249 research outputs found

    Tab-CoT: Zero-shot Tabular Chain of Thought

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    The chain-of-though (CoT) prompting methods were successful in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks thanks to their ability to unveil the underlying complex reasoning processes. Such reasoning processes typically exhibit implicitly structured steps. Recent efforts also started investigating methods to encourage more explicitly structured reasoning procedures to be captured. In this work, we propose Tab-CoT, a novel tabular-format CoT prompting method, which allows the complex reasoning process to be explicitly modelled in a highly structured manner. Despite its simplicity, we show that our approach is capable of performing reasoning across multiple dimensions (i.e., both rows and columns). We demonstrate our approach's strong zero-shot and few-shot capabilities through extensive experiments on a range of reasoning tasks.Comment: accepted by ACL 2023 Findin

    CofiFab: Coarse-to-fine fabrication of large 3D objects

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    This paper presents CofiFab, a coarse-to-fine 3D fabrication solution, which combines 3D printing and 2D laser cutting for cost-effective fabrication of large objects at lower cost and higher speed. Our key approach is to first build coarse internal base structures within the given 3D object using laser-cutting, and then attach thin 3D-printed parts, as an external shell, onto the base to recover the fine surface details. CofiFab achieves this with three novel algorithmic components. First, we formulate an optimization model to compute fabricatable polyhedrons of maximized volume, as the geometry of the internal base. Second, we devise a new interlocking scheme to tightly connect laser-cut parts into a strong internal base, by iteratively building a network of nonorthogonal interlocking joints and locking parts around polyhedral corners. Lastly, we also optimize the partitioning of the external object shell into 3D-printable parts, while saving support material and avoiding overhangs. These components also consider aesthetics, stability and balancing in addition to cost saving. As a result, CofiFab can efficiently produce large objects by assembly. To evaluate its effectiveness, we fabricate objects of varying shapes and sizes, where CofiFab significantly improves compared to previous methods

    Effects of Diatomite and SBS on Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixture

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    Asphalt mixture is susceptible to moisture damage under the effect of freeze-thaw (F-T) cycles. In this paper, crumb rubber (CR) was used to modify stone mastic asphalt (SMA) and the effects of diatomite and styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) on antifreezing performances of crumb rubber modified SMA (CRSMA) were investigated. Regression analysis and modified grey model (MGM) were used to construct the prediction models for properties of modified mixtures. CRSMA, CR and diatomite modified SMA (CRDSMA), and CR and SBS modified SMA (CRSSMA) were prepared in laboratory, respectively. Process of F-T cycles was designed. Air void, indirect tensile strength (ITS), and indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM) were measured to evaluate the antifreezing performances of CRSMA, CRDSMA, and CRSSMA. Results indicate that air voids increase with the increasing of F-T cycles. ITS and ITSM all decrease with the increasing of F-T cycles. The addition of diatomite and SBS can reduce the air void and improve the ITS and ITSM of CRSMA. CRSSMA presents the lowest air void, highest tensile strength, and largest stiffness modulus, which reveals that CRSSMA has the best F-T resistance among three different kinds of mixtures. Moreover, MGM (1, 2) models present more favorable accuracy in prediction of air void and ITS compared with regression ones

    Beyond OOD State Actions: Supported Cross-Domain Offline Reinforcement Learning

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    Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to learn a policy using only pre-collected and fixed data. Although avoiding the time-consuming online interactions in RL, it poses challenges for out-of-distribution (OOD) state actions and often suffers from data inefficiency for training. Despite many efforts being devoted to addressing OOD state actions, the latter (data inefficiency) receives little attention in offline RL. To address this, this paper proposes the cross-domain offline RL, which assumes offline data incorporate additional source-domain data from varying transition dynamics (environments), and expects it to contribute to the offline data efficiency. To do so, we identify a new challenge of OOD transition dynamics, beyond the common OOD state actions issue, when utilizing cross-domain offline data. Then, we propose our method BOSA, which employs two support-constrained objectives to address the above OOD issues. Through extensive experiments in the cross-domain offline RL setting, we demonstrate BOSA can greatly improve offline data efficiency: using only 10\% of the target data, BOSA could achieve {74.4\%} of the SOTA offline RL performance that uses 100\% of the target data. Additionally, we also show BOSA can be effortlessly plugged into model-based offline RL and noising data augmentation techniques (used for generating source-domain data), which naturally avoids the potential dynamics mismatch between target-domain data and newly generated source-domain data

    Design and durability analysis of marine concrete

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    Marine engineering is an important way for a country to go deep blue. In the marine environment, there are many factors that affect the durability of concrete, among which the most harmful one is chloride ion erosion. In order to improve the ability to resist chloride ion permeation, this paper designs, compares and selects the appropriate water cement ratio of marine concrete, with the use of new anticorrosive technologies such as epoxy coating and silane impregnation. The design service life and the chloride ion diffusion coefficient prediction are analysed by establishing models, and this paper verifies whether the engineering design meets the service life requirement

    mgwr: a Python implementation of multiscale geographically weighted regression for investigating process spatial heterogeneity and scale

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    Geographically weighted regression (GWR) is a spatial statistical technique that recognizes that traditional ‘global’ regression models may be limited when spatial processes vary with spatial context. GWR captures process spatial heterogeneity by allowing effects to vary over space. To do this, GWR calibrates an ensemble of local linear models at any number of locations using ‘borrowed’ nearby data. This provides a surface of location-specific parameter estimates for each relationship in the model that is allowed to vary spatially, as well as a single bandwidth parameter that provides intuition about the geographic scale of the processes. A recent extension to this framework allows each relationship to vary according to a distinct spatial scale parameter, and is therefore known as multiscale (M)GWR. This paper introduces mgwr, a Python-based implementation of MGWR that explicitly focuses on the multiscale analysis of spatial heterogeneity. It provides novel functionality for inference and exploratory analysis of local spatial processes, new diagnostics unique to multi-scale local models, and drastic improvements to efficiency in estimation routines. We provide two case studies using mgwr, in addition to reviewing core concepts of local models. We present this in a literate programming style, providing an overview of the primary software functionality and demonstrations of suggested usage alongside the discussion of primary concepts and demonstration of the improvements made in mgwr
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