5 research outputs found


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    Pengaturan switching PV-Inverter umumnya menggunakan metode lebar pulsa/ Pulse Width Modulation(PWM).Kontrol switching PWM Unipolar dapat diterapkan pada proses switching inverter dengan menggunakan dua sinyal kontrol sinusoidal yang berbalik fasa dan satu sinyal carrier triangular. Penelitian tugas akhir ini mengkaji bagaimana menerapkan metode kontrol switching PWM Unipolar pada PV-Inverter dengan melakukan pengontrolan nilai amplitudo sinyal kontrol pada proses pembentukan PWM berdasarkan hasil tracking MPP. Perubahan nilai amplitudo sinyal kontrol akan menentukan perubahan lebar pulsa pada hasil modulasi dan juga pada hasil keluaran PV-Inverter.Dengan menggunakan MATLAB/Simulink diperoleh variasi lebar pulsa PWM dan lebar tegangan kotak keluaran PV-Inverter antara amplitudo sinyal kontrol 0,2 volt yang kemudian diperbesar menjadi 0,8 volt. Penggunaan metode PWM Unipolar akan mengurangi tekanan atau stress tegangan pada komponen/alat. Hal tersebut dikarenakan tegangan keluaran PV-Inverter yang menggunaka metode PWM Unipolar berupa sinyal kotak pulsa yang bergantian pada polaritas positif dan negatif. Sehingga pada saat tegangan berpolaritas positif (setengah gelombang positif) tegangan kotak bernilai berkisar antara 0 sampai Vmax, dan sebaliknya pada saat tegangan berpolaritas negatif (setengah gelombang negatif)tegangan kotak berkisar antara 0 sampai –Vmax


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    Perkawinan dengan keris merupakan sebuah perkawinan yang dilangsungkan dimana pihak pria digantikan atau disimbolisasikan sebagai purusa di Bali. Sehungan dengan hal itu, penelitian ini meneliti tata cara pelaksanaan kawin keris di Desa Adat Beratan Samayaji dan implementasi Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 dalam pelaksanaan kawin keris di Desa Adat Beratan Samayaji. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris, bersifat deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen dan wawancara. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan upacara kawin keris di Desa Adat Beratan Samayaji adalah (1) Masadok, (2) Mamadik, (3) Mabyakala, (4) Majaya-jaya, dan (5) Majauman. Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 dalam pelaksanaan kawin keris di Desa Adat Beratan Samayaji dapat terimplementasi. Syarat-sayarat dan tujuan perkawinan dapat dipenuhi. Kawin keris merupakan solusi agar upacara perkawinannya dapat disahkan, secara adat dan agama di Desa Beratan Samayaji, dengan demikian status dan kedudukan pengantin perempuan menjadi jelas. Pengantin perempuan berstatus sebagai istri yang sah sebagai pradana, berhak atas hak-hak sebagai istri dan mendapat perlindungan secara adat baik di lingkungan pauman, banjar maupun Desa Adat Beratan Samiyaji. Demikian pula anak yang dilahirkan atas perkawinannya itu, termasuk anak yang sah dan berhak atas warisan yang patut diterimanya sesuai ketentuan hukum

    The Role of Government, Social Capital And Entrepreneurial Orientation To Export Performance of Craft SME at Bali Province

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    Small medium enterprises (SMEs) is an artery of the national or regional economy. SMEs in Indonesia has been able to donate foreign exchange through exports. Bali is one of the tourist destination of the world that has the potential of natural beauty and unique value in the form of cultural uniqueness. Handicraft industry is one of the main sectors that support tourism in Bali. The performance of SMEs is also determined by the aspect of Government policy, social aspects of culture and economy. The current SME, particularly SME craft in Bali province, which has an export permit has to face up to the challenges of trade liberalisation. To face the challenges of trade liberalisation, the perpetrators of the SMEs need to have entrepreneurial orientation and a strong social capital. The purpose of this research is to analyze: (1) the influence of the Government's role orientation towards entrepreneurship; (2) the influence of the role of Government against the export performance; (3) the influence of social capital on the entrepreneurial orientation; (4) the influence of the role of Government against the export performance; (5) the influence of the entrepreneurial orientation towards export performance; (6) the entrepreneurial orientation in mediate the influence of Government's role in the export performance; and (7) the entrepreneurial orientation in mediate the influence of social capital on performance of SME export Handicrafts in Bali province. The data analysis was done with the method of SEM-PLS. Results of the research and analysis of the data show that the role of the Government is a positive and significant effect directly against the entrepreneurial orientation, but the effect is not significantly to SME export performance craft in the province of Bali. Social capital is a positive and significant effect directly against the orientation of entrepreneurship and SMEs export performance craft in the province of Bali. Entrepreneurial orientation in the mediated role of Government against the export performance was also significant, with the influential nature of pure mediation. Entrepreneurial orientation also mediate the relationship of social capital against SMEs export performance craft in the province of Bali significantly with partial mediation. The Government of the need to optimise the development of entrepreneurship education, as well as provide training in entrepreneurship for the perpetrators of the SMEs. Perpetrators of SMEs also need to develop social capital, considering social capital will open opportunities and a better share of the market for SMEs. Keywords: the role of government, social capital, Entrepreneurial orientation, export performanc

    Primates in peril: the significance of Brazil, Madagascar, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for global primate conservation

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    Primates occur in 90 countries, but four—Brazil, Madagascar, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)—harbor 65% of the world’s primate species (439) and 60% of these primates are Threatened, Endangered, or Critically Endangered (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017-3). Considering their importance for global primate conservation, we examine the anthropogenic pressures each country is facing that place their primate populations at risk. Habitat loss and fragmentation are main threats to primates in Brazil, Madagascar, and Indonesia. However, in DRC hunting for the commercial bushmeat trade is the primary threat. Encroachment on primate habitats driven by local and global market demands for food and non-food commodities hunting, illegal trade, the proliferation of invasive species, and human and domestic-animal borne infectious diseases cause habitat loss, population declines, and extirpation. Modeling agricultural expansion in the 21st century for the four countries under a worst-case-scenario, showed a primate range contraction of 78% for Brazil, 72% for Indonesia, 62% for Madagascar, and 32% for DRC. These pressures unfold in the context of expanding human populations with low levels of development. Weak governance across these four countries may limit effective primate conservation planning. We examine landscape and local approaches to effective primate conservation policies and assess the distribution of protected areas and primates in each country. Primates in Brazil and Madagascar have 38% of their range inside protected areas, 17% in Indonesia and 14% in DRC, suggesting that the great majority of primate populations remain vulnerable. We list the key challenges faced by the four countries to avert primate extinctions now and in the future. In the short term, effective law enforcement to stop illegal hunting and illegal forest destruction is absolutely key. Long-term success can only be achieved by focusing local and global public awareness, and actively engaging with international organizations, multinational businesses and consumer nations to reduce unsustainable demands on the environment. Finally, the four primate range countries need to ensure that integrated, sustainable land-use planning for economic development includes the maintenance of biodiversity and intact, functional natural ecosystems


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    One way to conduct vulnerability analysis on websites as a preventive control is by scanning.  The method used is applied research, focusing on analyzing the results of evaluation to provide information as input or to make certain decisions depending on the urgency of the objectives. Technically, this study will be carried out using 3 main stages of the process, namely determining project boundaries, implementing scanning on the website and analyzing the results of scanning that has been carried out. Scanning is done using XSpear, PwnXSS, XSScon and Acunetix Acuart software as the target website in testing. The scanning process on the Acunetix Acuart website based on the Kali Linux OS went well and resulted in the discovery of weaknesses or vulnerabilities.  XSpear found 24 data vulnerabilities, PwnXSS found 45 data vulnerabilities, while XSSCon found 44 data vulnerabilities.Salah satu cara untuk melakukan analisis kerentanan pada website sebagai kontrol preventif adalah dengan cara scanning. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian terapan, dengan fokus pada analisis hasil evaluasi untuk memberikan informasi sebagai masukan atau untuk mengambil keputusan tertentu tergantung urgensi tujuan. Secara teknis, studi ini akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan 3 tahapan utama proses, yaitu menentukan batasan proyek, implementasi scanning pada website dan menganalisis hasil dari scanning yang telah dilakukan. Scanning dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak XSpear, PwnXSS, XSScon dan Acunetix Acuart sebagai target website dalam testing. Proses scanning pada website Acunetix Acuart berbasis pada OS Kali Linux berjalan dengan baik dan menghasilkan penemuan kelemahan atau kerentanan. XSpear menemukan 24 kerentanan data, PwnXSS menemukan 45 kerentanan data, sedangkan XSSCon menemukan 44 kerentanan data. &nbsp