1,184 research outputs found

    An algebraic solution of driven single band tight binding dynamics

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    The dynamics of the driven tight binding model for Wannier-Stark systems is formulated and solved using a dynamical algebra. This Lie algebraic approach is very convenient for evaluating matrix elements and expectation values. It is also shown that a dynamical invariant can be constructed. A classicalization of the tight binding model is discussed as well as some illustrating examples of Bloch oscillations and dynamical localization effects.Comment: 13 pages; revised version (changed title and sections 6,7, added references

    Parameterization invariance and shape equations of elastic axisymmetric vesicles

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    The issue of different parameterizations of the axisymmetric vesicle shape addressed by Hu Jian-Guo and Ou-Yang Zhong-Can [ Phys.Rev. E {\bf 47} (1993) 461 ] is reassesed, especially as it transpires through the corresponding Euler - Lagrange equations of the associated elastic energy functional. It is argued that for regular, smooth contours of vesicles with spherical topology, different parameterizations of the surface are equivalent and that the corresponding Euler - Lagrange equations are in essence the same. If, however, one allows for discontinuous (higher) derivatives of the contour line at the pole, the differently parameterized Euler - Lagrange equations cease to be equivalent and describe different physical problems. It nevertheless appears to be true that the elastic energy corresponding to smooth contours remains a global minimum.Comment: 10 pages, latex, one figure include

    Final-State Phases in Doubly-Cabibbo-Suppressed Charmed Meson Nonleptonic Decays

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    Cabibbo-favored nonleptonic charmed particle decays exhibit large final-state phase differences in Kˉπ\bar K \pi and Kˉπ\bar K^* \pi but not Kˉρ\bar K \rho channels. It is of interest to know the corresponding pattern of final-state phases in doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed decays, governed by the cdusˉc \to d u \bar s subprocess. An experimental program is outlined for determining such phases via measurements of rates for DKπD \to K^* \pi and K(ρ,ω,ϕ)K (\rho, \omega,\phi) channels, and determination of interference between bands in Dalitz plots. Such a program is feasible at planned high-intensity sources of charmed particles.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Revised versio

    Flavor symmetry analysis of charmless B --> VP decays

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    Based upon flavor SU(3) symmetry, we perform global fits to charmless B decays into one pseudoscalar meson and one vector meson in the final states. We consider different symmetry breaking schemes and find that the one implied by na{\"i}ve factorization is slightly favored over the exact symmetry case. The (ρˉ,ηˉ)(\bar\rho,\bar\eta) vertex of the unitarity triangle (UT) constrained by our fits is consistent with other methods within errors. We have found large color-suppressed, electroweak penguin and singlet penguin amplitudes when the spectator quark ends up in the final-state vector meson. Nontrivial relative strong phases are also required to explain the data. The best-fit parameters are used to compute branching ratio and CP asymmetry observables in all of the decay modes, particularly those in the BsB_s decays to be measured at the Tevatron and LHC experiments.Comment: 23 pages and 2 plots; updated with ICHEP'08 data and expanded in discussions and reference

    On IO-efficient viewshed algorithms and their accuracy

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    Given a terrain T and a point v, the viewshed or visibility map of v is the set of points in T that are visible from v. To decide whether a point p is visible one needs to interpolate the elevation of the terrain along the line-of-sight (LOS) vp. Existing viewshed algorithms differ widely in which and how many points they chose to interpolate, how many lines-of-sight they consider, and how they interpolate the terrain. These choices crucially affect the running time and accuracy of the algorithms. In this paper our goal was to obtain an IO-efficient algorithm that computes the viewshed on a grid terrain with as much accuracy as possible given the resolution of the data. We describe two algorithms which are based on computing and merging horizons, and we prove that the complexity of horizons on a grid of n points is O(n), improving on the general O(na(n)) bound on triangulated terrains. Our finding is that, in practice, horizons on grids are significantly smaller than their theoretical worst case bound, which makes horizon-based approaches very fast. To measure the differences between viewsheds computed with various algorithms we implement an error metric that averages differences over a large number of viewsheds computed from a set of viewpoints with topological significance, like valleys and ridges. Using this metric we compare our current approach, Van Kreveld's model used in our previous work [7], the algorithm of Ferreira et al. [6], and the viewshed module r.los in the open source GIS GRASS

    Magnetic Properties of Scalar Particles --The Scalar Aharonov-Casher Effect and Supersymmetry

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    The original topological Aharonov-Casher (AC) effect is due to the interaction of the anomalous magnetic dipole moment (MDM) with certain configurations of electric field. Naively one would not expect an AC effect for a scalar particle for which no anomalous MDM can be defined in the usual sense. In this letter we study the AC effect in supersymmetric systems. In this framework there is the possibility of deducing the AC effect of a scalar particle from the corresponding effect for a spinor particle. In 3+1 dimensions such a connection is not possible because the anomalous MDM is zero if supersymmetry is an exact symmetry. However, in 2+1 dimensions it is possible to have an anomalous MDM even with exact supersymmetry. Having demonstrated the relationship between the spinor and the scalar MDM, we proceed to show that the scalar AC effect is uniquely defined. We then compute the anomalous MDM at the one loop level, showing how the scalar form arises in 2+1 dimensions from the coupling of the scalar to spinors. This model shows how an AC effect for a scalar can be generated for non-supersymmetric theories, and we construct such a model to illustrate the mechanism.Comment: RevTex 13 pages including one Figure. New Discussions adde

    Optical Evidence of Multiphase Coexistence in Single Crystalline (La,Pr,Ca)MnO3

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    We investigated temperature (T)- and magnetic field-dependent optical conductivity spectra (\s\w) of a La_5/8-yPr_yCa_3/8MnO_3 (y~0.35) single crystal, showing intriguing phase coexistence at low T. At T_C < T < T_CO, a dominant charge-ordered phase produces a large optical gap energy of ~0.4 eV. At T < T_C, at least two absorption bands newly emerge below 0.4 eV. Analyses of (\s\w) indicate that the new bands should be attributed to a ferromagnetic metallic and a charge-disordered phase that coexist with the charge-ordered phase. This optical study clearly shows that La_5/8-yPrCa_3/8MnO_3 (y~0.35) is composed of multiphases that might have different lattice strains.Comment: A single file with 9 figures embedded, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    BAs and boride III-V alloys

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    Boron arsenide, the typically-ignored member of the III-V arsenide series BAs-AlAs-GaAs-InAs is found to resemble silicon electronically: its Gamma conduction band minimum is p-like (Gamma_15), not s-like (Gamma_1c), it has an X_1c-like indirect band gap, and its bond charge is distributed almost equally on the two atoms in the unit cell, exhibiting nearly perfect covalency. The reasons for these are tracked down to the anomalously low atomic p orbital energy in the boron and to the unusually strong s-s repulsion in BAs relative to most other III-V compounds. We find unexpected valence band offsets of BAs with respect to GaAs and AlAs. The valence band maximum (VBM) of BAs is significantly higher than that of AlAs, despite the much smaller bond length of BAs, and the VBM of GaAs is only slightly higher than in BAs. These effects result from the unusually strong mixing of the cation and anion states at the VBM. For the BAs-GaAs alloys, we find (i) a relatively small (~3.5 eV) and composition-independent band gap bowing. This means that while addition of small amounts of nitrogen to GaAs lowers the gap, addition of small amounts of boron to GaAs raises the gap (ii) boron ``semi-localized'' states in the conduction band (similar to those in GaN-GaAs alloys), and (iii) bulk mixing enthalpies which are smaller than in GaN-GaAs alloys. The unique features of boride III-V alloys offer new opportunities in band gap engineering.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables, 61 references. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B. Scheduled to appear Oct. 15 200

    Impacts of environmental factors and human disturbance on composition of roadside vegetation in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve of Southwest China

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    AbstractVegetation-disturbance-environment relationships in Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve (XNR) was examined using multivariate analysis to understand the impacts of environmental factors and human disturbance on vegetation along the highway corridor. The results show that native forests were the best habitat for protected/endangered species and native species. The exotic plants Eupatorium odoratum and Eupatorium adenophora were found primarily in secondary forests and their presence was positively associated with altitude and soil potassium concentrations. The distribution of two protected plants, Phoebe nanmu and Pometia tomentosa, was negatively associated with road disturbance. Understanding the complex effects of environmental factors and human disturbance is key for developing conservation and restoration strategies for roadside plant ecosystems

    Optical absorption in boron clusters B6_{6} and B6+_{6}^{+} : A first principles configuration interaction approach

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    The linear optical absorption spectra in neutral boron cluster B6_{6} and cationic B6+_{6}^{+} are calculated using a first principles correlated electron approach. The geometries of several low-lying isomers of these clusters were optimized at the coupled-cluster singles doubles (CCSD) level of theory. With these optimized ground-state geometries, excited states of different isomers were computed using the singles configuration-interaction (SCI) approach. The many body wavefunctions of various excited states have been analysed and the nature of optical excitation involved are found to be of collective, plasmonic type.Comment: 22 pages, 38 figures. An invited article submitted to European Physical Journal D. This work was presented in the International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters - XVI, held in Leuven, Belgiu