22 research outputs found

    Effect of mangrove restoration on crab burrow density in Luoyangjiang Estuary, China

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    Background Mangrove restoration seeks to restore or rebuild degraded mangrove systems. The methods of mangrove restoration include ecological projects and restoration-oriented technologies, the latter of which are designed to restore the structure, processes as well as related physical, chemical and biological characteristics of wetlands and to ensure the provision of ecosystem services. As important components of mangrove ecosystem, benthic organisms and crabs play a key role in nutrient cycling. In addition, mangrove restoration, such as vegetation restoration measures, can lead to changes in the benthic faunal communities. This study investigates whether the presence of different mangrove species, age and canopy cover of mangrove communities affect the density of crab burrows. Methods The Luoyangjiang Estuary, in the southeast of Fujian Province, was selected as our research area. A survey, covering 14 sites, was conducted to investigate the impacts of mangrove restoration on the density of crab burrows in four rehabilitated forests with different stand ages and canopy. Results It was found that differences in vegetation types had a large impact on crab density and that the density of crab burrows was lower on exposed beaches (non-mangrove) than under mature Kandelia candel, Aegiceras corniculatum and Avicennia marina communities. In general, the amount of leaf litter and debris on mangrove mudflats was greater than on the beaches as food sources for crabs. Two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows that changes in mangrove species and age since restoration had different effects on crab burrow density. The effect of canopy cover was highly significant on crab burrow density. Conclusions The results suggest that in the process of mangrove restoration the combined effects of mangrove stand age, canopy cover and other factors should be taken into account. This study further supports the findings of the future scientific research and practice on mangrove restoration and management measures

    Nitrogen Removal in a Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland Estimated Using the First-Order Kinetic Model

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    We monitored the water quality and hydrological conditions of a horizontal subsurface constructed wetland (HSSF-CW) in Beijing, China, for two years. We simulated the area-based constant and the temperature coefficient with the first-order kinetic model. We examined the relationships between the nitrogen (N) removal rate, N load, seasonal variations in the N removal rate, and environmental factors—such as the area-based constant, temperature, and dissolved oxygen (DO). The effluent ammonia (NH4 + -N) and nitrate (NO3 −-N) concentrations were significantly lower than the influent concentrations (p \u3c 0.01, n = 38). The NO3 −-N load was significantly correlated with the removal rate (R 2 = 0.96, p \u3c 0.01), but the NH4 + -N load was not correlated with the removal rate (R 2 = 0.02, p \u3e 0.01). The area-based constants of NO3 −-N and NH4 + -N at 20 ◦C were 27 ± 26 (mean ± SD) and 14 ± 10 m·year−1 , respectively. The temperature coefficients for NO3 −-N and NH4 + -N were estimated at 1.004 and 0.960, respectively. The area-based constants for NO3 −-N and NH4 + -N were not correlated with temperature (p \u3e 0.01). The NO3 −-N area-based constant was correlated with the corresponding load (R 2 = 0.96, p \u3c 0.01). The NH4 + -N area rate was correlated with DO (R 2 = 0.69, p \u3c 0.01), suggesting that the factors that influenced the N removal rate in this wetland met Liebig’s law of the minimum

    Distribution patterns of plant communities and their associations with environmental soil factors on the eastern shore of Lake Taihu, China

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    Introduction: Plant communities and soil factors might interact with each other in different temporal and spatial scales, which can influence the patterns and processes of the wetland ecosystem. To get a better understanding of the distribution of plants in wetlands and analyze their associations with environmental soil factors, the structure and types of plant communities in the eastern shore area of Lake Taihu were analyzed by two-way indicator species analysis and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) ordination. The spatial distribution patterns of vegetation and the main factors affecting the distributions were investigated.Outcomes: Sixty-six sampling sites were selected to obtain vegetation species and soil environmental factor data. Results showed that 22 species from the 66 sites could be divided into seven communities: I: Arundo donax; II: A. donax + Phragmites australis; III: Zizania latifolia + Typha orientalis; IV: P. australis + Alternanthera philoxeroides + Polygonum hydropiper; V: P. australis; VI: P. australis + Humulus scandens; and VII: Erigeron acer + Ipomoea batatas + Rumex acetosa. Plant species and soil factors in the CCA analysis showed that I. batatas, E. acer, Chenopodium album, Polygonum lapathifolium, and Acalypha australis were mainly affected by pH, whereas Echinochloa crus-galli, Setaria viridis, and H. scandens were mainly affected by soil total phosphorus. Mentha canadensis and A. donax were mainly affected by soil conductivity, A. philoxeroides was mainly affected by soil organic matter and, Z. latifolia, Metaplexis japonica and P. hydropiper were mainly affected by available phosphorus.Conclusion:These results indicated that different plants adapted to different soil environmental factors and provided basic information on the diversity of Lake Taihu wetland vegetation

    Winter Decomposition of Emergent Macrophytes Affects Water Quality under Ice in a Temperate Shallow Lake

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    Decomposition of emergent macrophytes is now recognized as an internal nutrient source for shallow lakes. Temperate lakes always experience seasonal ice cover in winter, but the influences of emergent macrophytes decomposition on water quality have rarely been examined under ice. Here, we conducted an incubation experiment to investigate winter decomposition of two common emergent macrophytes species (Typha orientalis and Phragmites australis) and its influences on water quality in the Hengshui Lake, North China. Mesocosms simulating a lake ice regime were incubated in the field for 120 days in winter and were treated with and without plant material addition. Water quality was monitored through dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), and nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N). We found that both species were significantly decomposed in winter and that the majority of mass loss occurred in the first 10 days of decomposition when the water surface of mesocosms were already frozen. The concentrations of DO rapidly dropped to values close to zero after plant material submergence. At the end of incubation, the concentrations of DOC, TN, and NO3-N in the mesocosms with plant material addition were significantly higher than initial concentrations. In contrast, the concentrations of DOC, TN, TP, NO3-N, and NH4-N in the mesocosms without plant material addition were equal to or less than initial concentrations. Our research suggests that winter decomposition of emergent macrophytes produces negative influences on water quality under ice that lasts for the whole winter

    Effects of Plant Growth Form and Water Substrates on the Decomposition of Submerged Litter: Evidence of Constructed Wetland Plants in a Greenhouse Experiment

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    Wetland plants are important components in constructed wetlands (CWs), and one of their most important functions in CWs is to purify the water. However, wetland plant litter can also increase eutrophication of water via decomposition and nutrient release, and few studies have focused on the interspecific variation in the decomposition rate and nutrient release of multiple plant species in CWs. Here a greenhouse litter-bag experiment was conducted to quantify the decomposition rates and nutrient release of 7 dominant macrophytes (2 floating plants and 5 emergent plants) in three types of water substrate. The results showed that plant litter species and growth forms significantly affected the litter mass losses. The nutrient release was significantly different among plant litter species, but not between floating and emergent plants. Litter traits, such as litter lignin, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) can well predict the decomposition rates of submerged litter. These results indicated that submerging litter in water did not change the relationships between litter traits and litter decomposition rates, and leaching might play a more important role in the decomposition of submerged litter in CWs than that in other terrestrial ecosystems. These findings can provide suggestions for managers about the maintenance of constructed wetlands

    Ultralow Laser Power Three-Dimensional Superresolution Microscopy Based on Digitally Enhanced STED

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    The resolution of optical microscopes is limited by the optical diffraction limit; in particular, the axial resolution is much lower than the lateral resolution, which hinders the clear distinction of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of cells. Although stimulated emission depletion (STED) superresolution microscopy can break through the optical diffraction limit to achieve 3D superresolution imaging, traditional 3D STED requires high depletion laser power to acquire high-resolution images, which can cause irreversible light damage to biological samples and probes. Therefore, we developed an ultralow laser power 3D STED superresolution imaging method. On the basis of this method, we obtained lateral and axial resolutions of 71 nm and 144 nm, respectively, in fixed cells with 0.65 mW depletion laser power. This method will have broad application prospects in 3D superresolution imaging of living cells

    Nitrogen Removal in a Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland Estimated Using the First-Order Kinetic Model

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    We monitored the water quality and hydrological conditions of a horizontal subsurface constructed wetland (HSSF-CW) in Beijing, China, for two years. We simulated the area-based constant and the temperature coefficient with the first-order kinetic model. We examined the relationships between the nitrogen (N) removal rate, N load, seasonal variations in the N removal rate, and environmental factors—such as the area-based constant, temperature, and dissolved oxygen (DO). The effluent ammonia (NH4+-N) and nitrate (NO3−-N) concentrations were significantly lower than the influent concentrations (p < 0.01, n = 38). The NO3−-N load was significantly correlated with the removal rate (R2 = 0.96, p < 0.01), but the NH4+-N load was not correlated with the removal rate (R2 = 0.02, p > 0.01). The area-based constants of NO3−-N and NH4+-N at 20 °C were 27 ± 26 (mean ± SD) and 14 ± 10 m∙year−1, respectively. The temperature coefficients for NO3−-N and NH4+-N were estimated at 1.004 and 0.960, respectively. The area-based constants for NO3−-N and NH4+-N were not correlated with temperature (p > 0.01). The NO3−-N area-based constant was correlated with the corresponding load (R2 = 0.96, p < 0.01). The NH4+-N area rate was correlated with DO (R2 = 0.69, p < 0.01), suggesting that the factors that influenced the N removal rate in this wetland met Liebig’s law of the minimum

    Spartina alterniflora Leaf and Soil Eco-Stoichiometry in the Yancheng Coastal Wetland

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    Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus—nutrient and restrictive elements for plant growth and important components of the plant body—are mainly transferred and exchanged between plants and the soil environment. Changes in the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus eco-stoichiometry greatly impact the growth and expansion of Spartina alterniflora, and understanding these changes can reveal the nutrient coordination mechanism among ecosystem components. To explore the relationship between leaf and soil eco-stoichiometry and determine the key soil factors that affect leaf eco-stoichiometry, we collected leaf and soil samples of S. alterniflora at different tidal levels (i.e., 1, 3, and 5 km away from the coastline) in a coastal wetland in the Yancheng Elk Nature Reserve, Jiangsu province. We measured the leaf and soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus contents and ratios, as well as the soil salinity and soil organic carbon. The results revealed the following. (1) The leaf stoichiometric characteristics and soil properties of S. alterniflora differed significantly between tidal levels; for example, total carbon, nitrogen, soil organic carbon were detected at their highest levels at 3 km and lowest levels at 5 km. (2) Significant correlations were detected between the leaf stoichiometric characteristics and soil characteristics. Additionally, nitrogen limitation was evident in the study area, as indicated by the nitrogen–phosphorus ratio being less than 14 and the soil nitrogen–phosphorus ratio being less than 1. (3) Soil salinity and the soil carbon–nitrogen ratio were shown to be the key factors that affect the eco-stoichiometric characteristics of S. alterniflora. These findings furthered our understanding of the nutrient distribution mechanisms and invasion strategy of S. alterniflora and can thus be used to guide S. alterniflora control policies formulated by government management departments in China

    Nanodrug Transmembrane Transport Research Based on Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

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    Although conventional fluorescence intensity imaging can be used to qualitatively study the drug toxicity of nanodrug carrier systems at the single-cell level, it has limitations for studying nanodrug transport across membranes. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) can provide quantitative information on nanodrug concentration and diffusion in a small area of the cell membrane; thus, it is an ideal tool for studying drug transport across the membrane. In this paper, the FCS method was used to measure the diffusion coefficients and concentrations of carbon dots (CDs), doxorubicin (DOX) and CDs-DOX composites in living cells (COS7 and U2OS) for the first time. The drug concentration and diffusion coefficient in living cells determined by FCS measurements indicated that the CDs-DOX composite distinctively improved the transmembrane efficiency and rate of drug molecules, in accordance with the conclusions drawn from the fluorescence imaging results. Furthermore, the effects of pH values and ATP concentrations on drug transport across the membrane were also studied. Compared with free DOX under acidic conditions, the CDs-DOX complex has higher cellular uptake and better transmembrane efficacy in U2OS cells. Additionally, high concentrations of ATP will cause negative changes in cell membrane permeability, which will hinder the transmembrane transport of CDs and DOX and delay the rapid diffusion of CDs-DOX. The results of this study show that the FCS method can be utilized as a powerful tool for studying the expansion and transport of nanodrugs in living cells, and might provide a new drug exploitation strategy for cancer treatment in vivo