3 research outputs found

    Coherent spin-exchange via a quantum mediator

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    Coherent interactions at a distance provide a powerful tool for quantum simulation and computation. The most common approach to realize an effective long-distance coupling on-chip' is to use a quantum mediator, as has been demonstrated for superconducting qubits and trapped ions. For quantum dot arrays, which combine a high degree of tunability with extremely long coherence times, the experimental demonstration of the time evolution of coherent spin-spin coupling via an intermediary system remains an important outstanding goal. Here, we use a linear triple-quantum-dot array to demonstrate a coherent time evolution of two interacting distant spins via a quantum mediator. The two outer dots are occupied with a single electron spin each, and the spins experience a superexchange interaction through the empty middle dot, which acts as mediator. Using single-shot spin readout, we measure the coherent time evolution of the spin states on the outer dots and observe a characteristic dependence of the exchange frequency as a function of the detuning between the middle and outer dots. This approach may provide a new route for scaling up spin qubit circuits using quantum dots, and aid in the simulation of materials and molecules with non-nearest-neighbour couplings such as MnO (ref. 27), high-temperature superconductors and DNA. The same superexchange concept can also be applied in cold atom experiments.Accepted Author ManuscriptQCD/Vandersypen LabQuTec

    Electron cascade for distant spin readout

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    The spin of a single electron in a semiconductor quantum dot provides a well-controlled and long-lived qubit implementation. The electron charge in turn allows control of the position of individual electrons in a quantum dot array, and enables charge sensors to probe the charge configuration. Here we show that the Coulomb repulsion allows an initial charge transition to induce subsequent charge transitions, inducing a cascade of electron hops, like toppling dominoes. A cascade can transmit information along a quantum dot array over a distance that extends by far the effect of the direct Coulomb repulsion. We demonstrate that a cascade of electrons can be combined with Pauli spin blockade to read out distant spins and show results with potential for high fidelity using a remote charge sensor in a quadruple quantum dot device. We implement and analyse several operating modes for cascades and analyse their scaling behaviour. We also discuss the application of cascade-based spin readout to densely-packed two-dimensional quantum dot arrays with charge sensors placed at the periphery. The high connectivity of such arrays greatly improves the capabilities of quantum dot systems for quantum computation and simulation.QCD/Vandersypen LabQuTechQN/Vandersypen La

    Mesoscopic Elastic Distortions in GaAs Quantum Dot Heterostructures

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    Quantum devices formed in high-electron-mobility semiconductor heterostructures provide a route through which quantum mechanical effects can be exploited on length scales accessible to lithography and integrated electronics. The electrostatic definition of quantum dots in semiconductor heterostructure devices intrinsically involves the lithographic fabrication of intricate patterns of metallic electrodes. The formation of metal/semiconductor interfaces, growth processes associated with polycrystalline metallic layers, and differential thermal expansion produce elastic distortion in the active areas of quantum devices. Understanding and controlling these distortions present a significant challenge in quantum device development. We report synchrotron X-ray nanodiffraction measurements combined with dynamical X-ray diffraction modeling that reveal lattice tilts with a depth-averaged value up to 0.04° and strain on the order of 10-4 in the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. Elastic distortions in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures modify the potential energy landscape in the 2DEG due to the generation of a deformation potential and an electric field through the piezoelectric effect. The stress induced by metal electrodes directly impacts the ability to control the positions of the potential minima where quantum dots form and the coupling between neighboring quantum dots.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.QCD/Vandersypen LabQuTechQN/Vandersypen La