37 research outputs found

    Regularized brain reading with shrinkage and smoothing

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    Functional neuroimaging measures how the brain responds to complex stimuli. However, sample sizes are modest, noise is substantial, and stimuli are high dimensional. Hence, direct estimates are inherently imprecise and call for regularization. We compare a suite of approaches which regularize via shrinkage: ridge regression, the elastic net (a generalization of ridge regression and the lasso), and a hierarchical Bayesian model based on small area estimation (SAE). We contrast regularization with spatial smoothing and combinations of smoothing and shrinkage. All methods are tested on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from multiple subjects participating in two different experiments related to reading, for both predicting neural response to stimuli and decoding stimuli from responses. Interestingly, when the regularization parameters are chosen by cross-validation independently for every voxel, low/high regularization is chosen in voxels where the classification accuracy is high/low, indicating that the regularization intensity is a good tool for identification of relevant voxels for the cognitive task. Surprisingly, all the regularization methods work about equally well, suggesting that beating basic smoothing and shrinkage will take not only clever methods, but also careful modeling.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOAS837 in the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Brain Diffusion for Visual Exploration: Cortical Discovery using Large Scale Generative Models

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    A long standing goal in neuroscience has been to elucidate the functional organization of the brain. Within higher visual cortex, functional accounts have remained relatively coarse, focusing on regions of interest (ROIs) and taking the form of selectivity for broad categories such as faces, places, bodies, food, or words. Because the identification of such ROIs has typically relied on manually assembled stimulus sets consisting of isolated objects in non-ecological contexts, exploring functional organization without robust a priori hypotheses has been challenging. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a data-driven approach in which we synthesize images predicted to activate a given brain region using paired natural images and fMRI recordings, bypassing the need for category-specific stimuli. Our approach -- Brain Diffusion for Visual Exploration ("BrainDiVE") -- builds on recent generative methods by combining large-scale diffusion models with brain-guided image synthesis. Validating our method, we demonstrate the ability to synthesize preferred images with appropriate semantic specificity for well-characterized category-selective ROIs. We then show that BrainDiVE can characterize differences between ROIs selective for the same high-level category. Finally we identify novel functional subdivisions within these ROIs, validated with behavioral data. These results advance our understanding of the fine-grained functional organization of human visual cortex, and provide well-specified constraints for further examination of cortical organization using hypothesis-driven methods.Comment: NeurIPS 2023 (Oral). Project page: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~afluo/BrainDiVE

    Divergences between Language Models and Human Brains

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    Do machines and humans process language in similar ways? Recent research has hinted in the affirmative, finding that brain signals can be effectively predicted using the internal representations of language models (LMs). Although such results are thought to reflect shared computational principles between LMs and human brains, there are also clear differences in how LMs and humans represent and use language. In this work, we systematically explore the divergences between human and machine language processing by examining the differences between LM representations and human brain responses to language as measured by Magnetoencephalography (MEG) across two datasets in which subjects read and listened to narrative stories. Using a data-driven approach, we identify two domains that are not captured well by LMs: social/emotional intelligence and physical commonsense. We then validate these domains with human behavioral experiments and show that fine-tuning LMs on these domains can improve their alignment with human brain responses

    BrainSCUBA: Fine-Grained Natural Language Captions of Visual Cortex Selectivity

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    Understanding the functional organization of higher visual cortex is a central focus in neuroscience. Past studies have primarily mapped the visual and semantic selectivity of neural populations using hand-selected stimuli, which may potentially bias results towards pre-existing hypotheses of visual cortex functionality. Moving beyond conventional approaches, we introduce a data-driven method that generates natural language descriptions for images predicted to maximally activate individual voxels of interest. Our method -- Semantic Captioning Using Brain Alignments ("BrainSCUBA") -- builds upon the rich embedding space learned by a contrastive vision-language model and utilizes a pre-trained large language model to generate interpretable captions. We validate our method through fine-grained voxel-level captioning across higher-order visual regions. We further perform text-conditioned image synthesis with the captions, and show that our images are semantically coherent and yield high predicted activations. Finally, to demonstrate how our method enables scientific discovery, we perform exploratory investigations on the distribution of "person" representations in the brain, and discover fine-grained semantic selectivity in body-selective areas. Unlike earlier studies that decode text, our method derives voxel-wise captions of semantic selectivity. Our results show that BrainSCUBA is a promising means for understanding functional preferences in the brain, and provides motivation for further hypothesis-driven investigation of visual cortex

    Abstracts of the 2014 Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer School

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    A compilation of abstracts from the student projects of the 2014 Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer School, held at Woods Hole Marine Biological Lab, May 29 - June 12, 2014.This work was supported by the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), funded by NSF STC award CCF-1231216

    Decoding Brain Activity Associated with Literal and Metaphoric Sentence Comprehension Using Distributional Semantic Models

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    Recent years have seen a growing interest within the natural language processing (NLP)community in evaluating the ability of semantic models to capture human meaning representation in the brain. Existing research has mainly focused on applying semantic models to de-code brain activity patterns associated with the meaning of individual words, and, more recently, this approach has been extended to sentences and larger text fragments. Our work is the first to investigate metaphor process-ing in the brain in this context. We evaluate a range of semantic models (word embeddings, compositional, and visual models) in their ability to decode brain activity associated with reading of both literal and metaphoric sentences. Our results suggest that compositional models and word embeddings are able to capture differences in the processing of literal and metaphoric sentences, providing sup-port for the idea that the literal meaning is not fully accessible during familiar metaphor comprehension

    The Time and Location of Natural Reading Processes in the Brain

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    <p>How is information organized in the brain during natural reading? Where and when do the required processes occur, such as the perception of individual words and the construction of sentence meanings. How are semantics, syntax and higher-level narrative structure represented? Answering these questions is core to understanding how the brain processes language and organizes complex information. However, due to the complexity of language processing, most brain imaging studies focus only on one of these questions using highly controlled stimuli which may not generalize beyond the experimental setting. This thesis proposes an alternative framework to study language processing. We acquire data using a naturalistic reading paradigm, annotate the presented text using natural language processing tools and predict brain activity with machine learning techniques. Finally, statistical testing is used to form rigorous conclusions. We also suggest the use of direct non-parametric hypothesis tests that do not rely on any model assumptions, and therefore do not suffer from model misspecification. Using our framework, we construct a brain reading map from functional magnetic resonance imaging data of subjects reading a chapter of a popular book. This map represents regions that our model reveals to be representing syntactic, semantic, visual and narrative information. Using this single experiment, our approach replicates many results from a wide range of classical studies that each focus on one aspect of language processing. We extend our brain reading map to include temporal dynamics as well as spatial information by using magnetoencephalography. We obtain a spatio-temporal picture of how successive words are processed by the brain. We show the progressive perception of each word in a posterior to anterior fashion. For each region along this pathway we show a differentiation of the word properties that best explain its activity.</p

    Interpreting and improving natural-language processing (in machines) with natural language-processing (in the brain)

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    Neural network models for NLP are typically implemented without the explicit encoding of language rules and yet they are able to break one performance record after another. Despite much work, it is still unclear what the representations learned by these networks correspond to. We propose here a novel approach for interpreting neural networks that relies on the only processing system we have that does understand language: the human brain. We use brain imaging recordings of subjects reading complex natural text to interpret word and sequence embeddings from 4 recent NLP models - ELMo, USE, BERT and Transformer-XL. We study how their representations differ across layer depth, context length, and attention type. Our results reveal differences in the context-related representations across these models. Further, in the transformer models, we find an interaction between layer depth and context length, and between layer depth and attention type. We finally use the insights from the attention experiments to alter BERT: we remove the learned attention at shallow layers, and show that this manipulation improves performance on a wide range of syntactic tasks. Cognitive neuroscientists have already begun using NLP networks to study the brain, and this work closes the loop to allow the interaction between NLP and cognitive neuroscience to be a true cross-pollination

    Inducing brain-relevant bias in natural language processing models

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    Progress in natural language processing (NLP) models that estimate representations of word sequences has recently been leveraged to improve the understanding of language processing in the brain. However, these models have not been specifically designed to capture the way the brain represents language meaning. We hypothesize that fine-tuning these models to predict recordings of brain activity of people reading text will lead to representations that encode more brain-activity-relevant language information. We demonstrate that a version of BERT, a recently introduced and powerful language model, can improve the prediction of brain activity after fine-tuning. We show that the relationship between language and brain activity learned by BERT during this fine-tuning transfers across multiple participants. We also show that, for some participants, the fine-tuned representations learned from both magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are better for predicting fMRI than the representations learned from fMRI alone, indicating that the learned representations capture brain-activity-relevant information that is not simply an artifact of the modality. While changes to language representations help the model predict brain activity, they also do not harm the model's ability to perform downstream NLP tasks. Our findings are notable for research on language understanding in the brain