business understanding, customer value, and perceived quality of use. In this sense, the topic of usability testing of mobile applications is relevant from the point of view of user satisfaction and acceptance. However, the current knowledge seems to be fragmented, scattered across many papers and reports, and sometimes poorly documented. This paper attempts to fill this gap by investigating the current state of knowledge by reviewing the previous literature relevant to the research topic and developing a unified view. In particular, the methodological framework is outlined and discussed, including the discourse on settings for laboratory and field studies, data collection techniques, experimental designs for mobile usability testing, and a generic research framework. Therefore, the paper contributes to both the theory and practice of human–computer interaction by providing methodological foundations for usability testing of mobile applications, paving the way for further studies in this area. Moreover, the paper provides a better understanding of the related topics, in particular shedding light on methodological foundations, key concepts, challenges, and issues, equipping readers with a comprehensive knowledge base to navigate and contribute to the advancement of the field of mobile usability

    Mobile Security: Threats and Best Practices

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    Communicating mobile security threats and best practices has become a central objective due to the ongoing discovery of new vulnerabilities of mobile devices. To cope with this overarching issue, the goal of this paper is to identify and analyze existing threats and best practices in the domain of mobile security. To this extent, we conducted a literature review based on a set of keywords. The obtained results concern recognizable threats and established best practices in the domain of mobile security. Afterwards, this outcome was put forward for consideration by mobile application users (n = 167) via a survey instrument. To this end, the results show high awareness of the threats and their countermeasures in the domain of mobile applications. While recognizing the risks associated with physical and social factors, the majority of respondents declared the use of built-in methods to mitigate the negative impact of malicious software and social-engineering scams. The study results contribute to the theory on mobile security through the identification and exploration of a variety of issues, regarding both threats and best practices. Besides this, this bulk of up-to-date knowledge has practical value which reflects in its applicability at both the individual and enterprise level. Moreover, at this point, we argue that understanding the factors affecting users’ intentions and motivations to accept and use particular technologies is crucial to leverage the security of mobile applications. Therefore, future work will cover identifying and modeling users’ perceptions of the security and usability of mobile applications

    Wnioski z rozwoju mobilnego systemu zarządzania procesami Przemysłu 4.0 wspieranego sztuczną inteligencją

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    Research, development and innovation (RDI) projects are undertaken in order to improve existing, or develop new, more efficient products and services. Moreover, the goal of innovation is to produce new knowledge through research, and disseminating it through education and training. In this line of thinking, this paper reports and discusses the lessons learned from the undertaken project, regarding three areas: machine learning (artificial intelligence), computational intelligence, and database management systems (DBMS). As nowadays, a numerous of the RDI projects are oriented towards the development of dataintensive solutions, the authors are confident that these lessons will be valuable not only for data engineers, but also for those researchers and practitioners who are dealing with the issues related to building and validating machine learning models, applications of moving averages to high-frequency data streams, and the implementation and deployment of DBMS.Projekty w zakresie badań, rozwoju i innowacji (BRI) są podejmowane w celu udoskonalenia istniejących lub opracowania nowych, bardziej wydajnych i skutecznych produktów i usług. Ponadto celem innowacji jest tworzenie nowej wiedzy poprzez badania oraz rozpowszechnianie jej poprzez edukację i szkolenia. W tym duchu rozumowania w niniejszym artykule autorzy przedstawiają i omawiają wnioski wyciągnięte z podjętego projektu, dotyczące trzech dziedzin, a mianowicie: uczenia maszynowego (sztucznej inteligencji), inteligencji obliczeniowej oraz systemów zarządzania bazami danych (DBMS). Biorąc pod uwagę, że obecnie wiele projektów BRI jest zorientowanych na rozwój rozwiązań intensywnie wykorzystujących dane, autorzy są przekonani, że wnioski te będą cenne nie tylko dla inżynierów danych, ale także dla tych badaczy i praktyków, którzy zajmują się zagadnieniami związanymi z budową i walidacją modeli uczenia maszynowego, zastosowaniami średnich ruchomych do strumieni danych o wysokiej częstotliwości oraz implementacją i wdrażaniem systemów zarządzania bazami danych

    Hard lessons learned: delivering usability in IT projects

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